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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Here's a handful of new rules or changes as well as some new games for consideration. Please discuss, vote, and propose your own additions/changes.


    POST EDIT: Most if not all of this stuff has been covered in different threads or explained in-game until we're all blue in the face. I'm proposing they be added to MOTD for clarification purposes and to make it official. Also, whoever edits the MOTD ( @@silence ?) could you give the formatting a once-over? There's titles and whitespace out of place all over it makes it hard to follow sometimes.




    Flash and Smoke Grenades

    The use of flash and smoke grenades by a T is not rebellious unless it physically damages a CT or it is restricted by warden.


    Firedrill Freeday (addition)

    If the firedrill goes off during a warday it becomes a freeday. All previous witnessed kills or acts of rebellion are pardoned at the time of the firedrill. The round will play out with last ct and lr. A warday or freeday cannot be called for 3 days.


    Special Days

    CT's may type !days to purchse special days for $25k. These special days are intended to make the round more challenging, fun, and unique. These are not implied freedays or wardays, the round should be carried out as normal unless warden says otherwise. If and when ghostbusters and predator are implimented those are considered a full-map warday with no lr.




    CT Ninja Day

    This is a full-map warday in which CTs may only carry and use knifes. Last CT should be honorable and use his knife. There is no LR on this day. No other warday or freeday can be called for 3 days.


    Hide and Seek

    Warden calls a Hide and Seek day and all CT's go to a room to wait (CTs must still be out of armory by 7:30). The T's are given an opportunity to hide anywhere on the map (except vent camping). At a given time the CTs go seeking, Ts are kill on sight. There is LR on this day.


    Presidents Day

    Warden chooses a White House and Bunker location. All CTs go to the White House. The warden is president and the CTs are body guards. At a given time the CTs must escort the President to the Bunker. Ts are not allowed in the Bunker room. All Ts are kill on sight. President has no gun. The day is played out as a warday with no LR.




    Odd man out

    This game is intended to be played with 3 T's. The warden specifies a time at which all T's must either jump or crouch, or type the number 1 or 2. Whoever performs the unique action (1 person crouches and 2 jump) is the odd man out. If all three participants do the same thing then whoever does it last is the odd man out. Any action performed before the designated time is invalid. The warden states the time to do this, the action (jump/crouch or 1/2), and whether the odd man out lives or dies before the game begins.

  2. Try this...


    Browse to this folder:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[[username]]\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\

    Delete everything in the models folder, but not the models folder itself (so leave the empty models folder)


    This will force all models to re-download.


    NOTE: If you have custom gun models or something this may or may not affect them. Make backups if needed.


    Do the same thing with this folder as well:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[[username]]\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\models\

    Delete everything in the models folder, but not the models folder itself (so leave the empty models folder)


    Make sure to it it to both folders, not just one or the other. Also make sure CS:S is closed.


    Let me know.


    ---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------


    I've heard about this problem a lot but I've never experienced it so you all are kind of guinea pigs.


    Anyone notice when it started happening and have any suspicions of what causes it? I've been told that skrim and pure servers can cause problems but I've played on a pure server with no problem so I'm not sure I guess.

  3. I've seen some people hesitant because he left for a while and recently came back.


    I've played with him quite a bit actually this past few weeks actually so I'll definitely vouch for his current activity and understanding of the rules.



  4. Try this...


    Browse to this folder:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[[username]]\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\

    Delete everything in the models folder, but not the models folder itself (so leave the empty models folder)


    This will force all models to re-download.


    NOTE: If you have custom gun models or something this may or may not affect them. Make backups if needed.


    ---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------


    And let me know if that works, there's a lot of people with the same problem.

  5. Surprised we don't have one of these threads already considering this is a gaming community.


    Post your rigs. Stats, pics, upgrades, whatever...


    I'm running a AMD Phenom II X4 qhad-core 3.0GHz CPU overclocked at 3.75 GHz. 16GB of DDR3 RAM running dual channel at 1600MHz. On a Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 Motherboard. Graphics is a XFX ATI Radeon HD 6870 with 1GB DDR5 VRAM driving 3 20.1" Widescreen WSXGA+ LCDs at 1680x1050 resolution each. Powering the beast is a modest 650w Corsair Enthusiast PSU.


