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Everything posted by ItsAaron

  1. Meh. I know what I like so I just download any TV series or film I wanna watch. And I get paid friday so until then can't really go out anyways :p
  2. And the only reason Two and a Half Men is in there is that with being in England, half the time CS:S is too empty to be fun. So, what do you do when not playing games?
  3. Gonna -1 this. On the positive, most of the time he is a fine admin, sticks to the rules and only punishes when neccesary. I wouldnt say he lied about orangejuice, I'd say even with that video it was too close to call either way argue it however you like. On the minus, occasionally I have seen him do stuff like open his cell when numerous people are on, or get unneccesarily angry at people over seemingly minor stuff. I wouldn't say he should be demoted, but I would say he should perhaps be watched a bit closer by admins/DL's.
  4. Well I remember the old MoH, and for some reason every time I think about it I only have this one level in mind, where you start in a train station or something. Although it might've been MoH 2 or something
  5. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Yeahhh it'd defo make it loads easier to find (in my opinion lol). Nice to read the MOTD again, not read it in ages :p
  6. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Well even when you said the RULES section, I was looking all along the top bars for a minute trying to find a section there that said RULES, didnt know you meant a forum segment. Maybe they should put a hyperlink to the RULES forum segment underneath the Servers drop down list along the top? I really think it might help @@silence ?
  7. Meh like I said I'm more for online anyways. I really only bought MW3 for the online, and thought I'd just give the campaign mode a go. I never even played most of the special op missions. But then, it did get released on my pay day, so I just thought fuck it why not :p
  8. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Oh yeah haha. Thanks <3
  9. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Where is the MOTD on the website anyways? I can never find it when I'm looking
  10. Yeah. Well I think the thing is now that they spend alot more time for the online mode, and since they didnt used to have that they'd have spent it all on the campaign, else people mightve complained buying something that took 5 hours to complete and had nothing else to do :p
  11. Well, British people do many everything epic ;D
  12. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Atleast if that happens I'll be able keep up to date. Cba to keep finding it on the website :p
  13. ItsAaron

    The motd

    I'm with Forest, I don't ever even get the video. I've only ever had it come up blank when I do !motd so I dont even try anymore
  14. Well I played it, but it's not really my thing. Tbh I'm not even that much for campaigns on most FPS's, especially war ones. Although I have enjoyed a few like MW3, short as it was.
  15. ItsAaron

    The motd

    Or just get !motd to actually bring up the motd? We all love !rules D:
  16. If I can get anything, it's gonna be black ops 2 here. I've never been one for medal of honour especially.
  17. ItsAaron

    NstyleZ vs xG

    Fuck scrim! JB is where it's at xD
  18. I use a playstation eye camera for its mic, and for sound either surround sound speakers or my wireless sennheiser headphones. Works well for me ;D
  19. Well I would MC parody reply but...
  20. I like free stuff. Inbox me 4 luv <3
  21. X-men origins:Wolverine The Prestige (both Hugh Jackman films) God bless America
  22. There is, but that's what the point of this would be. It'd be expensive but so worth it
  23. Have Amanda Todds posts been deleted? Just been looking for the picture she posted haha
  24. >likes bleach >searches for good flavours >england sucks
  25. ItsAaron

    10000 > 6600?

    I heard 6600 is the new 10,000. Be hip, dont vie for 10,000