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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I use a basic $20 Logitech keyboard (which I don't use in-game), in-game I use a Logitech G13 gameboard

    Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard (920-000946) - Newegg.com


    $30 Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000

    Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000 - Graphite - Newegg.com


    $30 Microsoft LiveChat headset (works great, used it for years)



    This set up has treated me well for years (except the G13, just got it this spring and it's going strong - highly recomended)

  2. When someone comments on your post you get a PM from NotificationBOT saying so-and-so has made a comment on your post. The body of the message simply says "Following this link" where the word "link" is supposed to bring you to the post, but (at least for me) it just brings me to the homepage. Happens on all comments I've ever gotten.


    Is it just me or does this happen to everyone?


    And looking at the actual address of the link it doesn't seem to fit with the other coding of the forum. So is the code wrong, perhaps?



  3. Laptop only if you need the portability, otherwise desktop.


    Desktops run cooler, easier to work on, parts are cheaper, easier to upgrade, service is cheaper (if you don't do your own work and need to bring it in), and the list could go on.


    In a laptop you are paying for portability. This means smaller pieces which cost more to make. Also the tight space can lead to overheating depending what you're doing with it. Upgrade capabilities are pretty much limited to HDD and RAM.

  4. +1 because the proof is there, and there's been a few explanations that mods/admins should not unmute before 6:30.


    -1 because this seems to have happened only one round and it may have helped break up some of the "blah" from round after round after round - just something fun and random to break things up.


    Is it abusive if you go by-the-book? Yes.

    Should it be punishable? No, unless it becomes a huge problem.


    My $0.02

  5. But how are T's supposed to know a CT is mass freekilling? 99% of the time they are facing away or to the side. Just cuz there's a few T deaths it could be anything, no way for T's to know it's a mass freekill. Unless of course the warden tells the T's to run, in which case this rule would be pointless.


    Also, if the T's do start to run, an inattentive CT may start shooting at them, not knowing there's freekilling going on.


    Giving T's the ability to scatter just because there is reason to suspect that freekilling is happening is only going to lead to more freekills and chaos.

  6. -1 Adverts like it's nobodies business, even been warned in-game by at elast 2 mods/admins


    I did it one time, I won't do it again. I didn't know you weren't supposed to do that, sorry! :)

    And no, you've done it more than once, and I believe you've even done it since making this post when you said you wouldn't do it anymore.

  7. How about a little twist on this...


    Remember the "tracers" we had for a short time during last CT that would show the CT where all the T's are?


    Could we somehow implement something like that that would "trace" all players to all players, in red or blue color respectively. And of course players would only see their own web of traces. Unlike last CT this wouldn't be a continuous thing, just show for 1-2 seconds then off. Since it's shown to everyone it would prevent favoritism, abuse, etc.


    Just a thought. Not even sure if it can be done.

  8. Thanks guys. That put my at 11 +1 including my 2 co-leader vouches, and 1 -1. So still looking for 9 (or 10) +1's.


    I'll wait another few days before I start advertising in-game.

  9. I was unbanned about 2 weeks and made a pre-mature member app, which I was 99% sure would be shot down, because people were asking if I was rejoining.


    I know the "rules" of apps state to wait a month, but Link told me to try again in a week or two, so...


    People who know me from my activity earlier in the summer know that I am a generally helpful person, and I hope I have already had an opportunity to show that in my few weeks of being back - both in game and on the forums.


    Contrary to a post I made elsewhere within the last week or so, I have donated $60 the clan in the past 2 weeks. Also contrary to that post, well, here I am applying.


    All players are expected to know the MOTD and respect admins so I can't really use those to support my case. But, well, I know the MOTD (I, um, spent hours reading and writing it this summer) and I do my best to help others understand it. Having been an admin here I do understand the flack you guys can catch and I have a better appreciation of what you do.


    I like to think that I'm a good warden even though I have my derp days (who doesn't?). In my time being banned from xG I've played on a few other servers and gotten some ideas from their players - not only for wardening but also as a JB player in general.


    I've put a lot of time, energy, and money into this clan. I love this clan. I made series of mistakes over a short period of time and threw that all away. I was graced with a second chance by being unbanned, I'm hoping to return to being an official member of the community.


    Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks guys.

  10. Members try to coach as best they can, but people don't always listen. If a mod/admin is on and you see something use your teamchat and type @ followed by your message and it will go privately to them. If no mod/admin is on try to help the derps. If something goes terribly wrong take screenshots or a demo and post a ban request (even if they don't get banned, it will raise awareness of a derpy player and people will keep an eye on them).

  11. One thing that needs clarification as well...


    I forget the name of the map, but its the one with disco and jeopardy off in that other outside area. If someone calls "warday outside" that area is usually restricted since there is only one entrance to that specific area, even though it is outside. I have seen admins who allow it, though.