    Cooling is provided by 4 120mm fans: Intake on the front and side plus 2 exhaust on the top. A fifth 120mm fan is on the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus CPU heatsink.


    Nice NZXT case with cardreader and front USB/audio completes the package for optimal functionality with not too much flair.


    Input provided by a basic 4-button wireless Microsoft mouse, standard Logitech keyboard, and Logitech G13 gameboard.


    CPU-Z validation page

    GPU-Z validation page


    Here's a few pics, the rest can be seen here.





  6. Paid Admin (xG:PA]

    - These guys have Paid for their Admin and have the same powers on the server as a normal Admin.

    - They can be overruled by any Admin on the server or by two (2) Moderators on the server.

    - They will loose their powers if caught (WITH PROOF) and will loose them permanently.


    Who is higher you ask?



    If PA is now below M, does it still take 2 M's to overrule a PA? Just want to clarify.

  7. Your pingtest isn't bad. No packet loss is good, 11ms jitter is getting iffy but it's okay.


    Your internet speed is on the low side. Not sure what speed you're paying for but I'm guessing it's DSL service?


    I'm not sure what the recommended speed is for gaming.


    Try this...


    Create an autoexec.cfg (If you're not sure how, read THIS.)

    Put the following into the autoexec:


    >cl_cmdrate "100"
    cl_updaterate "100"
    rate 100000
    cl_interp 0
    cl_interp_ratio 1


    You can type "net_graph 3" in console to open your network information, it will display in the lower right. All those numbers mean something but I'm not exactly sure unless I read up on them lol. But that information can be helpful, maybe somebody else has some input on that.


    ---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------


    We could run through some hardware troubleshooting too. First let me know if you have DSL or cable and we'll go from there.

  8. There's been all sorts of commotion regarding the paid mod and paid admin stuff but, for what it's worth, I want to throw in my two cents, as always. I'm starting a new thread for this because there's a handful of threads all over that go every which direction so I hope to take all the good points and mix them here to show how this will work.


    Yes, like I just said, this will work. A lot of people are worried the paid mods and paid admins will abuse or misuse powers, and yes this is a distinct possibility. But remember that they are held to the same higher standards as the rest of the staff. They can be reported and demoted if anything goes wrong.


    With the new ranking being PM < PA < M < A there should no longer be any hurt feelings or confusion over rank. If you earned your position you should be comfortable in knowing it does still mean something. Don't let it go to your head or abuse this - but keep in mind you their superior and your position isn't being threatened.


    As a paid mod or paid admin some people might not know exactly what they're getting into. As time goes on and more people pay their way in I'm sure some will fall off as well for any number of reasons - demotion, stepping down because they don't like/want the responsibility, etc.


    I've mentioned this a few times throughout the boards but something a previous clan of mine did was to have a "donator" status which rewarded you with mod powers after a few months. The PM and PA thing here is working out to be pretty much the same gig. In general I've found it's safe to assume that most people willing to fork over a big chunk of change do actually care about the community and use their powers for good. It's an extra set of eyes an ears both when the servers are busy and when it's late and mods/admins aren't on.


    Overall this is a great opportunity to get support for the server - both financial and operational. A lot of people were worried at first about how the community and ranks would be affected and that's totally expected because this is all new to everyone. Parts of the donation process and PM/PA ranks have been fluid this past week or so and things are continuing to get ironed out. As time goes on it's getting more acceptance and being tweaked and changed here and there. Things will continue to evolve and soon the community can be stronger as a result.


    Thanks for time.


    tl;dr: The PM and PA thing is still evolving. Hang in there. Things will continue to get ironed out and we'll be better for it.


    Also, pineapple.

  9. Decision: +1

    Maturity: 8/10

    Activity: 6/10


    I only really play JB and minigames so if you're more active in surf I woudln't see you. But in JB he's a good player, knows the rules, and tries to stand up for whats right and not troll.

  10. Please fix your SteamID. It can be found by typing "status" in console while connected to any server.


    What server(s) do you typically play on?


    Also not sure if "I want to soooo bad" is a valid reason to join but we'll see lol.

  11. Also I'd just add that every single xG member is responsible for representing our community both on and off our servers. Even in the general staff thread thingy it says mods need to be role models. What kind of representative and role model brags about being admin then gets asked about a rule and responds "I 'unno" then proceeds to PM spam everyone?


