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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. 1. No. Then CT's could accumulate a lot of money, be T next round, and have a bomb on first round. Also, it would screw up the whole !days system


    2. No. Because only 1 !day is allowed per map, someone could be saving for a more expensive one then get jew'd (no offense Silence) when someone buys a cheaper one.


    3. Ponies



  2. 40 minutes per map / 7 minutes per round = At least 6 rounds


    My original post said 8 rounds for $25k lol should have said 4 rounds (sorry I didn't do the math last time).


    If a map gets RTV'd it's obv that people son't want to play it. If it's a fun map then you get to the fun !days.


    I see what you're saying Duckii, it may be possible for a !day command to carry over to next map but I'm not sure. Not sure you'd want that though, would a low-grav or sandstorm day really be any fun on the first day?

  3. The program is branded as xG and I've made great strides in the progress. I plan on doing some final debugging and tweaking tonight and hopefully preparing for a public BETA release soon.


    I will do a live stream again tonight starting around 7:00 PM Central and I will be in teamspeak so you guys can take a look and offer suggestions.

  4. You were CT banned by [xG:A] MuLLin on 06/05/12 5:41 pm, but the reason is "1440", seeing that I assume he could have meant to ban you for a day.

    @@MuLLin can you confirm this please?

  5. This may not make u feel better,but the Gmod servers are still up :D

    @Aegean! Do an Operation Populate Steam announcement? So people know there's at least activity somewhere? Maybe?

  6. If you guys would like to leave after this mishap, then it is really your call.


    You ain't gettin' rid of me that easy. I just needed to get that out. Silence went AFK on me and I'm at work so I don't have a pillow and I needed to scream somewhere.

  7. I gotta get this out there. I'm genuinely pissed right now.


    I've been here 3 months, and all 3 months we've been short on money at the end of the month.


    And now, the servers are down because of a missed payment.


    @@silence @Aegean! @@Starbuck


    How can you wait until 2 seconds AFTER the servers to go offline to be like "Oh, yeah, we need money." Come on guys. I assume it's Silence that handles everything but I'm not sure. How do you not know the billing date and whether or not you'll have money at that time? You couldn't have asked a week ago? Even 2 days ago?


    And, how can we try to promote the clan if the servers are down? I've put in a LOT of work these last few days to promote everything all I could. What a great time for someone to see the Facebook page, come to check us out, and oh look they can't cuz everything's offline. We are now marketting our instabilities.


    I love this community and I love it here. I spent a good hour or more talking to Aegean last month and he said "oh everything's fine" and he told me to chill out, and now the next month everything is offline.


    I feel like the higher staff is managing the clan okay, but they are NOT managing our funds and funding correctly. If you guys need money, ask before it's too late. If someone expresses a concern, don't say "it's fine" only to eat your own shoe 3 weeks later.


    Come on guys. GGAAAAAHH I don't even know what to say. I donated almost $200 last month when shit got tight, I really don't have anything for this month. I don't donate money and time to this clan just to be brushed off when I see problem.


    I've seen the problems all along. And while they say "it will be fine" and "it will get better" things are really getting worse and worse. I tried to help. I offered suggestions. When I raised concerns I was told it would be fine. I got brushed off, but i continued to try to help with the Facebook, various contests, and now this program. Well, obviously, things aren't fine and they're not getting better. Not yet anyway. If I knew it as gonna come to this I would have saved my $200 last month.


    I need a drink.

  8. I was not in the mood to talk and I really did not want to talk to you


    If you're not in the mood to be social, maybe you shouldn't be online. If you choose to be online and other's want to talk to you, ask them to stop. If they don't, as it appears happened here, then you ignore them. There's no reason to be disrespectful. If he broke any spamming rules then he could have been gagged or muted. Since that didn't happen, he couldn't have been too terribly annoying, so again, your disrespect was misfounded. Also, it's the internet, trolls will troll (if that's the case). Mods/admins didn't take any action so he couldn't have broken any rules, so in this case I think you just need thicker skin.


    As I said, in my first post, Ducki's evidence here isn't the greatest. As you pointed out, he screengrabbed one of the images on a different map. However, the people who are vouching are also providing other examples. While Ducki didn't get the greatest bit of proof around, it's perfectly valid (in my opinion) to continue this thread. There is more evidence surfing in this and other threads as well.

  9. +1


    Ducki only has an ounce of evidence here and (without looking into chat logs) it's hard to say if it's in context to the situation he explained. However, it is evidence of his disrespect, and we have all seen it - in game and on the forums.


    I agree that it is not how an xG member should be representing the community and especially a Div Leader.


    And Ducki, don't leave. *brohoof*

  10. It's time for another chapter from my book, hope you're all ready. You might like this chapter better, though.


    I've only shared with a few people, but my life has been (and is) very very busy and stressful at the moment. This has caused me to get pretty short with some people and has actually more-or-less promptly my handful of "episodes".


    While my life is still hectic and I'm working through things, I think I've finally fallen into place here. I've gotten to know most of you outside of game at least a little.


    I want to just thank everyone for making this a great community and for putting up with me and supporting me when I was going through my rough patches.


    I don't foresee that I'll have any further breakdowns or falling outs. Like I said, I've gotten much more comfortable here and it gets better every day.


    I truly love you all, but I wanna take a moment for a few that have really helped me.


    @Aegean! You've spent a LOT of time talking with me to me work things out. You've been more help than you know.

    @@AznPikachux3 Always fun to play with and helped introduce me to the community and servers.

    @@Brian We've had a lot of good talks and I think we just click so it's always fun.

    @Fluttershy *brohoof*

    @@GanjaMonster Sometimes I just wish I could slap you, but you're truly a good guy to have around.

    @@Jihad You were a big help when I was learning the ropes of the community, and you still are

    @OHMAIGAWD You also have been a huge help just getting me to know the community and the servers.

    @@serbiansnaga You're always there when I got those random "what do" questions and it's truly a big help.

    @@silence You've been really helpful while I was trying to get things all work out for various projects to help the community.

    @@TurdWig Cuz you're fucking Turdwig


    Now, don't get butthurt if I didn't mention you. Like I said, I love you all.


    Also, ponies.




  11. So I come on here this morning and for one reason are another I check the bans. And I see this...




    I really want to know what I missed. @@Tiberia next time you're drunk enough to get banned, make sure I'm there with you!
