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Everything posted by Salt

  1. Whether or not he should of changed the name the ban was way too severe. Should of at most been a couple hour temp ban and then talked to a divleader about, if that. Probably should of just talked to a higher up to begin with. +1 to unban
  2. @@McNeo did a great fix for that. I don't have the link, but I can vouch for using it. It fixed all my problems. Round of applause for McNeo. Just search for Hat Errors in the search and it will pop up.
  3. LMAO. I play LoL. My elo is shit. Anyone need a duos partner :3 I'm not active enoughin the xG LoL section to make a choice of who to be divleader, but I always see ATLEAST 5 people in the LoL TS so +1 to the idea of a div leader.
  4. Glad to see that you stayed interested and did what it took to get better. Decision: +1 Maturity:7/10 Activity:8/10
  5. -1 i love the part with "i've read the motd 4 times." Hope your eyes don't hurt after reading it soooooOOOoooo000OOoooo much.
  6. Funny guy, and for people bitching about him wearing the tags if no one told him that he wasn't in the clan and he's been doing it for so long then I think that's more our fault then his. @@Charrax stop being butthurt. It was an accident not worth a minus 1. Decision: +1 Maturity: 7/10 Activity: 7/10
  7. Good guy. Been around a LONG time. Decision: +1 Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 7/10
  8. +1? I mean this is kind of a rule already atleast for surprise trivia its already known you have to type the prize in ct chat.
  9. I wuz like where dis niqqa be
  10. Salt

    Duckii Jr.

    Duckii didn't even know he was dead. Attempting to ghost. /unclosethread
  11. Bullshit. Write a paragraph trying to get everyone to feel sorry for you then troll silence. What a surprise.
  12. +1 We have plenty of mods that if they mass freekill again we can perma ban them again. It's more pop and they can only harm for one round
  13. Salt

    Final for Math

    You guys are still in school? Holy shit. I got out like over a month ago.
  14. Cannot begin to say how jealous I am. I'm Ragin.
  15. This is what mod apps are for... /facepalm
  16. Salt

    Teamspeak problems.

    Are you sure you are using the right version? It's TS3 and make sure you didn't download the server thing instead of the client. Also if you haven't reinstalled yet then try that, but I assume you have.
  17. Scrims and plays minecraft. Mature for his age and good addition. Activity: 8/10 Maturity:8/10 Decision: +1
  18. Holy shit you dug deep for this gravedig.
  19. You make factions (Guilds/Clans) and claim land. The amount of land you can claim is based on your guilds pool of power that is gained from the amount of power each individual member has. You then war with other factions for their land or just to destroy them, but to claim/build/destroy on their land you have to have a higher power than theirs. Power can be lowered by dying so fighting players in other faction is a good way to lower their power thus take their land. Thats pretty much in a nutshell.
  20. *************WORK IN PROGRESS************* GRIEFING Griefing is ALLOWED. NO EXCEPTIONS Do not expect any mods or admins to protect you from griefing. This is a faction server and your stuff will be destroyed if you do not protect it. If you are getting griefed then it is your personal problem and you need to find a way to fix it. If it's getting help from friends or something then do it. Do what it takes to get back your land. Don't take it personally and have fun. Hacking/Third Party Tools Strict no tolerance policy. If you are caught then you will be banned from the Factions sever. The server is supposed to be fun for ALL and hacking does not make it fun for those who are getting steamrolled by a hacker. If you think someone is hacking then you need to get some form of proof. Disrepect/Slander Disrepecting is not going to be tolerated. There is a difference between you and a friend joking around with you each other and you verbally assaulting someone. Don't do it. You will be kicked/temp banned/perma banned if caught doing it. Another part of disrespect is slandering. If you think a person is hacking then you need to get proof and post it on the forums. You getting killed because you were outplayed/outgeared is not a hack. Get proof post it on the forums. Do not spam chat with "_______ is a hacker." Just because he is killing you does not make him a hacker. And if he is killing you and you know he is not hacking you still cannot berate him with insults. Less QQ and more pew pew. Don't sit and bitch about or at the person that killed you. Excessively doing this will result in a kick/temp ban/perma ban. Have fun and be competitive without being disrespectful to others. Advertising/Spamming No Advertising is allowed. This goes for everything from other sites/servers to Mod Apps or Apps join xG. NO ADVERTISEMENT OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED. Kick/Temp Ban/Perma Ban. Do not spam chat with anything. You will be warned but if you continue to spam then it will result in kick/temp ban/perma ban. So I've been working on this for 30 minutes and getting tired (have work tomorrow) so I'll add the rest tomorrow and stuff. This still needs approval from @@silence @Aegean!and is not official until then. Plugin commands will be added and again this will all be done ASAP. If you see anything that you think needs to be added then feel free to commit. I welcome help with open arms and forget lots of things until it is in the moment. I don't want to be adding rules out of the blue and want the full list of rules to be done before the server goes live. Please add your suggestions so that I can add them to the Rules.
  21. Leave comments of the times that would be best for launch for you. If all weekend works for you then comment that please. :)
  22. The factions server is almost near completion. I'm making sure everything is working, but before live I would like everyones input for what they would like or not. I make no promises as to what you individually want will be added, but I do promise to consider it and give a response as to why or why not. (Really going to regret saying that, but whatever.) I want to set a date and time for when I will let the server go live so that everyone has a fair chance to claim land and mine. Right now I am thinking of Saturday or possibly late afternoon Friday. Again input on times would be helpful. Also, this being a factions server what really makes it fun is the constant warring. I'd really appreciate it if we tried not to make an "All XG" clan or something that would have too much power and could steamroll everyone else. Everyone can be friends and I don't want people to get mad because one xG person attacked another's castle/home/base/crackhouse. It's supposed to be fun so take the hits and find a way to hit back. Again post any suggestions and I will consider them. I am going to make a second post right after this one asking for COMMENTS on times. I want to try and work the launch so the maximum amount of people can start at the same time. For you that have the server info I am going to be shutting down the server everytime I am not working on it as to give everyone a fair chance. I myself haven't even traveled far out of the spawn, but I will say that I can see a mine off in the distance. Should make for an interesting launch.
  23. Recently In-House scriming has seem to become quite popular among the xG community. The only problem is that we seem to have troubles finding people with the admin powers to host it. People constantly have to go ask Trif and Billy Mays if they want to scrim just because we need them to host it. I hate to be a burden on them and I don't see it being too much of an issue to give a couple more people admin powers on the scrim server. It could even be the #2 scrim server just incase the main xG scrim team is doing a non-inhouse scrim. I am having a lot of doing scrims and I think others are too. Just thought it'd be nice if we could do it without having to burden some of the scrim admins.