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Posts posted by lEcho

  1. Also JB/RPG Surf will pick up during the summer

    My summer is a week and my classes are just getting more intense and eventually it becomes like a job so I rather go out now then just demoted eventually for not being active

  2. but I joined xG because of the RPG surf server and now that it has died like the rest of CSS community besides jb which is slowly getting there. I dont think being a member and staff has a point anymore because I became both of those because of surf and I only started playing jb to get to know more of you guys and I'm glad I did because alot you guys even though most already have left also but most of you guys are cool and I'll keep you added but unless I mention you I don't plan on keeping all you guys added but if I delete you and you still wanna be friends just re-add me.


    @@Forest you still need toke with me and @@DeathGod also @@DeathGod should be a Co-Leader by now

    @@Gkoo still owe me $5

    @@tree #purpgang4life

    @@PiNoYPsYcHo still the cutest member

    @TheLostCause keep these kids in check for me

    @@Warriorsfury stop being a little bitch

    @@Chrono is a jew but has a big cock

    @@Gawd had fun times with you bro

    @@orangejuice you're so weird but you're also funny as fuck and made jb fun

    @@ItsAaron fuck you because I'm Irish but keep doing you with your British swagness

    @@MegaRobin stop being such a try hard and go outside

    @@Hellafun13 please downs this

    @@DrPepperPhreak had fun times on tinychat while in-game still the hottest member

    @@Megan love you forever <3

    @@JayBreezy still down to get wasted on tinychat with you

    @@MineCrack I hope we are still cool its just somebody had to stick up for the kid publicly <3


    Anyone else I didn't mention we're cool but these people actually made xG worth it for me so I had a great time but its time to move on with life to put my time into the $80,000 student loan I have right now. So I'll still come on jb or TS when I have time but I got more important things in life right now. One Love, Peace homies

  3. Caps doesn't change my valid argument. He was banned because of all the chances he was given to cut out his threats. Again, it's up to Silence to unban him.

    so you ban a kid when he was depressed and lonely and vents out on a forum website then now realizes how stupid that was and tries to get a unban but you deny it because of a rumor that someone screenshotted him threatening to kill himself which he truthfully denies to me he never said and the screenshot was never shown besides to silence. ok sure I'll go with it

  4. That doesn't change the fact he's been given chances to stop talking about his personal problem, you don't appear to grasp that.


  5. School counselors are free, and they're free clinics everywhere. It doesn't even have to be a counselor, anyone he can relate to really. No one LOOKS at him as a depressed suicidal kid, he seems like he wants attention/people to be SORRY for him. Even if he doesn't, by the way he's going about it that's sure as hell what he's acting for. And please tell me these rumors? I hear about them but haven't seen them yet. Also, he never says what his dad DOES to him. All I've heard and hear him say from his good bye threads is that he makes him get off the computer. If he's ABUSING you call the police. Simple as that.

    He did and that was me and that is why I'm defending him and will continue to because I have been where he is and have seen it happen to my own sister and an ex-girlfriend so please respect that somebody know what kind of people go through this and how you actually need to help them and just because you think about it but don't go through with it doesn't mean you are asking for attention but means he has no one to do it and if you think its really that easy if you think about so much you are wrong but you know a kid who held a gun to his head wouldn't know what he is talking about. Also if you are being abused its not as simply as calling the cops for one his dad could lie his ass off to the cops to avoid jail also he might not be getting beat by his dad but getting put down as a human from your own dad can hurt you mentally

  6. He was told to go see a counselor several times. As I said he's threatened suicide multiple times. He should've thought over his actions.

    Yea well do you plan on paying for it because it isnt free and if you ever talked to the kid you know his own dad treated him worse then you guys did when he found out so please all I'm asking is to stop making him out to be this depressed suicidal kid that all he thinks about his killing himself when he just wants to be happy which he get find in real life or from his own family so when he tries on the interent people make rumors and troll him about it which eventually pushed him to try to find someone to talk to and he found me and I talked to the kid and yea he told me stuff that I wont repeat to start more shit but I told him my secrets because we all have them so stop labeling him and give him a chance and I mean a REAL one not one that can get shot down off a rumor or one screenshot

  7. ok I get you dont want fucking liabilities but not one person outside of xG or the community knows duckii jr is even part of a "clan" and that we have forums. So what I'm trying to say is IF<------please notice the big IF, he decided to do something to himself ,which I will vouch 100% he never will hurt himself because I have actually opened my arms to the kid to help him out which most of you assholes got scared when someone isn't completely normal and talked shit on him which makes everything worse, but anyway if he did and his family or someone actually cares to look up his history on the internet they will not give 2 shits about anything anyone has said on this website or to him because the last thing the local PD near him will care about is tracking down the owner of a website and question him or other members on why duckii jr did what he did because of what we said on this site. So please get over yourself thinking anything on this site outside of our community matters at all and let the kid back in the community.

  8. +1 if you guys really fucking think he is trying to get unbanned from the forums just to come back on here to tell you guys how depressed and shit he is then you are fucking stupid. the kid is fine and talks to me everyday and I talk to him about his problems and yea the kid is alittle depressed...big deal, we all have been depressed before and for some people it can be worse but Duckii jr knows who we can talk to if he needs to and not to make his problems public anymore. So if you havent personal talked to Duckii jr and realized he is a good kid that YOU guys fucked over with that rumor then making fun of him in his TS room you have no reason to -1. Yea in the past he might have said some stupid shit on the forums but he didn't do anything to harm himself and has no plans to so please give a NEW valid reason why he doesn't deserve to be allowed on the forums when he is perfectly fine in-game.

  9. @@JayBreezy and @@lEcho


    I'll take ya up on that drinking on tiny chat, first to down ... say 1/5 of rum or vodka? it's gota be kinda same alc%/etc to be fair





    inb4 every1 goes on tinychat to see us get blasted

    the 1/5 is the 750mL bottle.

    I'm down for some vodka but I'll probably puke trying to drink that much rum lolol

  10. dude I freekilled 3 T's as warden high as fuck and no one said shit hahah you guys just dont like him for personal reasons and keep bringing up the same reason not to unban him which is stupid because I never seen someone try so hard to explain why he did what he did and actually admit to fucking up and when he doesn't kiss your ass to get an unban you say he is disrespecting like cmon guys you act like the fucking servers are going to blow up if this nigga gets unban also he doesn't even care to play on CSS because he never does besides minigames, if you guys actually knew him and played with him you would know he fucking hates CSS JB also he isn't permed from the server so he could still come play as a T but HE NEVER DOES SO WHY DOES IT MATTER