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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by House

  1. Games are supposed to be fun, and with someone spouting profanity and disrespecting players nonstop, it starts to get much less fun. He doesn't make good decisions (lets use the permanent CT ban for a "noballs mass fk" as proof for this), he disrespects players constantly, and in situations where a common "hey sham slay this guy" would suffice, he instead decides to tell the admins what to do and if their decision does not match his, he berates them for it. I'm getting extremely tired of the constant misconduct. Dan does not represent the community well and gives members a bad look. +1 /endrant
  2. House

    Powers in xG

    No. -Abuse -General Faggotry (joking with someone and taking it too far) -Slaying people for invalid reasons -Backseat moderating with moderator powers (wut) -members are members, not mods
  3. I got my graphic design teacher to help me out. Thanks though.
  4. House

    Social Media Contest

    Entered aswell. Hope I get meh some credits.
  5. I agree with the above statement. You have not matured and you still spam binds. Youre annoying and still not fun to play with. -1
  6. I'd refer to marty change for such a situation.
  7. This sounds sketchy. I'd say google like I do to everyone, but considering you can't type the word "google," we may have a serious problem.
  8. LOL CLUB PENGUIN On a more serious note, I have a very helpful video that can fix your problem quickly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLdoPNEA0XI
  9. I'm a faggot and refuse to play GO until CS:S is completely dead.
  10. House


    Shit went down.
  11. Mature guy, knows rules and plays fairly. Would make a good member. +1
  12. Lol for some reason it gave me like 6 attachments when I tried to post one picture #isgay
  13. Nope, more along the lines of electronic/ambient. Nice try being funny though.
  14. House

    Game modes

    Rotation and possibly a bank mod to keep track of cash. Love me that bank mod.
  15. Hello everyone. Not sure if you know this, but I make music on the side in my free time, and I'm about to release my first EP. I'm awful at photoshop, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in providing an album cover for me. Should be an easy enough job, and I'm willing to offer a free copy to anyone interested in helping out. If you're interested or just want more details, PM me or steam message me. Thanks, Sham
  16. You've shown you can be extremely explosive with your emotions, and that has ended badly before. I have also never seen you in-game. -1
  17. Congrats to everyone. I'm liking the choices for new Divs and CoLeaders:)
  18. You're a really cool guy and you show a knowledge of the MOTD. +1
  19. Never seen you before, unless you frequently change names. Add me on steam so I can check how you do in-game.
  20. Eh. You're a really nice guy and you're not that bad when it comes to maturity, but you should just make sure you brush up on the rules to avoid any complications. I've yet to see any, but that doesn't mean they dont happen. I'll give my +1 but that doesn't mean I won't change my vote if I see you go downhill. Good luck.
  21. House


    Why try on exams when we all die friday YOLO
  22. House

    Game modes

    I know of a few Rotation servers (NoobGalore, SG) that are pretty popular. I'd go for this, but we'd have to have guys willing to help populate it. Also, I don't think I've ever seen anyone in slide race or DM Surf, which is sad, because I absolutely love those gamemodes. I will attempt to get those 2 servers populated and see if we can't increase numbers, but in the meantime, a rotation server does sound like a good bit of fun.
  23. Type !intro in the chat, it should play the song and tell you the name in your killfeed.
  24. I think the position of semi-leader should be introduced. It's like being a co-leader to a co-leader. In fact, all positions should be descendent to that of the co-leader, i.e. after semi-leader comes co-semi-leader then semi-co-semi-leader I know, I'm a genius