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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Note to self, you'll need this:


    This here is Mona Pizza!

    Makers of the world's best eatsa!

    Fresh sauce and cheese galore,

    Brought straight to your front door! (Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!)


    This here is Mona Pizza! (Buon giorno!)

    Makers of all tasty treatsa! (Buono!)

    Our pie's crispy, crunchy crust, (Bellissima!)

    Leaves others in the dust. (Mamma mia!)


    Grab a hot slice and take a big bite!

    It's so good that you'll start a fight,

    For more Mona Pizza! (I'm the manager of this joint!)

    Mona Pizza! (My name is Joe!)

    Mona Pizza! (It's-a pizza art!)

    Mona Pizza! (I said-a pizza art!)


    We represent Pizza Dinosaur!

    We got the most stores in the world!

    Our crust is tough and our sauce is thin,

    But we're everywhere so you gotta give in!


    Mona Pizza's got nothing on us,

    'Cause we've got 6,000 stores plus!

    Pizza Dinosaur!

    Pizza Dinosaur!

  2. -1

    This is a ban request, not protest. So by -1 you mean I shouldn't be banned? You are my hero.


    The guy was obviously Drunk

    I've asked on forums and multiple time in game for these comments to stop. inb4 disrespect ban.

  3. If this faggot hasn't already been banned he needs to be. T's killed warden so he called it and had us all stack up. He then yelled something about needing an excuse to do the Mona Pizza Challenge then killed a bunch of us and left. What an asshole.


    Here's a copy-pasta from console. (He's not wearing an xG tag, the console puts that on with the attack plugin thing)


    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked xG mickyds.

    McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear killed [xG|PM] Vanilla Grape [smyD] with m4a1.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked [xG|PM] Vanilla Grape [smyD] who has a gun...

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked xG mickyds.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear killed l)ashl)octor with m4a1.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked l)ashl)octor.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked xG mickyds.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked xG mickyds.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked [ecksGee:A] Jamal.

    McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear killed xG mickyds with m4a1.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked xG mickyds.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked [ecksGee:A] Jamal.

    McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear killed I am Da Law[xG-M] with m4a1.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked I am Da Law[xG-M].

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked [ecksGee:A] Jamal.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Arctic Renamon らき☆すた who has a gun...

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Arctic Renamon らき☆すた who has a gun...

    McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear killed Jigglypuff with m4a1.

    �[xG] �McNeo - Cookie's pet Bear attacked Jigglypuff.

  4. >People complain about loopholes in MOTD

    >People complain because MOTD is too long


    It's really not rocket surgery. If you have to put that much work into making your point then it's obviously you're interpreting something far different from everyone else.

  5. Is this thing by any chance still going? 'cause I've no fucking clue if McNeo is still on this clan or not or w/e.

    I'm assuming you will not be doing this anymore @McNeo ???

    Nope, sorry guys. Obv I still lurk the forums and I'm in and out of the servers but I have little interest in supporting the clan other then wasting my money on hub shit lol.

  6. If you were kicked it would have said kicked.

    If you were banned it would have said banned.

    If there's something wrong with your DNS then it would say can't resolve hostname.


    Check your internet/network settings.

  7. 10sec, those rules are for FIRST OFFENDERS after that it is up to admin discretion, tell me, honestly, do you believe you are a first offender?


    /request close for autism.

    Thats the first time I was banned for it. So yes. I do.


    Edit: First time ever banned :/


    This. It is his first ban.


    If you feel that "he's gotten away with other things in the past" that is BS. If he did something ban-able in the past then he should have been banned for it at that time.


    This is his first ban on the books. +1 for reduction to 240 minutes as per Admin Handbook.

  8. Lmfao are you kidding me hahahaha, he told jihad that you said he was playing favorites to try to fix the problem and confront it and you get this mad. Because he was trying to help.


    It's actually a smart thing to CONFRONT the problem with the accusations. And try to fix it from there on.


    If someone has a complaint about you, you'd want to hear the complaint? And hearing the complaint gets you to readjust your attitude.


    Yes, I agree. I even said that. But telling them who said doesn't really help.


    Billy: Teacher, Johnny has pot in his locker.

    Teacher: Johnny, Billy told me you have pot. Is this true?

    Johnny: Nope.


    Johnny: So, Billy, you told the teacher I had pot? *Smack*


    Attacking the issue directly is of course the best way to get it solved, but you really shouldn't name names. Makes you wonder who else may have reported someone to Serbian and had their name exposed.


    And no, no intention to start my own clan. I've actually rediscovered my MineCraft addiction but eventually I'm gonna just start playing around here and there in CS:S. Get back to some good 'ol pub action and zombies.

  9. Never said there won't be idiots.


    Never said I was looking for a big community.


    I settled in here and enjoyed it until I moved up into this position and started to see more and more of the problems I had been warned about.


    Aegean, you know I've always appreciated your help. And Papi and everyone else, I'm not trying to flat out say fuck you and run off. I said there's too many kids here and there's too much corruption in the staff and I want to find a more mature community.


    I'm still waiting for Silence to publicly say that he controlled my player and caused a bunch of freekills. He admitted it to me. He admitted it in admin chat. He said exactly what he did to us. But never to the public. People are still blaming me for his shit.


    That's obviously just one example, but yeah. If you all wanna get pissy I can get pissy too. I was trying to explain myself and take off but whatever.

