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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Aubri.

  1. Aubri.

    Dota 2 Division

    I wouldn't play. xG already has a WoW and League Division. Dota 2 is not needed.
  2. how do i unfriend you
  3. this guy sucks dick
  4. I'm pretty sure she could have still said no. I would have. Just to make you feel like an idiot.
  5. My boyfriend proposed to me and I told him no. Good luck with your life.
  6. Aubri.

    Vindicraft and xG

    WOW good thing this isn't an essay you're writing for school you'd be kicked out for PLAGIARISM
  7. I thought you were talking about !hub for a second. I didn't even pay attention to the rpg credits. But yeah, good idea kid.
  8. Marilyn Manson is amazing. +1
  9. Read through my post again. I'm looking for three people to play Borderlands and then (when that's finished) Borderlands 2 with.
  10. So you're leaving because a friend of yours broke several rules in the community he was a part of and got banned for doing so? Haha. Okay. Also, you're going to go ahead and say that the community is tearing its members apart but not even mention a SINGLE possible way of preventing this or perhaps sticking around for a bit so you could contribute to pushing things forward? I wish I could re-vote in the poll so I could change my answer from "Who are you?" to "Get the fuck out."
  11. Your sig is so relevant as my reaction to this thread.
  12. Looking for three people that are willing to play through all of Borderlands. And by all, I do mean all. Main story, side quests, errrrthang. I'm really hoping that the three people I play through Borderlands with can conveniently be the three that I play Borderlands 2 with. This is on xbox, btw. Annnnnd I kinda wanna do this asap but with that said, I won't start until after October 1st, because I have class shit I have to take care of before then. Also, I'd like to include that I am a noob. I've played probably about 3 or 4 hours of Borderlands and done a few main quests, but other than that, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I've tried to drive the buggy like thing and had a horrible time because idk, just can't control, (inb4 women can't drive) but yeah. I'm a noob, whatevs. Anyone down?
  13. Aubri.


    HaaDron, ShakeNBake, Deodate (once I purchase it for him), and I as a team. Sound good?
  14. Aubri.


    Really doesn't even matter because I wouldn't want to play with you anyway.
  15. Aubri.


    Does anyone have Magicka and want to play co-op with me? I'm asking this really late but if you're interested in playing with me and have it (or want it really badly) I could purchase it for you while it's cheap but yeah jdsjdss WHO HAS IT ??
  16. First thing I read. Hmm. Relevant.
  17. Damnit, Chrono. Stop trying to get into my apologetic thread. >:c
  18. Hi. I don't really know what to start this thread off with. However, although I'm bad with introductions as well as putting together words to make proper sentence structure to explain things so people get a better understanding.. I'll just let the title of this thread say it all. I haven't really been around this community for that long. It's been probably around a month, if even. I've met a lot of awesome people and some people, that for no reason, strongly dislike me. Or maybe they have a reason; they're just not open to telling me what it is, I don't know. For those awesome people I've met: Thanks for being supportive and nice even despite the times I was an utter cunt. For those jerks that weren't so nice and decided to troll me because of what they heard rather than giving me the benefit of the doubt, whatever. I've held a lot of grudges in my life and the internet is certainly not a place for that. TL;DR: Elle has been mean lately. She is very sorry and hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive her. (✿◠‿◠) I just wanted to apologize to the following people because I feel like I may have gone a bit too far with the jokes, trolling, what have you: HongKongFooey - I'm sorry I said you looked like Skrillex. :c I seriouly didn't even know that being told you look like Sonny was something that bugged you. Just the first time I saw a picture of you, that's what I thought. And I never called you emo or a faggot so whoever told you I said this, should probably get their ears checked. Warrior - You're my little bro. I have to stop calling you nigga so often. I'm a bad influence and you deserve respect. Brian - I don't know what I did to piss this guy off but he seriously dislikes me. And although this is an apology thread, I feel that it's unjustice that I apologize to someone if I don't even know what the reason is. So I'm not apologizing to you, Brian. Only acknowledging the fact that you severly dislike me.. and accepting that. Neo - No specific reason, really. I'm just a bitch and sometimes the things you say annoy me. Because I'm paranoid. Teezar - I'm sorry for overreacting about the IP thing. It just creeped me out haha. Especially since you could have just asked me and I would have answered you. Just thought it was shady of you to receive my IP from a steam call and then immediately report back to Vanilla Grape after it happened. You're a cool kid though and I really wish people would stop making fun of your voice. GanjaMonster - I think you and I just got off on the wrong start. The first few days I start using the teamspeak, I thought you were pretty rad. Everyone is always bitching about you admin abusing when really, you're one of the few people who know what they're doing. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Despite your attitude sometimes being a bit excessive (just like everyone elses') you're a pretty cool guy. EroSennin - This is the weirdest the apology I've given so far, because I don't really think you deserve an apology. Not that I'm too shallow of a person to give you one, it's just we haven't gotten into serious arguments and you haven't made me pissed at you. I just think you're weird and that you need some love from a girl you don't meet online. Duckii Jr - Don't even know how to apologize to you because I barely know you. But yesterday I feel like I trolled you a bit too much and I didn't want you to think I'm this huge judgmental cunt. I'll admit, I've heard some pretty nasty things about you, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and find out for myself whether or not you're a nice guy. IDGA[F]oxxeh - The furry jokes get old, don't they? You seem pretty cool, when you don't scream into your mic while playing jailbreak, that is. Vanilla Grape - We both took things too far and I'm glad we're both over it. Just wanted to apologize again for whatever I did that made you upset. Kelly - You seem like a really nice girl. I wish you would at least give me a chance to apologize to you. What I said, I didn't mean to sound offensive or judgmental, I was just looking out for you. Aegean - You're the nicest person to me in this entire community and all I've done is treated you terribly. I'm sorry love. ;~; Edit: Forgot GoatFaceKillah - Thought you were pretty ignorant and obnoxious at first, which is why talking to you was always a bother. After awhile though, I got used to your sense of humor and way of thinking, and I think you're pretty chill. Okay, so I think that's all of you. If there's anyone else I'm offended/upset, let me know so I can add you to this list. Lmao, I can already feel myself getting heavily judged for creating this topic and spending 10 minutes writing it. Hopefully by reading these aforementioned apologies, you won't think I'm a pretentious cunt who does nothing but sit on teamspeak all day and talk bad about other people, and perhaps you'll forgive me for my not-so-nice words. If you still choose to spread [the silliest of] rumors about me in separate channels, fine, continue to do so. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
  19. No, I'm not offended. I just suggest you think twice about what you post on the internet, especially when it's something as offensive as mocking one of the worst things to happen in history. I know you don't give a fuck, but a lot of people do.
  20. How much funnier would this thread be if Silence lost a parent or a close relative during that attack? You're so hard on the interwebs, bro.
  21. I don't know you but goodbye. :[
  22. I'd add you but I never had you added to begin with. Besides, you could be the French guy who hacked Rabid's account. 250+ games and 450+ games in my inventory? No bueno. c;
  23. Aubri.

    Borderlands 2

    I'm pretty sure Aegean, Chappy, Psycho, and Ruki are playing together. Ask Rabid, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have anyone to play with. :s
  24. Well considering the fact that you will have to purchase an entire new Wii U to get a second controller, since they aren't selling them separate, mediocre. I'm not declining the fact people will buy it, I know that there's thousands of idiots out there just trying to spend their money for the sake of spending it, but just another something made for the sole purpose of $.
  25. Aubri.

    Black Mesa in 1 day

    Half-Life is boring.