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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Silence!!! get the "Mom,Get me a condom!" Plugin! the voice one! :D it was SOOO fun! please just for a few hours until we just laugh our ass off :D


    It's not... actually... a plugin...



  2. I actually just ordered these:




    I had some Amazon gift card money so only spent about $12 out of pocket for the headset, plus $3.99 for Amazon Prime next-day shipping.


    I had this same headset YEARS ago and loved it. Until I broke it by trying to take it apart lol.

  3. Everyone wants me to get a headset instead of using speakers and webcam mic. I probably should, it would make things easier.


    I'd prefer something USB instead of 3.5mm, in my experience USB has better volume control and can get louder.


    I'm also on a bit of a budget.


    I found these, what do you think?


    Rosewill Audio Pro RHM-6308 USB Connector Circumaural Gaming Headset - Newegg.com

    Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 USB Connector Circumaural Stereo Headset - Newegg.com


    I'm leaning towards the Rosewill ones. Or, recommend something else?

  4. Definitely an ass man. But I'm not about the huge welfare too-much-kfc ass, or the apple bottoms, or all that other jazz... I like a nice little tight ass.

  5. It should... I made a backup of my CSS folder and I can copy and paste back and forth to fix the error, its gotta be something in that folder.

  6. I made a backup of my CSS folder then jumped into a pure server to sabotage my own shit.


    I was seeing errors for everything LOL but when I deleted the models and materials folders I got all the skins and trails back BUT I still have hat ERRORS.


    Now, I have my backup so I can still play just fine, bu I experimented with deleting damn near everything and I still had hat errors.


    I'm working with an admin of that other server to see if he has any ideas.


    Thanks to my backup and through process of elimination I've determined the problem is SOMEWHERE inside the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[[user]]\counter-strike source


    At this point I'd offer this as a solution to anyone who wants to try:

    1. Right-click on Counter-Strike: Source on your Steam screen and click Delete Local Content
    2. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[[user]]\counter-strike source and delete it ALL (I suspect that certain custom files remain after you tell Steam to delete CS:S, that's why the problem remains when you've tried reinstalling in the past.)
    3. Reinstall CS:S


    Note that this will also reset all your settings, configs, bindings, etc. I can't tell you what you can or cannot save at this point since I'm still not sure what's causing the problem BUT this method should work.

  7. All the mods are fun but I'd love to play some good old-fashioned CS:S. Maybe a few fun plugins. But I want CS:S. Anyone else?


    Also, let's get a zombie server going again. I know I'm not the only one that likes Zombie.


    Few more options to bring people in and keep people here.


    A note on the vote: "Zombie Survival" = "Zombie Revival". Sorry, I derped.