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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I played on HG JB last night and also this morning. I had a few ideas rattle around my head and I spoke with Aegean very briefly about some of it. I think there's a lot we can learn, but like you said, we are who we are.


    I think some of the appeal (for me anyway, can't speak for you) is that it's different. That's why it seems interesting or better in ways. But honestly, some of the HG members I spoke with have said the same things about our server for likely the same reason. It's appealing because it's different.


    Keep in mind a lot of what they do is because they play the same map. They're wardening plugin in great and it can teleport people, open that pesky security room, restrict areas, teleport for !lr, all kind of cool crap. But we could never do that unless we had our own map that ran 24/7.


    I do like their wardening style as well as some of the warden/rebel plugins that could be implemented anywhere. In a sense it's stricter by giving CTs more controlling, automatically declared rebels for holding guns and changing them colors, etc. But in a way, because of being a little more strict, there's effectively more wiggle-room for controlling the rounds, handling T's, managing rebels and pardons, etc.


    I'm not going to try wardening on the server for quite some time. And as far as the drugs and the rep and whatever - I just don't fucking understand. But it will be fun to play there for something different - and I'm sure they'll come here for the same reason.


    In the end, like I said, I think there's a few things we can learn and maybe implement little changes. But I personally really wouldn't want to get to far away from how it currently operates.

  2. As Aegean said the HG tag restriction is going to be getting removed as soon as our leader gets in here.


    As for TS, I believe you can join without the token thing, you'll just be an unregistered user. Just connect to voice.xenogamers.com.


    However, I will attempt to help with your token error so you can be a registered user... Connect to our TS as noted above, then in your TS client go to "Settings" and then "Identities" and copy your unique ID. Go here Teamspeak Server and paste your unique ID and click Submit. Then disconnect and reconnect in TS. *Should* work, let me know.


    And, welcome!

  3. You over fucking use binds in games. It makes me want to permanantly gag you. However thats impossible. Lighten up on the trolling and bind usage then i will consider it. +0 for now.


    Couldn't have said it better myself. I gagged him yesterday, used all chat to tell him, then ungagged him, and it continued. Like he didn't even notice. I told him about that today in Steam and he seems to have lightened up a bit.


    Activity: 6/10

    Maturity: 6/10


    Other than the binds and chat spamming he's a great player and I hate to see him get voted out because of it. I'm SURE he'll correct this action.............. *hint hint cough cough*


    Decision: +1

  4. -1


    I don't even know his history but now I know he is a liar.


    Saw his app 2 days ago and, without knowing who he was, vouched a 0 on it. Then, yesterday, I saw him in game wearing the xG tag. I checked and his app was still open so I asked him to remove the tag. He insisted I had him on Steam, which I did, and he explained "Oh I talked to Aegean he said it's cool" in many many more words than that but that's the gist of it. None of the admins on at the time were told any such thing by Aegean and, again, his app was still open. I talked to Serbian and vuala 5 minutes later the tag is gone.


    If he's been in this or other clans before he at least understands when and how to use a tag, so lying over something so small is just dumb.

  5. Decision: +1


    Activity: ?/10

    Maturity: 9/10


    Can't say I've seen you too often but that could just be because you stay under that radar (which can be a good thing). I did, however, play with you earlier this evening. Great guy, knows what he's doing.

  6. This Materials and Models Pack contains all the custom materials, models, and textures used on xG servers at the time of release; including skins, trails, hats, and overlays.


    If you join an xG server for the first time all these should download. This pack is NOT INTENDED to prevent pre-game downloads; rather it is intended to solve model and texture errors that may occur.


    This WILL fix the big red “ERROR” in place of hats and player models, and the pink/black checkered trails.


    PLEASE read the !readme.txt file in the download for installation directions.


    For automatic download and installation, please use the xG CS:S Tools app.



    This pack is outdated and no longer supported. For current versions please use the xG CS:S Tools app.



    Version 1.3, 05/28/2012, outdated

    Type: .zip archive for manual install

    Size: 11.8 MB

    MD5: c6c0cb80f43b8ed8050d40c2b03ecc7c

    Download from xenoGamers.org INTERNAL LINK


  7. Probably not going to get unbanned.


    Gawd was kind of just asking what you did and he did nothing to shoot you down. If you want to just withdraw like this then it sounds to me like maybe yeah you did make a boo boo? That's just what it looks like in my opinion.


    If you want to explain what you did and why you think you should be unbanned no one is stopping you or passing any type of judgement at this point.