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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. To bind the flashlight, type this into console


    bind (KEY) "impulse 100"


    Just so you know, when i told people in chat to do this, i forgot in CSGO it only allows you to use ' instead of ", so it didn't work. Also i know you already have it binded, this is mainly so that others know of this

  2. Yesterday I played with LQ as a CT. During the time he was CT, i had to slay him only once. (He interfered with LR, ran back and forth between Shot 4 shot) With that exception, LQ knows the rules and abides by them. Also, this "disrespect" is just him saying "asshole" in a joking way.

    Though, there's the other end of the spectrum, where he would mic spam and there would be no way to mute him (Before i got mod). But what does mic spam have to do with being a CT? you can mic spam as a T or CT.

    In general, LQ follows rules and should be unbanned. +1

  3. Theres a problem with that idea, lets say we're playing lego where no one wants to be CT. Ts are constantly being swapped to CT due to the ratio, and then they will either switch back right away or swap back in a round. I would support this but only for those who join the queue to be CT, or when they join CT the first round.

  4. For the cell stairs/cell ramp thing, when saying go to the cell stairs there is three different areas you can go to, the stairs near vents, the stairs near the red light green light sign, and VIP cell stairs. He killed one person going to VIP cell stairs, so lets just call that one freekill for simplicity.

    Now lets move on to the gun check freeze. By saying "take one step out, face your cells, THEN (he did say then, not and) guncheck freeze "means Ts should be facing away from cells. Had he said "and" in the place of "then" it would have been facing cells. So this kill(s) isnt a freekill(s).

    So there is one (if that) freekill thats shown in this thread. One freekill does not warrant an abuse thread.

  5. Quang is one of the most active members, even to the point where hes more active than half the mods. He knows the rules well and keeps his cool. I haven't seen him disrespect anyone in my time playing. Also, just earlier today i was checking console after I was afk. Quang was helping a person register on the site, which leads me to how he is helpful. Since he knows the rules well, he also informs others of them.


    TLDR: I made a haiku to sum this up

    Quang should be a mod

    He is the one percent but

    he bad at haikus

