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Everything posted by Mickmack

  1. I'll make you a clone of me and upload all my memories and thoughts to him. Call him mickmack jr. just for you - - - Updated - - - I remember you legend, you're a cool dude. see ya on the flip side. - - - Updated - - - That's just cruel... *sniff sniff* ;_;
  2. Hey there you beautiful people. I'm just posting this to let the whole...4 of you who know me. be it as Keshy/Mickmack/ or Wot. It's been fun, a great community. I really like you guys but I feel it's time to go. I know you've been losing alot of xG members, and I guess I'm adding another to the list. Man, I feel like I'm writing a fucking suicide note here. Well, here are my goodbyes Goodbye Megarobin, I remember being the first to +1 your application. You're a cool dude...dude. Goodbye Chrono, you smell Goodbye Snakeboyeric (and jake if he's still around), made me laugh so hard with his hldj music. will be missed. Goodbye darkwolf, genuinely funny dude. Goodbye Abraham, sorry you get shot in the head at a theatre and stuff. Goodbye Gkoo, you still owe me wendy's you cheap bastard. Goodbye Lollerskater, we never had our ganondorf versus captain falcon hldj fight....SOON Sorry if I forgot anyone, you've all been awesome. and I leave to you a few sprays I made when I was bored. (WARNING: THEY'RE TERRIBLE) [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FostnF;type=album[/MEDIA]
  3. +1 a/8 m/8 I know Aaron gives you a tough time with the plurals thing. It does bug me a little but I can see past that. Good warden, cool dude, oh, and lay off J beibz.
  4. +1+1+1+1 I feel like this would make some people mad...but it's a great idea. xG members know the rules, so that means alot less spam....also no offense but it would stop onward from his spam fest. you should repost this in css discussion.
  5. +1 This guy must be in xG. Fun to play with, good warden.
  6. +1 a:8 m:7 I like him, especially his spray. FINGA PAPIT. but he does need to cool it with the hldj.
  7. Mickmack


    +1+1+1+1 WE NEED TREE BACK!
  8. That's exactly what we were thinking. Alot of people I know love ct. being a T person myself I think they're crazy. There would still be cts. Besides when people get switched from t to ct they usually kill themselves and switch teams. I see alot of people typing !guard still. And if people still think it would be a problem I say we can make it a limited time usage buy. maybe it lasts for like a week. But that's the worst case scenario if people complain about people not joining ct. +1
  9. I made the mistake of opening up a potential HLDJ business for the jb servers. So far I've had koenza and...abraham as customers....I regret the day I signed up to help him. All he does is SPAM SPAM SPAM. I even gave him my signature knife fight song no one else was supposed to have on accident. Now everyone hates the song cause abraham spams it. But now that the rant is out of the way...I can recommend a good few songs/audio clips. Songs: Europe - The final Countdown Lazytown - You are a pirate. Mulan - I'll make a man out of you Nicole Westbrook - Thanksgiving (the new friday) Richard Wagner - Ride of the valkyries (good for wardays) Dschinghis Khan - Moskau Wkuk - Sex robot Audio Clips: Canned Laughter/Studio Applause IT Crowd laugh (15 minutes of laughing) You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir! 24 seconds of zoey from l4d screaming. Good for rebelling. (One time I played that audio clip as I ran from the jeopardy podium on black ops, stabbed a ct twice till he died. picked up his glock. shot at one ct with 4 bullets. reloaded. pulled out my knife, knifed him once. picked up the gun. shot him. shot at the warden. and ran out the door and hid in the tic tac toe room. All while zoey was screaming constantly. I lost my shit)
  10. +1 M: 8/10 A: 9/10 Plays on JB alot, pretty funny at times, Will warden most of the times. I'd like to see him in the community.
  11. +1 Knows the rules, plays almost everyday from what I can tell. He's a really good bomber. could cool down on the yolos though :P I think maybe he could use just a tiny bit more maturity. But other than that he's a cool guy. A:6 M:5
  12. +1 +1 +1 I thought you would've already been in xG by now. Perfect xG material. a:9 m:9
  13. +1 cool dude, he'd be cool in xG...and I'll let the fact he has numbers in his name slide. a:7 m:9
  14. Aren't you already in xG as JewMad? well, either way. +1 a:6 m:8
  15. +1 because t's have no nipples a:7 m:8
  16. Hello people. So, I'm bored and I've picked up the hobby of making custom sprays for people. Pretty HQ, I'm not really amazing at sprays but I'm not too bad. My profile picture is my spray in game I made for myself. That's kind of an example. Contact me on here if you're interested
  17. I haven't seen you on many of the servers, but then again I practically only play on one of the servers :P based on your app stats, +1 A 8/10 M 7/10
  18. +1 Nice dude, he's mature. And his name reminds me of batman. dananananana BATMAN! M:8/10 A:8/10
  19. Member Name: keshy In-Game Name: Mickmack Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31481147 Age: 16 Game Time: 4d 0:7:23:11h What Game?: Counter Strike: Source Jailbreak Helpful Skills: I try my best to help new players asking for help and questions about the server. I also try to contact an admin if something's happening and there's no admin on the server.
  20. I was on jailbreak last night, when suddenly dr. strangelove EXPLODED in anger towards ganja xD it was hilarious and I just had to upload it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GkWQbWUaeM