  10. I did come here to have fun. Like I said this was my first experience with JB and I loved it. I donated to the community and did what I could to support it and it's players. It's not until I obtained the position I was in that I was even able to see more of what was happening and to see the big picture.


    It's no secret that I'm not in TS much, frankly because there's far to much idle chatter that - plainly put - gets on my nerves.


    And to say I'm rarely on servers is an oversight on your part. I spend about 3-4 hours a day between MiniGames and CTF, and usually an hour or so in JB.


    If I'm home, I'm on Steam, and people often contact me if they needed something and I can always jump in a server to take care of something.


    And to say "get out because nothing is going to change" I think is also a mistake on your part. xG is a growing clan, always changing something, that's part of the 'tagline' if you will that you see on the Steam group. If you look at any of the other good bye threads the first things said are "Well what can be done differently" or "Why didn't you say something about _____".

  11. TL;DR: I'm leaving xG.


    The long version:


    I came to xG after my old clan folded and I hopped around a bit trying to find something I liked. I did, in fact, like it here. Never played JailBreak before. It's fun.


    But after becoming mod then admin I learned quick why this clan has the turnover it does - It's really lacking management. The leader is the biggest abuser here, and while his shenanigans can be funny, it strips himself and most of the staff of the image of authority.


    Myself and others have done and said plenty to try to "make a difference" and it all goes unnoticed. When an app gets -1'd no one cares to listen to the reasons, they just argue about it. Look back at your clan and mod apps guys, 98% of the people rejected are just because they don't meet the requirements for age or post count, other than that you let almost anyone in. There's too many derps on staff who give the staff a bad image and further degrade any image of authority.


    It was recently described to me that this is a community and it therefor has it's cliques of people. That's bullshit. This is a gaming community. We shouldn't "have" cliques, we should "be" a clique. Aren't we all locked in our own dark world just coming online to shoot each other?


    There's too many kids running around causing drama. A lot of derp staff members who give all staff members a bad image.


    I don't wanna hear "Oh well why didn't you say something" or "Why didn't you bring this up" or "Well what if we do this..." No. Myself, and others, have tried. The corrupt division leaders and running their respective divisions under the guidance of blinded co-leaders who are all led by the most abusive troll of this whole organization.


    Over the four months I've been here I donated almost $400. I created a program to help your community easily reinstall missing textures (which is a very common problem), I've put hours and hours of work into how-to write ups on the forums. I've help test new plugins. I've spent hours building up the Facebook page, developing OC, and trying to drive interest... And in the end I get a thank you from a couple people, while everyone else carries on without noticing and proceeds to ransack the place like a house party gone bad.


    It's been fun playing here. I'll still come around. But I need to find a more mature community that is actually a community with respectable staff.

  12. >Says xG is Corrupt

    >Complains about younger kids

    >Never posts anything about it with proof or even shows minimal interest about subject

    >Decides to leave

    When things do get presented to you Aegean you always have some excuse, just sayin...


    Anyway, Fluff, hate to see ya go. I may or may not be far behind you. Time will tell.

  13. Yes, enjoy your "victory" Duke. I voluntarily stepped down to enjoy that game more, as Aegean said. There's other things in my life at the moment and I don't need the headaches of a bunch of kids yelling. You'll just have to learn to get by with a few less staff members at the moment.


    Admin is still mine and I can have it back when I like, but until then I'm just going to enjoy playing the game as it's intended and decide if being admin is still something I want to do.

  14. I'm 25 years old and I own my own business. When I come online I just wanna have some fun. I donated to a server I liked and eventually became admin.


    I'm taking a break from admin so I can just chill and play the game for fun (what it's intended to be) and not have to worry about the extras. It's just not worth the drama, I've got more than enough shit to worry about. I may or may not return as admin, but I'll definitely still be gaming with you guys.


    Just not sure what I want to do at this point. I can still help the community without the drama of admining so I wanna try that again.

  15. It's also important to note that your recording starts after HongKong was banned. So the whole situation about Swizz, RpgS, the others, and the muting/kicking is not recording. All that is hear-say on both sides.


    Basically, the only *PROOF* you're presenting is that I banned someone and you and him are upset about it.

  16. Disrespect bans should be 6hrs. GG.


    According to the new disrespect rule, yes. However admin disrespect, especially while said admin is handling another situation, is different.

  17. Gaged one player with no warning

    I actually muted him, not gagged, and it's because he was talking non-stop during the next day so it could not progress. I did ask him to make his case. This happened before your youtube video began, so no one sees this.


    Kicked Another plyer for asking him to slay CT's who were in armory after 7:30. Banned 3rd play for calling him an "Idiot"

    Both of these were for continued admin disrespect, which spanned from either earlier in the day or previous days depending who you want to talk about.


    Threaten to ban me when asking a question

    Didn't threaten to ban you for asking a question. I threatened to kick and/or ban you because you continued spamming chat and admin chat after I told you to forget a matter you weren't involved in. Your video and the jb chat logs clearly show me asking you multiple times to stop. I also welcomed you and anyone else to come here to the forums to protest the ban. Instead of protesting the ban, you choose to call abuse. If someone feels they were wrongfully banned we have a forum for that, we don't need friends trolling through the servers to figure it out.


    Also, it was never a perma ban, and wasn't "reduced" to a day ban. It was and always has bean a day ban.


    At any rate; Aegean, Serbian, Silence, myself, and others have discussed the matter.