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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I'll admit I don't have thick enough skin for some of the people on the internet. I've learned to avoid the situations, and in this case it meant leaving the game and choosing (again) to not support the community.


    Non-members understand the rules better than some of the admins and co-leaders, and any mod or admin would have been demoted for the same actions (I've seen it happen).


    I'll still see you guys in game and around the forums. I love most of you guys and I'm not totally bailing, but like I said I can't be a major contributor (which was my original plan when coming back anyway).

  2. I'll still be around the servers unless I get myself banned again. When I came back I had no intention of helping the community, I just wanted to play, but I found myself getting pushed in that direction anyways. Sorry, but I can't do it guys. I'll play with you guys, but I need to stick with my original plan of not investing in a community where the non-members have a better understanding and respect for the rules than the admins and leaders.

  3. I got bored on other servers over the summer and missed all the good memories from xG, so I thought I'd chat with Silence and try to get unbanned. And, alas, it was so. But with all my excitement of coming back and reuniting with all my long lost internet friends are overlooked everything that really ruffled my jimmies.


    Frankly, that same people up to their same shenanigans has completely ruined my experience here. Again. Not what I expected after coming back and immediately putting work back into this clan and donating over $100 within the past month.


    I'm out.

  4. Just a note that I was in spec watching other things, if you watch the demo mind the chat and what's being said between Whitestar ("DEAD"), Octa, and the others.


    Also, if you didn't catch it (we posted at the same time) this:

    In the admin handbook we are told to give warnings first, whitestar did not do this, for Octa or the others.

  5. I'm confused as to why we're debating the ability to move and type at the same time.


    Regardless, Whitestar gave no warning, either to Octa in a PM or publicly with all chat. In the admin handbook we are told to give warnings first, whitestar did not do this, for Octa or the others.

  6. The problem is the timetable is all messed up. You guys think I was sitting there for a minute or so while LastCT raged on outside, but thats not true. Yes, I was running around for a few seconds. Then I started to type, and as I was doing so was slayed, so I changed. And its not all about me. Some guy was just playing jump rope, got stuck and then was slayed for NO REASON. He was in there for barely 6 seconds before he was slain.


    EDIT: "If the T’s are locked in Cells, ISO, or any other location the last CT MUST let the T's out." Quote from rules. That's all it specifies, so I'm assuming the 'You two better figure it out' is invalid.

    @RpgS This. You know me from way back when and I think you'd trust me enough to know I wouldn't misjudge this. I was there and witnessed it all, unfortunately only the tail end is in my demo. My +1 stands.




  7. mcneo u recently came back ok youve been away for a very long time so u havent seen the ♥♥♥♥ ive seen


    Right, though, I did used to be an admin, remember? Not to mention, who cares about "the ♥♥♥♥ you've seen", has nothing to do with running around slaying people without warning and without explanation.

  8. I've never actually seen an admin slay for someone in iso. What I do commonly see is them use all chat to say "open iso". You were quite keen to use all chat to alert everyone that players were AFK, but couldn't use it to tell last ct to open iso?


    Neither did I, of course, but you'll see in my demo that I was watching other things, not iso, so I was unaware that people were in there.

  9. Mcneo ive only seen mods/admins and even me let them out if it was like a jokeday and almost all of them were in iso then i would tell the last ct to let them out and i have slayed the last ct for killing the people stuck in iso on jokedays or such but the people i slayed got themselves stuck in their. Like i said there was a guy on last ct who went into jump rope and got himself stuck.


    Here's the JB MOTD: https://wiki.xenogamers.com/Jailbreak+Rules


    Show me where it says "If it's not a jokeday then T's can be slayed if they are trapped in a location" otherwise you're whoel argument is invalid.

  10. Every admin on the server can give step by step instruction (with pictures and videos) where the secret buttons are, but it's still the last ct's responsibility to let them out.


    Also, when you slayed Octa, was well before you gave any explanation of where the button is. Not to mention, as shown in the screenshot, you only told Octa AFTER slaying him that "There's a button" which isn't much of a help.

  11. +1


    He slayed a few people who were stuck in iso during last ct. It's not the T's responsibility to know or use the secret button to open iso - even if they know where it is. MOTD says that last ct needs to release t's.


    I have a demo I will post here momentarily. It does not show Octagon's slay because I started recording shortly after, but you can see other slays and general argumentative behavior.


    Here's a screenshot I got of Octa's slay, doesn't show much, but it's something...



    Demo: http://xg.mcneo.me/hosting/demos/12-14-2012_2100_whitestar.dem


  12. Not really a "Map Request", but more of a "Feature" request.


    I've played on some other JB servers and on a few of them the admins have the ability to s♥♥♥♥ bombs, empty guns, and other world props for use in various games.


    Would we be able to experiment with something like this?












  14. craigslist | manage posting


    Manufacturer: Dell

    Model: 2007WFP

    Type: LCD

    Resolution: 1680x1050 WSXGA+ 16:10

    Inputs: DVI, VGA, S-Video, Composite

    Features: Adjustable height, swivel base, 90 degree rotation, tilt, picture-in-picture, 4-port powered USB hub

    Black-to-white response time: 16 ms

    Colors: 16.7 Million

    Cables included: Power, DVI, VGA. Optional USB-A to USB-B cable required for hub not included


    Condition: Used, "Very Good" ("A well-cared-for item that has seen limited use but remains in great condition. The item is complete, unmarked, and undamaged, but may show some limited signs of wear. Item works perfectly.")


    $60 plus shipping to anyone in xG. $10 of sale will go to xG.

  15. Satellite can sometimes be faster, but it usually uses dial up as a back up. It's susceptible to interference from weather just like satellite TV, so don't expect to do much gaming on a heavily clouded day.