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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. I just want to say... that this type of thing isn't limited to just Chrono... tho sicne he is the DL he has the ability to "have more say" or w/e....


    Lot's of admins, DM/DL, Mods all are very inconsistant on the rules.... the Alpha "armory" is an example... other examples include:


    "what is disrespect"... one admin will warn you for comments like "stupid/retard" other admins dont give a shit...


    "Is that a vent" ... some admins tell me a certain thing... like the Tower secret room on Summer.... is NOT a vent.... other admins say it is and slay without hesitation.


    "Is that cheating".... an admin and I discussed "knifing your gun during gun toss while it's in the air" and came up with that it is NOT cheating and that cheating was something that gives one player an advantage over another.... other admins say it's cheating and one of them gagged me when he asked if i cheated and I explained what the other admin had told me....


    I can go on and on.... but the point is... you guys should stop making random changes to the rules... and doing it without telling anyone and expecting everyone to know the new rules... admins SHOULD NOT enforce things that ARE NOT rules or enforce things that they are told are rules via heresay... doing so leads to many rules that come to be that arent actually rules and then start being enforced... like how the "freenading" rule did....


    I also suggest that there be a better "order of punishments"... people should not be slayed for minor mistakes they make because they do not have the billions of rules and "clarifications" memorized.... Admins should assist players in learning the rules by explaining what they did wrong and such... This is a video game... the purpose is to have fun.

  2. He was freeshooting people nearly every round, I only captured the one because it was ME... he was doing it at the start of every round so obviously im not going to be able to see him doing it all the time... and BS, people ALWAYS get slayed for even accidental freeshots...



    How does the argument of "that is just how he is" make it right? The way I call people like line stupid is just the way I am.... but I still get disciplined for it.

  3. He was freeshooting people in their cells for no reason and calling "warning shots"

    He was calling disrespecting furries just like he did on the forums and got banned for 3 days.... calling them(and me) faggots and pedophilias

    At one point in the demo he was also vent camping, blocking the way to the vent leading to disco.


    I told nom to stop repeatedly in chat.... warning him that he should freeshoot and while i normally dont mind little children calling me names... but he was calling other people, whom are friends of mine, names and stuff which I didn't like him doing.... especially when he was just banned for the exact same type of comments recently....


    Line was in the server for most of this and never acted. Said he didnt see the freeshooting and IDK what the excuse was for not acting on the disrespect...


    Demo: warnignshots.dem

  4. You were given time to drop the gun during the round you didn't you died. Several other Terrorists picked up guns that round and immediately dropped them. you went after a gun, got it, didnt drop it, then died.


    first off... i wasn't even talkign just about that... im sayign that the rule needs to be fixed to allowed 2 seconds to drop rather than "at the discretion of the CTs"


    second... you killed me the second I picked it up

  5. There's a new rule that if you accidently pick up a gun you can be instantly killed.... this is retarded and should have been made the same as it has always been, giving you 2 seconds to drop it... this will cause a lot of drama and "freekilling"




    You knife a CT, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU DO ON PANDA DAY.... after you kill one you are instantly a rebel because they will drop their guns on you



    Someone near you dies while they have guns.... you instantly become a rebel because those guns will drop on you....



    I am told whether or not you get killed is up to the CT.... isn't that going to be favortism, because they will kill anyone they don't like and not kill someone they do like...

  6. You were neither following the wardens orders "specifically" by going on top of medic to stack on the door, and neither were you stacking in the door which is what he was obviously implying. All you did is stand outside medic, looks like you deserved death.

    How embarrassing for you


    the previous orders were to be on top of medic.... and then he said to go inside medic... and then changed to no... just stack on the door to medic.... at which point i was already inside mostly and wanted to move out.... if you were there you would know that the way he wardens if you arent doing EXACTLY as he said... you die... I DID NOT want to die for being INSIDE the doorway/Medic as opposed to outside it and ON THE DOOR so I moved out so that the door could close....


    also.... how can you define a stack with only 2 people.... if either moves they have both left the stack...



    Think you guys basically covered it, he didn't follow wardens orders exactly. I'm well known for being a strict warden some people like it, some people hate it. Nova was present for this, He agrees it was not a freekill, everytime Matsi joins the server he is disrespectful towards xG, admins, mods, members, and even regulars of the community, and is well known for posting excessive threads for minor offenses on the server. If he is so unhappy with the xG server to the point where other members of the community are bothered by him I feel he should move on to a different server just my two cents.


    I only talk badly about the stupid member's like you... and again... you don't even know the rules... go read this and then STFU about disrespect: https://wiki.xenogamers.com/Disrespecting+Elaborated

  7. First off... the warden is one of those who kills everyone for not doing EXACTLY what he said to do....


    Warden said to stack ON the medic door... and me and the only other T went inside and were blocking the door... obviously not being ON IT. so I moved out a little so that the door could close and I could follow the order.... and then Line kills me for not being stacked with the other guy.


