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Everything posted by Teezar

  1. People who gain the most points in the rankings for xG JB in a week.
  2. Teezar


    +1 Dude he's such an abooser ban him please. >inb4 aegean closes thread cuz jaybreezy's drunk >inb4 OP can't inb4
  3. Teezar

    Bring this back!

    -1 Cawl me maybeh is teh best entro evar gais, iz my fav sawng of awl teim!!!
  4. Negro Sucks penis Immature Troll ....... JUST FUCKING KIDDING Mature Great guy Kind Non-troll +1 ALSO: @@serbiansnaga
  5. +1 Great guy, mature, intelligent, and deserves to be a moderator.
  6. Teezar


    Banned myself for 3 Hours, reason dumbass. /thread Prolly getting removed as mod, etc. It is what it is I guess, I hope I don't yet consequences are consequences. It was a one round thing and i hope you forgive me.
  7. +1, Good guy, was a good mod, knows the rules, and is very mature.
  8. Issue's been resolved! If all parties agree, then let's just close this thread. @Aegean!
  9. Here's a demo: lolmad.dem Throw it in your cstrike folder, restart CS:S if you're not already in it, and play the demo via console. The name of the demo is lolmad. Was gunna upload it to youtube but didn't want to figure out how to convert a .dem file into a .avi file since It wouldn't work for me in game. Anyway, as you can see in the demo neither of them crouched or jumped, it seemed as though it was two intentionally freekills one after the other.
  10. @Aegean! My mistake, it appears as though it hasn't been two months. Please close, thank you. I'll try again in a month ^.^
  11. I've been in since June, I have been in for two months.
  12. I know the motd well, I'm an Eagle Scout, and I manage a Gmod server. Hope you guys think I'm worthy of being mod. Thanks for your time, ~Teezar EDIT: Sorry, I mistyped, I meant to type 14 under age, although I will be 15 this upcoming November. ^.^
  13. +1 W: He's grown a lot since his last application but he's still a bit immature. Work on the maturity a bit and your golden. Best of luck Draxx.
  14. What do you know how to code in? I would assume lua since you're applying for garrysmod, but I could be wrong. If you are experience in lua you should teach me mang. ^.^
  15. Lol you rageleave and then come back 3 days later? Wow. Wow derp. >.>
  16. -1 I like him, hes a cool guy. Why the fuck would you ban him for some sort of stupid shit like this? >.> Also you posted no sort of evidence HongKong.
  17. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10 Sorry I didn't see your application sooner. ^.^
  18. Teezar

    Why we have Rules.

    I also agree with this, if we're going to have fucking rules, we MUST do a better job of enforcing them. But then again... I would hate to see the one-get-out-of-jail card thing that requires you to donate 20 dollars or do the mona pizza challange to go away. I personally believe that everyone deserves a second chance.
  19. Holy Jesus thank the lord some new maps, everything on jailbreak has been so boring AND I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THEY TOOK OUT AVALANCHE.
  20. Cool guy, been playing on the servers for a while. Respects the rules, respects other players, and knows the MOTD. +1
  21. It's fine, I didn't -1 or anything We're cool.
  22. D: -1 Doesn't know the motd very well, saw him freekill a few plus he freekilled me myself. Learn the rules a bit more.
  23. +0 Never really seen you on the fucking servers before, I've like seen you once dude. But anyway, if I play with you a bit more I may change my vote, but until then it will remain at a +0.
  24. Lol this will be a big change from before.... xD