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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. tl;dr: Thanks for the unban, but don't expect much from me. I'm just here to play.


    I'm back, but... I won't be applying for the clan, seeking mod, or donating (unless I need credits for bombs, etc).


    In the one week I've been back I've been free slayed 3 times. Only once did the mod admit to being wrong. On another occasion a higher staff member gave me permission to do something, then another staff member slayed me for it. Even though the second staff member agreed to slay himself, the first never admitted to giving me permission to do what I was doing (not with t's, rebel hunting).


    Furthermore, I've been freekilled far too much and mods do nothing. I always report it as I should, but it always gets argued away and nothing happens. I know people make bs excuses and staff needs good evidence, and I always do my best to provide it. But not once has a freekiller who killed me been punished.


    I respect and appreciate you guys. I used to be an admin too, so I know the BS you catch, and I don't want to hold that against you. But I still call shenanigans.


    I'm glad to be back. I love the servers here and most of the people. Thank you for unbanning me. At this point, though, don't expect me to support the community much.

  2. I'd be interested in DJing a dubstep station, or putting together little talk show/interview type things. I have audio software on my computer so that's no issue, but what do you guys use to broadcast? I have VirtualDJ if that's compatible.

  3. Does anyone know of way to have a folder or list of images, and every time you spray it's something different?


    Not sure if this would work, since I *think* you need to re-connect in order for your spray to change.


    Just a thought that could be fun.

  4. We have a few Windows 8 machines at my work. The metro desktop can be shut off, but it's nice on a touchscreen computer or tablet.


    If you're an system admin or power user I'm sure you appreciate how easy it is to get to advanced settings in Windows XP. Then Windows 7 nerfed everything and made it dumb. And with Windows 8, they did it again.


    Other than that, from an end-user standpoint, it's pretty nice. There's a few things that are minorly frustrating for system admins though. And let me tell you something about networking... Well... Let's just say it's easier to get a rock to talk to a Mac.

  5. You were banned by TheAlpha31 with the reason: Your spray must be atleast PG-13. Please change your spray.


    It is only a 5 minute ban and should be lifted by the time you read this. Please change your spray if you want to use it on an xG server.

  6. I had a handful of general "How To's" for various Steam and CS:S stuff, as well as a few random computer things.


    I was going to re-create some of these for my own website and was wondering what things the community may want to see and I could do those first and post them here as well.

  7. I'm not sure if I count, but my two cents would be -1.


    I haven't played for a while, of course, so anything that's happened over the past few months I can't speak for. But earlier this summer and this spring when I've seen Loki in game I haven't noticed continual disrespect, just the occasional yelling and nagging like everyone else does.

  8. +1 for the map-specific rule additions. -1 for the LR rule additions - it's up to the T to set these as they wish.


    - Are CTs allowed to tase you for having a holstered gun for the sole purpose of making the T drop the gun without asking you to drop it first? The MotD implies that you can. If so, why? Maybe it would make sense if tasers did no damage.

    It's my understanding that a T must be ordered to drop their gun, holstered or unholstered.


    - Does watching the vents or teleporter exits with a sniper scope constantly count as camping when the sniper isn't moving? What about when the sniper continues to watch it, but also moves more than 10 feet every 15 seconds?

    Although your player is not physically camping the vent/tele since you're scoped in, purposely watching it would be considered camping in this sense, in my opinion.

  9. Since being unbanned the #1 question I got was "are you joining again?" so I figure, why not try?


    Truth be told I don't foresee being too active during the week (though, CS:S is addictive, so I may be more active than I anticipate). I'm mainly just here to play the game and have fun and I know I don't need to be a member to do that. I most likely won't seek mod/admin unless I'm more active or unless people seem to imply they want me to.


    And yes, I'm registered on TS, but I don't use it much. My explanation now is the same as it was before: There's a lot of talking in-game in JB for orders and such so it's hard to have two convos going at once. "Just mute TS" you say? Then why bother having it open at all?


    Nothin but love for you guys, see you in-game.

  10. I posted an unban request last night and got unbanned sooner than expected. So here I am.


    I want to say sorry again to everyone I disrespected and went off on. I was a mess with life crap and drama and I used you guys as an out. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about anything.


    After being banned here I didn't really play CS:S, a few zombie servers here and there, but not much.


    I won't be on as much as I was before, a few nights a week if I have time but mostly on the weekends. I'm working 50 hours a week at an amazing job on the help desk for an engineering firm.


    Thanks everyone, for giving me a second chance here. I missed you guys. And to all the new faces that I haven't met, well, hi.

  11. For the TL;DR version, see above. For more details, read this:


    I mass freekilled on JB with the excuse "I need an excuse to do the Mona Pizza challenge." After discussing this on the forums it blew up and I flew off the handle. I insulted a number of people, burned a number of bridges, made (empty) DDOS threats, and made myself look like an idiot.


    This isn't an excuse, but my life was crazy when this all when down. I don't want to get into all the details, but yeah, crazy. I'm working again (have been for a while) full time on the help desk for an international engineering firm. I'm over all my girl drama and stress. And I'm drinking less.


    I can't try to tell you I've changed or how I may be better (or worse) - it's one of those things I hope you give me the opportunity to show you guys.


    If unbanned I may be on for a few hours randomly throughout the week, but mostly on weekends. I likely won't pursue a Mod/Admin position. I'll be able to contribute to the community by being active on the forums again and also by donating.


    One final thought - I've apologized to a few people in the XG community already outside of the forums and Steam. To anyone else - I'm sorry. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I see all the ways that I was an asshole and brought all this on myself. I generalized and nit picked and freaked out and said some pretty cruel things. So again, I'm sorry.


    To anyone who's curious - Silence unbanned me from the forums just now so I could post this. I'll follow this thread and be active here. If I'm unbanned and feel welcome back in the community then I will be active elsewhere on the forums. Out of respect for you guys I won't be around the rest of the forums until I feel like the community wants me around.


    Thanks for reading.

  12. I've asked more than enough times for those comments to stop because, as even RPGS doesn't understand, they are based on an incorrect notion. The only reason this "reputation" has developed for me is because those types of comments continue.



    The guy was obviously Drunk


    Drunk bastard. inb4 he sees this & rages.


    I'll just post this here rather than making a new thread. @Aegean!


    I did in fact ask for these comments to stop a few weeks ago here: I'm Not a Drunk


    I have also asked numerous time in game for these comments to stop.


    As well as asking again in this thread, which EZKILL obviously read.


    I am requesting server and forum ban for these two for 6 hours for disrespect. Shit's old guys.


    My Mona Pizza challenge will commence later today after I see that action has been taken with these two.