    I don't want that to sound harsh but that's basically what I've seen happen time and time again.

  12. This is a tricky situation. Typically I encourage people to donate for the sake of donating. The hatpacks, for example, plainly say they're a thank you or a gift for donating. The paid mod and paid admin thing was outright selling the power.


    Stego I don't see what you did as a donation, I see it as buying powers. Which I'm not saying is good or bad on your part. It was put out on steam to go buy powers and that's what you did. So fine, I've not nothing against paying for powers. But without the respect and support of the community it's going to be a struggle for you.


    What I think really hurt your character, and something I personally will hold against you, is that you smeared it in everyone's face....

    • You posted in the chatbox bragging about getting it
    • You publicly announced in game a dozen times on your first day "if anyone needs help i have !admin" now - this was directed at other mods and admins, when there were notibly other mods and admins on
    • You were given (I mean bought) an inch but tried to take a mile "can I accept xg apps"


    You say you don't know the commands, then it's fine to ask. Not sure why you spammed chatbox with it but that's your choice. No problem with that.


    But, on that token, here's problems I do have. You admitted to not having an understand of the rules - you have access to the rules as a non-admin so why not look that shit up? Also, you admit to not having the experience - then why jump in? I understand you have to do it to get the experience, but why buy admin and try to jump in and offer to help everyone with your magical admin powers when all you'd do is turn around and ask anyway?


    Yeah, I've got admin experience, but even with that you wanna know what I did? I sat my ass in spec for 2 days and watched, to see how the existing mods and admins handled situations. You still gotta learn how the community is run and follow the lead of the leaders that came before you and outrank you. That's why your app got so many -1's and that's why we're having this discussion right now.


    You're a good guy and I'm sure you want the best for the community, but it's been made clear time and time again that you might not be ready for the responsibility of admin. Maybe you haven't abused your powers, and maybe you've only misused them here and there. And of course I understand it takes time to learn. But Stego you just weren't even prepared for this and you just jumped in.


    As for the money... That original post offered to sell powers did say they could be revoked if you misused them. And, being that you already received your "final warning" prior to that should have been a red flag that you're on a slipperly slope anyway. If you end up losing admin at least you're still supporting the community - even though you don't see it that way.


    Just a random screeny of some of the bragging that makes you look like a derp in my opinion...




  13. Didn't read your whole post but here's a couple responses to your post:

    Why would I abuse admin after a few days after paying $50 it.

    Even if not intentional, freeslaying can be interpreted as abuse to the players. I could go on and on about this but I won't.



    No. You're not a forum moderator. Ban request for impersonation? lol jk jk but really why?


    Alright so here's my two cents...


    You had an open mod app which had a lot of -1's so it's obvious some people didn't think you were ready for it. Now, I understand that not everyone will be loved and -1's happen, but I think everyone would agree you had more than average. So, you bought admin, so now you got some weight and rank to throw around - doesn't mean the community respects you.


    And I don't really have proof of this but it's been my experience:

    • Before he even donated he bragged in chatbox about getting admin. This isn't really abuse in any way but it's bad PR.
    • Everytime I've played with him he needs to ask about everything. And this isn't simple learning questions being asked. Players have asked questions about standard motd rules and he has blatantly said "i don't know" - How can someone enforce the rules if they don't understand them?


    I have no proof on any of this unfortunately.


    I would +1 this all day long but we do need proof guys even though we've all seen it we need to pool our evidence. GO GO GO.

  14. I understand what you said. I was just using the banner room as an example of places people spawn even on the first round of a new map.

  15. Sometimes that happens at the beginning of the map too, like you'll spawn in the hidden banner room thingy with no way out. It just happens. Maybe something Silence can look at but I'm pretty sure chances are it's just something we all have to live with as it just happens from time to time.

  16. Actually the only thing he said outside the highlight was freekiller, and said "retarded" not directed at you.


    As far as calling you a "faggot" and not a "homo" I guess I'm "sorry" that my "summarization" of the your "conversation" didn't include direct "quotes".


    I still say -1 because this happens to everyone. He didn't go off on a flame war and he didn't spam it. He was upset for all of about 20 seconds.