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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2013_01_47.jpg.2e06c36fcbb133a999068c06283fd854.jpg

    I colored in blue/yellow where the bottom of cell stairs are.

    Now i want to be a bit more specific. If the warden says only "cell stairs" then you may go to any of the shaded areas. If the warden says "VIP cell stairs" the obviously you go to the yellow, but if warden says "MAIN cell stairs" you must go to the blue shaded area as VIP cell is not a main cell.



  2. There really isn't a possible way to do this. Lets say quang, obama, line, cookiesars, nova, chrono, tchief, and I are the CTs. We all hate nova very much as he is an evil man, but nova wants to warden. Since we have these voting powers in these situations, nova does not get his warden. So pretty much the same reason we don't have votekick/voteban, we don't want a group of people ganging up against another person. Though if we had this we wouldn't have this evil trivia that no man should undergo.


    tldr: we wouldnt let nova warden if this were to be integrated, so i don't see this happening anytime soon

  3. I haven't seen you on in a very long time, (2 weeks, about that). So first be more active, second, you must donate to apply for mod (See rules here Moderator Submission rules !) I'll vouch one way or the other once both of those problems are fixed


    EDIT: Also, you must be in the clan for a month (You joined 12-09-2012 for forums, and thats not counting when you were actually accepted into xG, which was about 2 weeks ago)

  4. Even when gagged when you type FF the server message of "[sM] Friendly Fire is disabled." is still shown. Personally i think that FF should be removed as friendly fire shouldnt be enabled anyway. Also, matsi copy pasted his console (At least i believe so) and this is whats shown in my console when someone gets gagged "Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable." though can we at least make FF only work for mods+ or something like that?

  5. Out of all the maps, lego probably has the most stuff to do. Now then CTs usually cant control Ts. If CTs are able to somehow contain all of the rebel, there is a ton of stuff to do. But that brings us to the next point, how does one control lego? I've noticed that most people rebel at the very start of the round, usually cell hopping or just plain leaving main cell block area. I made this picture of how to set up for CTs, and where to watch. Now this isn't the greatest nor guaranteed to work, but i believe as long as the CTs aren't terrible that you won't nearly have as much rebels.


    EDIT: picture gets cut off, so here's just the link to it



    EDIT #2 :The map is glitched right now, no one spawns with knives. (In the server and when i took the picture in offline mode)

  6. @@Shadow


    I'm just going to address this by the proof given. Shadow was talking to obama, and they always talk to each other like that. You should try to find the proof of him rude to you and startnow. Also, the title doesn't really fit with this thread, as this would be more disrespect if anything, not untrustworthy. So your proof shows Shadow and Obama messing around. -1