    And then when i call him a name because he is retarded.... he says "stop disrespecting me" someone should really teach these dumbshits what the rule on disrespect implies so that they stop being stupid when someone swears at them and stuff... k thanks.



  8. An admin breaking the rules is an admin abusing... They are supposed to be examples of how to act and if they start doing stuff wrong and getting away with it, other people will try to get away with it.


    What if I catch an admin breaking the rules or abusing their privileges?

    If you catch an admin abusing their rights, do not be afraid to report them abusing. To report admin abuse, just make a thread in the Admin Abuse forum. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PROOF!!! If you feel afraid or just want to stay anonymous, contact any council member as soon as possible or talk with us privately on teamspeak and we will deal with the matter accordingly.

  9. This unfortunately is true :/


    It's a GREAT idea, but what McNeo said makes me have some doubts


    If you made it anonymous enough so that noone.... below DL... could see the proof...it would improve greatly over how everyone can see it....


    Like have a rank of people who's job it is to review abuse reports and act on them.

  10. Before you start calling people out on things, I will remind you that we literally do not have any requirements on being a Paid Moderator/Administrator. All that is required of the individual is the cash up front from what I've seen. Given that information, it is fairly common to have Paid Moderators/Paid Administrators who are hazy on the motd rules for their respective divisions.


    Therefore, is it not possible, even in the Slightest bit, that in this particular case, he had forgotten the Guncheck Freeze rule and needed to be reminded? I'm not saying it's 100%, I'm merely saying there may be a remote chance that he had.


    I understand your argument but I still say he knew it and was trying to tarp them...

  11. well.. you can come out facing anyway you want. I don't believe its tarping if he said that.. Tarp is something on the line as > Warden: When cell doors open take one step out and freeze when i say the magical word "GO"> but then he says words that sound like "GO" and kills anyone who came out.


    Someone should define Tarping then.... since... it's not exactly a real word or anything... that might make it easier to understand what is and isn't allowed.


    and if that's the case why did someone get slayed by nova earlier for asking "Isn't that guy a rebel?"

  12. First, You should think what would be considered a major issue.. for example, Banning you would be one...


    Second, Just because it's interfering with you having fun doesn't mean you should take it to the forum immediately because it's not really helping you out and people will just start thinking you're just another one of those annoying trolls. You have like 4 thread just on 1 admin.. and none of them resulted in a ban..


    Lastly, If everyone were to report an admin because they were interfering with their fun time don't you think the forums would be overloaded? So think before you start posting a thread about admin abuse..

    So i advised you to just talk it out with admins before you make a thread. In my opinion the only right time to start a thread is when he is just targeting you/ bans/ Kicks. There are plenty of admins around the servers so just speak to one of them about your problem.


    It's not "just because they are interfering with my fun" it is that they constantly enforce rules incorrectly or make up their own... Why is it that line can trick people into getting killed all the time by playing with words and Semantics but if he dies as a result someone get's slayed?


    I'm not trying to be a troll or anything, I am simply trying to get this issue noticed so that it can be fixed. When I talk to an admin about it the only thing I get is "get some proof" so that's what I have done.

  13. What is this!? this is like the sixth admin abuse thread within a day already... You should just report to other admins on the server or get into contact with another before reporting a small problem with abuse, this type of abuse isn't a major problem that should be made into a thread...

    Also, If someone close your thread without a good reason, Send a private message to 1 of the forum admins instead of making the same exact threads again.


    They aren't the same thread... each one of these is a separate incident. Maybe that should tell you something about how some admins are abusing their powers and need to be dealt with, instead of ignored because it "isn't a major issue". What do you define as a major issue? I feel that me being slayed and/or teamswitched by an admin that doesn't have a clue what he is doing IS a major issue, and it affects me being able to have fun

  14. asked line to come out and didn't kill rebels (became rebels when they refused to actively participate in disco)


    You said "If you were to only come out here and insult me, I would only use my deagle"


    How is that telling him he can leave disco day... and isn't that favortism if it's true?



    Also corbo was sorta dancing around and flashing his light.... It's hard to determine "dancing" so i normally wont kill anyone for "not dancing"

  15. was a disco day and 2 Ts ran out of disco, I chased them as I got LCT (the speedhacks and stuff even tho it wasnt LCT cause there was only 3 CTs) I ran outside and killed one of the 2 rebelers and then he slayed me and teamswitched me.


    They then told me that i "didnt see him rebel" but he was out of disco and it hadn't been 15 seconds after warden died.... even tho i didn't "SEE" him knife the warden... he was still rebeling by being out of disco...