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Everything posted by House

  1. Didn't close thread. Ban/demote
  2. I've got the pool with all the dev textures pretty much done. I need some ideas for a warday area however... should it be outside/inside? Bunch of obstacles or mines/explosives? Throw ideas at me.
  3. I like it, but the textures give me a headache.' Good job guys.
  4. House

    Major Aboose

    +1 for my demotion and permaban from servers/forums
  5. Just an idea, what about an area dedicated to wardays? Just an all-out battle room made specifically for wardays. I think it would be sick if done right.
  6. He's in the GMod division so I could only imagine him applying for his own div.
  7. I'll give you some only because you spam the shit out of the same song over and over so maybe now you will get some better ones. Message me on steam, I'll hook you up.
  8. Not for GMod you dont. Go home Chrono.
  9. Age: 16 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12024669 Valve Hammer Editor experience: About 3 years of experience, I've made a few gungame maps and a few maps that I've put on the shelf What can you offer: Veteran mapping experience as well as music/sound integration. \ Area of the map you would like to create: I'd do a few areas, but I'd really like to do pool. I have a few ideas for it. Also, a suggestion for theme would be a futuristic/party theme. I want it to have a fun atmosphere like the server itself.
  10. You've been in the community for like 3 days and you have already done something stupid. Good riddance.
  11. Cool guy, knows thems rules. +uno
  12. House

    Map Making Team

    I'd love to be a part of such a team. Getting back into mapping would be a new reason to procrastinate.
  13. >is nice to everyone and is active 24/7 >gets accepted into xG >happy.jpg >decides to immediately go inactive >decides to chill with friends outside during inactivity >has no friends >realizes the only place people like you is on JB >realize nobody likes you on JB >foreveralone.jpg >drinks bleach
  14. House

    Map Making Team

    Eh. I got into mapping for the Gmod Fretta server, but that was discontinued, so I have the files just sitting around. One was a Poltergeist map and the other was a trembling tiles that didnt suck
  15. G-Shock watch (fucking sick) $175 studio beats (inb4 "beats fayget") (I actually make music so goml) some posters for my room a keyboard/mouse adapter for my xbox (also fucking sick) new shoes It's not about how many gifts you get. ITS ABOUT HOW EXPENSIVE THE GIFTS ARE
  16. Don't plus 1 invalid member apps, it makes you look stupid. I'd gladly +1 when you have 100 posts.
  17. If this is so hilarious, you might as well just +1 your own report
  18. No offense here, but this application is a joke. You were permed for abusing your powers and being a jackass, then promptly leaving the clan. Now you think that just because some time has passed, everyone will forget about it? -1 on account of OP being permed for abuse/lack of logical thought processes
  19. Invalid, according to Chrono's post, he has already been banned/demoted/permaslayed/impregnated/deported/
  20. Was wondering when you'd make this. Dis nig be knowin' dem rules and be so mad chill breh +1 fo real
  21. Shane is David (CatTamer). He's on almost every day. Freekilling is breaking the rules, and shouldn't be used as a means of trying to win an argument. Try again.
  22. What mcneo said. Not only this idea, but replace something with a Rotation w/ bankmod