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Everything posted by Salt

  1. You seriously thought you could get a girl pregnant from this? Don't they do sex ed in your school............................. It's not exactly the easiest thing to get someone pregnant.
  2. Salt


    Aegean left. Silence got rid of him with the rest of the trolls like yours truly.
  3. Salt


    Don't worry you're still a dumbass. It is still 12. PEMDAS is for order of operations. Your logic is flawed and the parentheses stay and the answer is still 12. The only time you do the multiplying across the entire parentheses is when there is a variable like "x". How people tie their own shoes in the morning still amazes me.
  4. Start getting the stroller and crib cuz that bitch is definitely pregnant.
  5. Salt

    I'm done.

    give this man a nude.
  6. Glad we got rid of the trolls in xG.
  7. The classic post of trying to discredit your opponent when he makes valid points. *golf clap*
  8. If this didn't happen that long ago then you should still have the logs from teamspeak. Just scroll through and take screenshots. I don't get why you, Chrono, would ban or kick them for anything if they weren't annoying anyone but you. Just leave the channel or tinychat because clearly everyone else is fine with it. It's not like you were getting complaints or anything but instead you wanted to stroke your e-penis and clearly just ruin their fun for no reason at all.
  9. What times do you see people? I would like an appointment.
  10. I mean your avatar is a dead giveaway.
  11. Salt

    Calculus Help

    Inflections at: -.5, .5 Max: Infinity or 0 depending on if they are asking for Local Max Min: -3, same if it's local Min Increasing from (-1, 0) Decreasing from (0,1) Increasing from (1, 2] Concave Down (-.5, .5) Concave Up (.5, 2) This is all I remember from Business Calc from over a year ago so yolo.
  12. I have never seen JayBreeze abuse in my life. He's a saint and every admin should follow in his footsteps.
  13. You talk about getting rid of trolling and you've posted this on most of the leaving threads. Cuz Fuck Logic right? Instead of writing a mature response, you do this shit. I applaud you for continuing to troll after you apparently got rid of all the trolls.
  14. Your accomplishments will not be forgotten.
  15. With all the force of a Great Typhoon.
  16. Salt


    Glad that silence got rid of the trolls.
  17. Salt


    Bye. Sorry for being such a troll.
  18. This is really just starting to turn into a fight and I'd rather get other people's opinions. @@whitestar and @@Dr.Octagonapus you guys are clearly not going to agree so please just wait until someone else posts because this is nearly 4 pages of you guys going back and forth. If this continues I'm just going to close it and the only people that are going to be able to post are the people that can unlock the thread, but I'd rather allow the rest of the community to weigh in.
  19. It wouldn't make any sense that Last CT would let you out of ISO once Last CT has been going on unless it was the beginning. Then a T would just run in ISO and pretend he didn't know how to open the door and say "Last CT come let me out and you can't kill me until I get a chance to run away." The rule is there for days when Last CT happens and the Ts were put into a spot where they stand no chance of running away and the CT could just spray the door and no one could escape. I do not see this as abuse but rather a lack of communication from the Moderator to the person that was slayed. Like I said @@whitestar just needs to be more vocal about why he slayed. I watched the whole demo and I didn't really see anything that was useful. This is how I see it and I've told serbian that he should take a look at it and we'll see what he thinks, but from the proof I was given. I don't see this as abuse. @@McNeo You are normally right on these things but you also always seem to have good proof. The proof that was given is what led me to this conclusion.
  20. If you ran into Iso after Last CT started and got yourself stuck then the CT doesn't have to let you out. He can just come and kill you. If Last CT starts and the terrorists were put into ISO by the warden then the Last CT must let them out. If you were rebelling and got yourself stuck in ISO before last CT and don't know how to get out you better try and get a fellow terrorist to let you out or figure out the secret button because that isn't the Last CT's job. Whitestar give warnings next time via @@ personal messages. This wasn't abuse though. I'm leaving this open for another day just in case there is more evidence or I misunderstood, but if this starts to turn into a flame war then it will be immediately closed and possible action could be taken against the person who starts it.
  21. Salt


    Because everything we've banned from the United States never makes it in ever. EVER.
  22. Salt

    I'm gay

    Dead men tell no tale.
  23. Salt

    Community Game Night

    Yeah I go to Florida State University and live in Orlando. My last test is at 3-5 so I'm leaving to get home after that. Overall, I think the community night was a success and thanks everyone for coming out. We will try and do something again and this time it definitely will not be minigames because @@Klure just gets all the credits. No lifer :p We'll try and get some more over Christmas break and hopefully there will be a lot of activity as everyone should have more time. I myself am going out of town on the 23rd for a couple days over Christmas so maybe another Division Manager could run one on Jailbreak or something. @@Mark @@HaaDron I know we don't talk a lot, but feel free to always pop in a channel I'm in and I'm almost always down to try and put something together and so is @Link_. So if you have any ideas for future things to do for another Community Night just let us know. Once again, Thanks for everyone that came tonight. I had a lot of fun.