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Everything posted by Salt

  1. You do realize an IQ doesn't really have anything to do with schooling but rather test you're aptitude to intake information. More or less you are born with your IQ and it's pretty much going to stay that way forever...
  2. I'd like to enter the raffle for Natural Selection 2! Looks kewl.
  3. Every fiber of my being is telling me to not click either of those links. Welp, YOLO.
  4. Salt

    Amanda Todd

    I can't tell if you live in Siberia or under a rock. Amanda Todd suicided. Good day.
  5. Still a better love story than Twilight
  6. He passed it because he thought you were spamming and to be honest it was close enough that it was a believable reason. It's not like he was the only one that thought you were spamming.
  7. I mean his video definitely shows that he's not spamming, but rather hitting the button perfectly. Although this is only one time that it shows OJ passing it so who cares. Also I've seen Ts mic carry through a round for a split second many times. I mean what do you want as punishment for something so minor...
  8. Salt


    Gravedigging is an art.
  9. Salt

    Election 2012

    Dear God why did you bring the election to the Forums... Find shelter
  10. [ATTACH]3610.vB[/ATTACH] You going to make time to watch this? Azns are going to lose.
  11. You haven't been in the clan for even a month and getting denied a week ago doesn't mean you should make a post 5 days later.. And Starbuck's saying a week isn't long enough for the community to have seen how you've changed for the better to earn moderator. It's easy to be nice to everyone for a week so that they'll +1 your app.
  12. I can tell we are dealing with an intelligent individual here. This will definitely be a battle of the wits.
  13. Salt

    Terminal illness

    Brazzers subscription and double my rate of fapping.
  14. Demos don't record your own voice chat. Never have, never will.
  15. The post shows Ganjamonster being killed by DMTWired who is clearly a CT because he takes warden after you "suicide." So Ganja was clearly not a CT and that buttonspam seems to provide proof that he was most likely in VIP cell like he says he was. The only one who seemed to wrong you here was DMTWired who seems to have been the person who opened cells. Although Ganja, maybe if you weren't such a cunt to every person on the server then just maybe the amount of abuse threads on you would decrease...drastically. Congratulations on not abusing. And for the record, I "loled" when I saw another abuse thread on you because you think you would finally take a hint of not being such a douchebag.
  16. That was definitely clear enough to read. If you are going to insult anyone that is against you then you might as well leave this thread and ask for a close because I really don't think you are going to get sympathy by fighting every person's opinion. You need to show some respect if you want to get some.
  17. The scrim server won't allow you to change your name if you do it so many times while in the server.
  18. Salt

    Fast Food

    idk why they don't but this pissed me off because on my 10 minute break when I was working one day, I drove over to one cause I was starving and found out there was no breakfast....................................... :*(
  19. [ATTACH]3585.vB[/ATTACH]
  20. What if he's so good that he made it look like it was someone from Columbia.
  21. Salt

    Dota 2 Division

    I burned myself out on dota 2 in like 3 months.. its fun, but valve got so slow with releasing the heroes that it got boring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldq1afiKQb8 Dendi's battle cry in the bottom left makes me jizz.
  22. Other is one of the choices for banning a disconnect player so probably, but @@Nighty was the one who banned him so he can probably shed some light.