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Posts posted by tree

  1. What is considered disrespect:


    • If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers.

    • Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on.

    What is not considered disrespect


    • The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.

    • Arguing over map choice.

    • Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.

    What is considered disrespect:


    • If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers.

    • Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on.

    What is not considered disrespect


    • The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.

    • Arguing over map choice.

    • Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.

  2. What is considered disrespect:


    • If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers.

    • Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on.

    What is not considered disrespect


    • The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.

    • Arguing over map choice.

    • Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.

  3. +1




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