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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. PC:




    So many more older games


    Better play styles for shooters


    Not XBox Live




    Your retarded friends that like to play games but can't dish out enough for a gaming computer


    I believe you know where I stand.




    I guess my key things are mods and power. You can ResHack anything on the PC to make the game whatever you want it to be (custom models, new levels, new cites, etc). You can tweak all the settings to boost performance and/or make it look better. And if it's not enough you can upgrade and change hardware. With console you're pretty much stuck with what comes out of the box and what comes on the disc.

  2. Just because you were in the soccer arena doesn't mean you were instructed to play deathsoccer. Killing a teammate is not rebeling - it's killing a teammate. Just like a CT that freekills if you die shortly after you get slayed next round.


    As for the CTs changing the ball, if it caused a problem, it should have also been addressed at that time.

  3. Laith can be a derp at times, yes, I'll agree with you there. But if you listened to him during your example he did say "I'm sorry I didn't hear that" which I think is believable since all the T's were talking about the merry-go-round and whatever Mick was having them do.


    I've slayed Laith a few times and maybe even CT-banned for an hour or something because, again, yes, he can derp. But between derps he's a good guy and respects the mods/admins and typically understands the rules.


    That's my two cents, I'm at +1 -1 = 0 on the member protest.

  4. He is a good guy, don't -1 because of an iffy situation you don't know much information about.

    I totally agree with this in every way and in every situation. Unfortunately it's not just a single iffy situation. There's more than one, and they're not all iffy.


    I don't know most of you all that well and I'm still fairly new to the community. If I vouch on an app in either direction it's because I have a clear opinion. You'll see plenty of app's I vouch a 0 and just share some info or I just don't say anything. Now, with that, I don't want to make it sound like I have an extreme dislike or anything like that for ganja since I vouched -1, but from what I've seen I vouched how I felt and I'm sure everyone else has as well.


    I've had admin experience but never on RPG servers like JB. It's totally different and there's a lot more responsibility in my opinion. I'm not the only one that's gotten a bad vibe from ganja and others have only seen good. That's the whole purpose of the app and vouch process.


    Good luck Ganja.

  5. Decision: -1


    Activity: 4/10

    Maturity: 3/10


    Why: He's kind of a jerk and he uses funny characters in his name. Also, I've only seen him in JB like once and he was horrible.


    Wait what's this...




    Decision: +1


    Activity: 8/10

    Maturity: 9/10


    Why: Very active in JB, knows the rules clearly. Good player.


  6. the reason they do it is cuz i dont take shit from people thats why if someone disrespects me imma disrespect them cuz i can stand up for myself i was raised like that, thats just how i am


    Sorry but that re-enforces my point. If you think it's bad as a player wait until you're in a position with a little authority. You've got to be able to grin and bear it and respond accordingly without flying off the handle.


    Some people will say "give him a chance to prove himself" to which I would reply with - basically what I just said - as a player he's already proven he can't.


    Sorry Ganja, I love playing with you and I hope you don't see this as any type of disrespect and it's certainly not intended to be - I just don't think you'd be chill enough to handle the trolls.


    ---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------


    You gotta be willing to let the little stuff slide and just ignore people sometimes if they're not actually breaking any rules. Trolls will troll and the way your respond just feeds it and makes the situation boil over. On more than one occasion I've had to tell you and people you were arguing with to just shut the fuck up in game - as mod I could see you gagging/slaying/kicking just to end the argument so you win.

  7. Alright so I'm not actually trapped in Canada at the moment but I was at one point. I was just talking to @@serbiansnaga and I thought about this story and it's decent so I thought I'd share.


    So anyway, if you didn't know I'm from southern Canada (Minnesota) - St. Paul to be exact. About, oh, 7-8 years ago I lived in Blaine (a suburb of St. Paul/Minneapolis) and my buddy and I decided to take a trip up to Duluth just for shits and giggles. Now, Duluth is kind of a get away city in northern Minnesota and the people that live there probably get sick of all us other Minnesotans coming for no good reason. So anyway, we get up there and decide "fuck it, we're over half way to Canada, let's do this shit" and we continue on our way.


    So we continued on up and made it to the Canadian border. This was before you needed a passport to get into Canada, so armed with our driver's licenses, school ID's, and the title and insurance info on my car - we were in Canada.


    Needless to say it's fucking Canada so we got bored and had nothing to do after about 3 minutes so we decided to head back. That's when we discovered that - as American citizens - we had enough documentation to leave the US and enter Canada, but we didn't have enough documentation to reenter the US.


    Alas, we were stuck in Canada. We had two options: Sit in this room (kind of like an office break room) under surveillance, or reenter Canada. Again, since it was Canada, we decided fuck it and sat in the room because the TV was more entertaining than the entire country. We waiting there almost 5 hours for our family to bring social security cards and birth certificates to help confirm our identity so we could reenter the US.


    And that's my story about how I got trapped in Canada.


    P.S. I'm drunk right now so if you don't like my story you're Canadian.

  8. Decision: 0


    Maturity: 7/10

    Activity: ?/10 - He used to be very active on JB but I haven't seen him in a while, he may play other servers, not sure.


    Why: Well as stated I haven't seen him in a while but he may be more active on other servers. I hate to say it but when I did see him in JB he tended to spam and derp more often then not and I just didn't really see a clear understanding of the rules or the general role-play theme of JB.

  9. Decision: -1


    Activity: 9/10

    Maturity: 7/10


    Why: Very active, yes, and knows most of the rules. But he tends to go overboard if he questions anything - Even if it's over a simple order the gets misinterpreted he can get into a heated argument. Also he does question some rules and questions mods/admins on their decisions sometimes.

  10. I think its a bit overpowering to have extra health, a machine gun, and the info on where everyone is:P


    Yet the last CT still gets killed more often than not. The lines help the Ts as well ;)

  11. He was accepted by a division leader only minutes after he made his post. There could be a number of reasons: oldxg, vintage, maybe he got accepted on other terms so when the app went up they just closed out anyway, who knows.


    Nice to see newfags policing our forums though... O.o