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Everything posted by Salt

  1. Everyone above has stated the reasons and this seems more like a personal vendetta than anything else seeing as you took video over 3 different maps. Getting really tired of seeing xG members at each others' throats.
  2. Salt

    Community Game Night

    I was hoping for tonight (Thursday). I got an exam on friday then I'm driving 4 hours back home after that.
  3. Salt

    Bye Bye.

    Wait you have a house? Mind. Blown.
  4. This may be late notice and everything and might not workout with people having to study for exams and stuff, but I feel that we should start doing things more as a community as a whole. I think a great to start that would be a Community Game Night where we all tried to get on a small free game or one of our servers and do fun things. The first one will be tomorrow at 7pm EST on the Minigames server and @Link_ will be doing Credit Giveaways for winners of rounds and possibly other things. This is pretty much a big Operation: Populate Minigames, but with a little bit more notice and I hope that a good amount of people will show up. It's a fun and easy way to get credits and a fully populated minigames server is a FUN minigames server. For the next one, I was thinking of doing a game night of Realm of the Mad God. Some of you may of heard of it, but if not that's fine. It's a free game on Steam with an extremely small download and the game is extremely fun if you have a good amount of friends. The servers don't really have a cap on the amount of people that can be in them and the game thrives off big groups of people working together. I think it would be a fun thing for xG to do. Future ones could possibly be a Terraria night where someone hosts a server. I know the games not free, but looking at my friends klist many of you have it anyways and if not it's relatively cheap. So hopefully we can start making this a thing and if you have a game that's free and not that big of a file feel free to suggest. The best kinds of games would be ones with no caps on server amounts or if so a very large cap. We could do some special things on Minecraft if @@Deodate and @@Microsoft want to come up with something with special rewards or something of some kind. Maybe like a building contest to see who can build the best whatever thing in a certain amount of time or an adventure scavenger hunt. Whatever you guys want to do, but the main idea is that we are doing things as a community. Like I said I hope this brings the community together more and lets people have more fun with more people. I know this is a giant wall of text, but I thought it'd be fun if we started doing stuff together and if the fails... So be it. At least I tried I guess. I just don't like people leaving because "xG is boring" or "there is nothing to do" and I hope this curbstomps those kinds of ideas. So @Link_ and I will be on Minigames tomorrow. We could either be circle jerking alone or create a massive xG orgy. Either way I'll have fun. P.S.: Spread the Word.
  5. Salt

    Bye Bye.

    Closed this one cause I think it glitched and double posted threads.
  6. Moved to ban protest. Good luck.
  7. I think he's the div lead of Minecraft. Not sure though.
  8. Salt

    Da Faq.

    If someone knows what to do with an IP then they definitely won't have a problem finding it...
  9. i like what serbian likes.
  10. Salt

    Ct Ban Request

    Let any admin know that is online when he's online to teamban him for a week (10080 minutes) seeing as it wasn't a mass, but he does need to some more time to learn the rules. I can't find a way to use sourcebans to teamban someone so hopefully a mod+ will be on when he's on. It'd be appreciated if the mod+ that does it, if they would please comment on this post so I know it's been done. ~Thanks for the proof.
  11. He will be permanently ctbanned since it just showed the freekilling and you didn't say he left. Thanks for the good proof.
  12. It's not beside the point. How are we supposed to gauge your actual activity in said group if you do not provide us with adequate information. Either give us the name or I don't see a point in unbanning you.
  13. Only have 18 posts. Come back when you have 100 and don't gravedig and spam like it already looks like you are going to do. [ATTACH=CONFIG]4036[/ATTACH]
  14. You said you left the group a couple of minutes ago in your previous post.. How can you not remember what you clicked to leave.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  16. Stop acting like you are having to give up so much. Stop being a child and put the space in your name. The fact that this is even a discussion is hysterical. It's even sadder that you are trying to go over the moderation's heads when clearly it's a valid point that people may mistake you for staff.
  17. Salt

    JB RP

    I play jailbreak competitively. Looking for a team for ESEA jailbreak tournament.
  18. Salt


    I'm prepared to chain Starbuck to the xG Server room if need be.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ei9XhIS2g4 Best album ever.
  20. Are you kidding? You are the definition of post spam. -1. [ATTACH]4014.vB[/ATTACH]
  21. Congrats on finding a job.
  22. Has been promoted in last promo/demo. Congratulations on the new full mod status and keep up the good work.
  23. Salt

    Unban me ploz

    No. Don't care if you got no ballsed. You know the rules and the punishment that goes with it. Maybe in a couple more weeks but if you are going to do stupid shit with an even stupider excuse then don't waste our time.
  24. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!