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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Just keep retrying, should fix itself within 10 minutes or so. You can try restarting Steam but I don't think that will make a difference. It's just because that last VAC server your computer connected to is offline so you Steam needs to query a new server.

  2. Sigs only allow 3 images, this is problematic for some who want to do stats and stuff. Increase image limit?


    Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned this before, but we could us a mod/admin+ board for discussing server stuff, players, plans, etc.

  3. I don't play surf much at all cuz I suck at it hahaha. @@silence is the one that would have to look at all this.


    As far as #4 , the reason the rules are in a link is so it's not the first thing you see. Don't want people bein like "Oh I'm gonna go play some surf" then "BAM READ OUR RUELZ". It just makes for a little more welcoming of a server, and of course the rules are still easily accessible if anyone needs them.


    Also, welcome to the forums!

  4. Well, my most recent ex and I broke up this January. We would email or text like once a month since then but now last week she sent me a friend request on Facebook. We've been talking more and now she wants lunch. Is this good? What do? Do I have to pay (lol)?


    Now, my ex before her, her and I broke up almost 2 years ago, but now I just got an email from her too saying she wants to talk again and be friends again. Is this good? What do?


    I got 99 problems and I don't need no biznitch... but sex is good. No no no jk, in all honesty they're great girls and it's good to talk to them again. But yeah.


    Is it okay to chill with two ex's? As long as it's friends only and stuff?


    Never been good in relationships, that's why I have so many ex's lol.

  5. Wait can someone explain what exactly the aim thing does? Like how do you use it on a player?


    Ummm. Aim means to point at something specifically.


    So !slay @aim might slay the person you're aiming at with your crosshair. Just a thought.