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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I think asking to go hunt rebels should stay. I play warden all the time and it's good to know that my ct's are with me, and when they aren't I know where they are because they asked. Its just useful

    But yea the second rule just seems pointless.



  2. We have over 2,000 followers on Facebook, 13,000 players on our Steam group, and over 100,000 players active in the last few months... But so far only 14 valid entries for this contest. Your chances really aren't that bad, for now.


    JewMad and I have been keeping the Facebook active with posts, questions, pictures, and more. There's also plans to use Facebook as a way to organize events, so players who don't frequent our forums have an opportunity to get involved.


    Next week I'll be sponsoring an advertisement on Facebook to get our page seen by about 100 million, yes million, people.


    Take a few minutes to participate in this contest. It's quite simple, really, and you could win 20,000 credits.

  3. +1


    After playing with you more I need to change my 0 to a +1


    You tend to mic spam like there's no tomorrow. Also floods chat and admin chat at times over things that aren't legitimate (claiming was freekilled when he wasn't, saying that people are camping when they aren't) which demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the general rules.

  4. YOU.......OMG, i downloaded that Spybot thingy, and instead of removing a virus it gave me a virus. it gave me a Rogue AND a Black Coal.....it took me over 7 hours to remove


    How are you so confident that SpyBot gave you a virus, opposed to revealing a bigger threat that was already there? I'm sure plenty of others here have heard of and used SpyBot, and will agree with it's recognition as an industry standard.


    No need to argue, hopefully someone else can help you further, I refuse to offer to you any more suggestions.

  5. So, I went out for a drive tonight. Had to make a quick run to the store for something.


    On my way home I see a group of squad cars lining the side of the street (turned out to be 6) so I turn down that way (minor detour) to see what's up. I don't see anything special so I pull a (legal) u-turn at the next intersection (pass them again) and continue on my way.


    One of the cops whips out and pulls me over...

    Cop: What are you doing tonight?

    Me: Just out for a drive, on my way home from the store.

    C: Do you know why I pulled you over?

    M: Honestly? No.

    C: Have you been drinking tonight?

    M: Yeah, probably about 10oz of vodka between about 6 and midnight.

    C: How do you know when you were drinking?

    M: Because that's when I was watching movies and playing video games.

    C: I see. Can I see your ID?

    M: Sure. Can I ask why you pulled me over?

    C: Haven't decided yet. *takes my ID and goes back to squad car*


    C: *Comes back* Here's a ticket for speeding at 14 mph over the limit, as well as reckless driving. I should tow your car, but I'll let you go. You need to drive more carefully.

    M: I wasn't doing either of those things officer. I turned off that street *points* when I saw your lights. I don't think it's possible for me to be speeding that fast (55mph zone) within a block, plus it would be pretty stupid of me. Would it be possible for me to see your radar gun to confirm the speed you locked?

    C: No it would not, and it was pretty stupid of you. Can I have you step out of the car?

    M: Sure. But I do not consent to a search of my vehicle.

    C: Why not?

    M: Because I legally don't have to unless you plan to arrest me. And frankly we both know you don't have grounds for that. Furthermore, you're supervisor is going to love seeing this video I've been recording ever since I turned off that side street 10 minutes ago.

    C: *look of astonishment* *grabs the ticket from my hand* You get out of here and don't ever let me see you again. *storms off*


    I wasn't recording, wish I was. Don't even have his name or badge number since he took the ticket. I'm planning on calling the station tomorrow (or Monday) to see if they have any way of seeing who ran my ID and such.


    If I disappear, it means I got arrested.


    Fuck the police (except @@Neo) YOLO

  6. Sometime next week I'm planning on funding some advertisement on Facebook. This will get our Facebook page - as well as our clan, website, and servers - in front of the eyes of over 100,000,000 people.


    The ad consists of about 120 characters of text, and a small image. The ad will link back to our Facebook page which has all our info, and with the text I have a quick little blurb planned out, but I'm looking for help with the image.


    It's 100px wide by 72px tall. Looking for something that can grab people's attention.


    I'm not doing this as a contest, nor am I in a position to offer any type of reward (but I'm sure something can be figured out). But if you have the skills and can donate the time it would greatly help the clan and bring people to our community.


    I'm hoping to post the ad early to mid of next week, so you have a few days. If no one comes through I have a few things I can do, but I'm no PS expert so, meh.


    If you have any questions or anything you'd like to share post here or email me at [email protected]


    Thanks bbs

  7. If it's making a continual clicking or grinding put the drive in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for at least 6 hours, then try plugging it in. Have your computer booted up, on, and ready, then plug in the power first, wait 10 seconds, then the data. This will prevent Windows from failing to load. (Only do this if it's a SATA drive, which I assume it is, SATA is hot-swappable.) Putting it in the freezer makes the metal contract and sometimes can be a temporary fix for some internal hardware failure.


    More likely, though, what I more strongly suspect the issue is, is a large number of failing sectors. Some Linux distros can be very good at recovering data from bad sectors, so you might try slaving it to a Linux box if you can.


    Either way, you're between a rock and a hard place. And this, kids, is why we make backups.

  8. I can't lol you donated, you didn't purchase credits.


    What @@Unique said in his comment. It's obvious he intended to get credits. Now, whether this is a result of glitch, a missing purchase option, or whatever - he intended to receive credits, and you should honor that.