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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. First, try this:

    1. Right-click on the game in your Steam menu.
    2. Choose Local Files tab.
    3. Click Verify integrity of game cache.
    4. This process may take up to an hour.
    5. Try playing the game.


    If that doesn't work, do this:

    1. Go to that folder (c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/i_a_g/team fortress 2/bin/)
    2. Does that file (filesystem_steam.dll) exist?
      • If yes: Delete it. Do the first thing again.
      • If no: Ummm are you sure you did the first thing? If not, do it! If so, lemme know.

    [*]Try playing game. It work now?

  2. I agree that I may have used some words that might of offended him


    And he asked you to stop and you didn't. He should have kicked before banning, but given your personality I feel you would have come back and continued a negative conversation and just make things worse. I feel the ban was justified.

  3. If you feel that switching to CT would have better'd the server then just do it, using a vote for that (which is going to get 1-spammed anyway).


    And when you were arguing you were talking down. He did also simply say that he was letting you know yet you continued to argue. He tried to drop the matter while you're the one that continued that conversation/argument.

  4. You're thread is about Dr. Pedo Abusing. However Bees and myself are saying that he did not abuse. He told you not to use all chat for that type of stuff (which you've been warned for a lot). You did appear to come argumentative with him in chat which is why he claimed disrespect, and you continued so he banned you.


    -1 I think Dr. Pedo acted appropriately in this matter.

  5. I think this thread should be stickied so everyone can see it to input.


    Really though, yeah, thee's a lot in all the forums. They take up damn near half the page on every page. @Aegean! said he was gonna do some cleaning.

  6. aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_06_53.jpg.7531e14f3d4b98934d69ab4eb2264a06.jpg


    I still think we need a mod/admin+ board like EVERY OTHER CLAN so we can discuss policies, players, upcoming things, etc. This would also be a convenient place to share info instead of "everyone get in TS NAO".


    @@silence @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga @@Jihad @@NotificationBOT


  7. There have been a number of discussions about requiring a quiz or something but that just seems all too much to me.


    I wonder if an easier approach may just be playing time, like.


    if player_connected_time < 360 then 'do whatever so they can't get on CT *unless* they are needed cuz there's not enough players

    @@Starbuck @@Jihad

  8. Good luck.


    As you know any company is out for a profit. As the power of a machine increases linearly the price increases almost exponentially.


    Without even looking I can tell you that with a $1500 budget you can build a machine that's 2 times more powerful than a pre-built one. It's just not worth it to try to find a stock super computer.

  9. Gonna tag some random people (in no specific order) who may be interested just to insure they see this post. If you're not interested, just disregard.

    @@Slipery @@IStealKillz @@Loki @@AznPikachux3 @@FluffButtom @Fluttershy @@Zehdari. @@Nocturne @@faboolawz @@DuckiiJr. @@TryHard @@Fullbring @@FurHappens

  10. My biggest contest yet!


    I'm looking for two AMAZING images to promote all things xenoGamers.


    I'm gonna break this down some since a couple people are getting hung up here and there.



    This contest consists of two images:

    • Banner: 460px wide by 60px tall
    • Square: 460px by 460px (approx)


    Requirements I am mostly lax on these rules if I like what I see

    For both images


    • Must be original
    • Must submit Banner and Square designs as defined above of the same design/theme
    • Be neat, clean, professional
    • These will be used for marketing. Don't weigh them down with too much text. Make the images eye catching and engaging.


    • Must contain "xenoGamers" (Use of existing logos/banners/icons is a plus but not required - DO NOT USE OUR CURRENT FAVICON)
    • Must include "www.facebook.com/xgrepresent" OR the Facebook logo immediately followed by "xgrepresent"
    • Do not use any images or content that does not fall under Fair Use protection (basically, if you use copyrighted stuff, don't do anything to imply xenoGamers owns it)
    • You may include your generic/permanent xG or Steam username and UserID as a watermark if you wish, no larger than 10px tall, must be within 20px of the bottom edge


    For Square image only


    • Must include "xenogamers.com" AND the QRcode defined below (QRcode should be used in proximity to "xenogamers.com")
    • Must include some information about the games, gametypes, and servers we offer (don't include IPs just in case they change)
    • Must include "25% off at HostGator.com with code 'xenogamers'"



    Any one of these images must be included in the "Square" image as-is. No size or color changes allowed. White border must be included. Make sure your editor doesn't make it fade, it must remain 2-toned. Choose 56x56px, 84x84px, or 200x200px.








    How To Enter

    • Design the images as described
    • Email images and forum username to [email protected]
    • Entries must be received by Friday 07/27/2012
    • You do NOT need to make your designs public if you don't want to
    • If, for whatever reason, I don't like an aspect of your entry I will let you know so you can refine your design. Final entries must be received be 07/27/2012 NO EXCEPTIONS


    How to win

    I, McNeo, am sponsoring this contest so I alone will choose the winner. Winner will be notified by email the weekend of 07/27/2012.



    $100 payable as:

    • $25 donation to xG in your name
    • $75 e-giftcard. (One merchant only, must be able to send electronically via email)

    OR $50 payable as:

    • Money order snail-mailed to your lazy ass



    • I (McNeo) am the sole sponsor of this contest.
    • I reserve the right to refuse any entry for any reason.
    • Rules and requirements subject to change. I will post a reply to this thread AND update the original post to reflect the change. You will not receive updates of changes via email.
    • If your entry does not meet the requirements I will let you know.
    • I will work with you to make it better fit what I'm looking for if I simply don't like your entry.
    • If a winner is chosen I reserve the right to use any and all entries by any person to benefit the community regardless if you are a winner or not. If no winner is chosen, no one's work will be used or published without permission.
    • Obvious trolls or spam entries will have their email(s) blocked and be immediately disqualified from this and all future contests I host/sponsor.


    Current number of entries

    Total entries: 6




  11. I have a webserver and webspace. Hosting is through HostGator with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space.


    If anyone wants access to some online storage let me know and I can set you up a folder and an FTP account. You'd get access to a folder such as http://users.mcneo.me/yourname/


    If you're interested let me know, but please READ THIS FIRST.


    Terms of Service

    > I reserve the right to remove your access and/or files at any time (this won't happen unless you abuse).

    > If I receive any notices from my provider that will affect your files or service I will make you aware.

    > I will notify you to the best of my abilities of any planned downtime or service end date.

    > You will have full reign of the folder I assign to you, use it for a website, hosting, whatever.

    > Content must be PG-13 unless approved and may not by racist.

    > You may not share FTP access with anyone.

    > It is a Linux server so remember that capitalization matters.

    > By default I have indexing turned off but I can turn it on on your folder if you wish.


    Let me know if you're interested. And just give me a basic idea of why you want the space and access.


    @@Starbuck @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Jihad


    (If you're tagged it's only cuz I thought you may have interest, if not just disregard)

  12. Alright peeps. I'm still pretty busy with my job and my business so I'm not too terribly active in game at the moment. But, I'm on the forums almost all day, and if I'm home I'm on Steam, so if you need anything still feel free to message me.


    I'm also active doing other stuff for xG. Finished that program but making a few minor updates, and also the Facebook page and some other fun stuff I have in the works :D


    But, I do make it a point to get in JB *and* MG (or) CTF EVERY day for at least some amount of time.


    P.S. I'd join TS more often if y'all would just STFU sometimes.