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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Alright, I'm getting fat.


    I put on a lot of weight these last 6 months or so. I was unemployed for most of that time and spent most of it sitting at my computer. I also started drinking much more.


    I tried cutting back caffeine and alcohol intake and drinking more water - Did that about 6 weeks ago and it only lasted about 2 weeks. Gonna start doing that again.


    I'm not much of a worker-outer. I'm a pretty little guy and can't do much. I also usually just don't have the motivation, but when I do I don't last long because I either get bored or lose motivation.


    So, here's my plan:

    Reduce soda intake from 3-5 cans a day to 1-2

    Reduce alcohol from 3 drinks 6 nights a week to only 2 or 3 nights a week

    Try to actually do *a little* bit of a work out every day - ever little bit has to do something and help some, right?


    What else can I do? Not really looking for the easy way out here, but again I lose interest and motivation even when I try exercising and I've become very busy.


    Just saw someone post a video in the chatbox about the Shake Weight things. Are those worth the $20 or whatever?


    What about like Hydroxycut or whatever? Those pill things any good and beneficial?

  2. In MS Word the MOTD is currently 9 pages. People often complain it's just too damn long. I propose a multi-page system. Put the basics on one page, game rules on another page, and maybe still a third page. The MOTD is just forums pages, so we can easily link in between them.


    Like, at the top of each forum thread which is part of the MOTD you'd see something like this:

    The basics: Current page

    Game and Day rules: Click here


    I have the current MOTD in Word .doc format if you want it. I have also just made an update to it just splitting it into 2 pages like I just described. The first page is 5 pages long and contains everything except the Games and Days rules, with is 4 pages long.

  3. There is no rule against favoritism. If it gets out of hand or extends beyond 1 or 2 incidences you can warn/slay. Talked to @Aegean! or @@serbiansnaga about this a couple weeks ago and that's what they told me.


    Also, if you realize something like that has happened, JUST SAY SOMETHING. The MOTD is 2.87 miles long as it is because we gotta put in every little thing. People are already complaining that it's too long, while others want more and more to fill in holes.

  4. I am semi confused.


    Well he posted something mid-thread regarding re-joining.


    I think the +1s and -1s are all screwy now.




    I'm 12 and what's this?

  5. Decision: +1


    Maturity: 6/10

    Activity: 8/10


    Active on a handful of the servers. Understand the rules. Good player and would be a good addition to the staff.


    Changing vote based on submitted proof:


    Decision: -1


    Maturity: 4/10

    Activity: 8/10


    I thought you knew the rules better. I never saw any of this myself but now the evidence is surfacing, and some of the infractions are recent. Sorry.

  6. Decision: 0


    Activity: 8/10

    Maturity: 7/10


    Active in jailbreak and above-average on the maturity. But you don't put much effort into helping people in game. Mod isn't about slaying people, it's about keeping the server running well and keeping players interested and happy. Not once have I seen you explain a rule or help a player in game, in fact you can tend to derp yourself from time to time. You're a good player and a good clan member, I just don't think modding would fit you well at this point.


    Also, this


    you fucking prick
    Not the best way to behave on a mod post.

  7. This is outlined throughout various MOTD and rules pages, but I'll put it here as a refresher for everyone.


    Frankly, I feel like some of the "staff aren't doing their jobs" reports are actually because the players aren't approaching things correctly.


    Just tonight myself, a Div Leader, and a Co Leader were summoned into JB because of reports of people trolling, derping, using racial slurs, etc... only to find that none of the players ever actually asked them to stop or attempted to report their concerns to admins in game.


    TL;RD: Use @, use chat


    If someone is breaking the rules or hacking or whatever please do the following...


    Notify Admins in @ chat

    Type "@" followed by a message in team chat to send a message to mods/admins. Remember that we may be actively playing the game so we may not be able to respond right away - don't spam, but if you think your message may have got overlooked feel free to repeat. Also, we also can't be everywhere and see everything so whatever info you can provide in the first message is a help. Finally, just bear with us - we have the ability to send private messages in game or use Steam so if you don't see us actively talking none-stop doesn't mean we're not working (usually, hopefully, we'll make you aware somehow that we're working on your request).


    Mods/Admins don't always where tags or use a familiar name for a thousand different reasons. Just because you don't see an xG:PM/PA/M/A/D/C tag doesn't mean they're not there.


    Voice your complaint IN CHAT

    If a mod or admin isn't available use chat to make your opinion known. Again, don't spam, and don't try to enforce a non-existant rule. If someone is breaking a rule, being disrespectful, or whatever - put it in chat. This can be retreived later by yourself if you want a screen shot or by players and admins using that chat logs.


    For example: Too many times have myself and other admins been called into game because someone is being racist only to find that no one in game ever actually asked them to stop.


    Steam Chat

    When to use Steam chat to contact an admin:

    > You've asked the violator to stop

    > You've used @ chat and no mod/admin is on

    > You need a mod/admin to join the game


    When not to use Steam to contact an admin:

    > When mods/admins are in game



    If you use Steam to contact us we have to tab out or use Steam Overlay to talk to you. This takes us away from the game and prevents us from seeing what's happening. Also, by using @ chat, all the mods/admins see the same thing so we all know what's going on and we can discuss it and know who's doing what - If you use Steam we are all on different pages and may hear/see/do conflicting things. Personally, it drives me nutty when people report things to me in Steam when I am in-game.


    In closing

    Between the players, the members, and the staff, we ultimately want the same thing - a fun gaming community. Recently rules have been changed or added to try to improve things, but ultimately we all need to work together and follow an order to doing things so the correct actions are taken at the right time.


    That is all

    Didn't proof read, and I'm drunk. Did it all come out right?

  8. I did not. I just re-read the post in general and I see now we are supposed to. So sorry for that.


    I don't reacall his exact words but it started 2 seconds into the round and raged on non-stop for a good 40 seconds before I banned. CTs were using mic to tell him to stop and plenty was said in chat. Just not by me, unfortunately.


    I of course heard it all, but was only half watching as I was dealing with something else.

  9. I banned you for 6 hours per the disrespect rule.


    It was the first round of the map and he got warden. You immediately started yelling "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU CANT FUCKING TALK" and so on and so forth.

  10. -1 I stick with my original thoughts that you've had enough chances. Though, if you do make it back, I'd say if you break this new disrespect rule it's game over.