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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Yeah let's blame him, because you know, it's never possible for anyone else to have given these orders in the past before he ever did it. Let's blame him because he is just a guy a lot of people seem to hate.


    Stop the bitching about simple things likes this and learn to listen to the Warden.


    Everyone hates him because he's an asshole, he's slay happy... he does the "all ct GO search for rebelers EVERY TIME HES WARDEN!

    He slays for things he doesn't see happen and disrespects people and then tells others to stop disrespecting him

  2. It's a vent if i go through it but if someone else does it's a door... cause that's how shit works on this server.


    I would say it's a door... vents break open, doors slide or swing open and then CLOSE AGAIN.


    You'll never get a straight answer because the DLs refuse to get all the admins on the same page... so you just have to figure out per admin which say it's a vent and which say it's not and just act accordingly, it's how everything works like apparently the bottom level of Alpha isnt armory so you can camp there. Some admins will let you throw you grenades away for playing pokemon... others will get slay happy on your ass, prefering that you gunplant rather than "freenade" It's all just crazy insane and there needs to be a change in the DLs or put someone in charge of each divisions admins so that they can train them and teach them how to all enforce evenly!

  3. .. admins IS NOT A VENT because it opens like a door and doesnt not break like a vent does... I went through and up onto the wall to guard while we had a cannon day.... halfway through the round Line asks me how I got onto the wall, and then slays me for opening a vent.

  4. As i told you and a few others, I am not going to see everything. if you have an issue with the staff don't just say "this guy asdhjgfashjkdgfajkhsdgfjasdfa" you need to present proof. if you present proof of things then we can act. also, posting a leaving thread where you insist that admins are faggots and you put an (as you said) exaggerated synopsis of what you believe JB is like in which you call the players idiots stupid and faggots is considered disrespect.


    as stated above.... there is no way to get proof a lot of the time as you cannot see which admin is doing what....


    as for the disrespect thing.... I was trying to show how... for the entire day I see people calling other's faggot/stupid/bitch/jew/nigga..... and noone cared.... but when it was an admin being called a name suddenly it was a big fucking deal...

  5. Give us the name of the mod! Wtf is wrong with people! If you want us to fix the bad mods, we need to know who they are!


    It's not any one person... it's just the way the admins do stuff that i am sick of.... I go through the day on the server watching some rules enforced while others aren't... some are broken by the admins themselves... some admins say something is a rule and others say it isnt.... it's very inconsistent and im sick of it.


    Also... most the time you cant get any "proof" because the server will not tell you which admin is banning/slaying/ kicking unless you yourself are an admin.


    again... it's not any ONE person... and the disrespect thing i was being a smartass about it... saying omg you bad... OMG I CALLED YOU BAD DONT KICK ME FOR DISRESPECT!! T_T.... but i didn't think i would actually get kicked for it.... and that's prolly due to me going through the day watching people get away with it all night long....


    Another thing is that.... the admins will slay/kick/ctban/etc and what they should do is instead say something like hey *name* you cant do that, or you can't stand there it's called *insert rule here*....


    Admins should be around to not only enforce the rules by slay/kick/ban but to actively TEACH people the rules....


    Also for the love of god.... admins should learn the rules themselves before trying to tell someone they are wrong.... I am not even an admin but if I am not 100% sure what i am telling someone is actually a rule I type /rules and find out before i tell them they are stupid....

  6. This is how my night went on xG JB server(exaggerated a bit):


    Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
    Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
    random guy: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
    random idiot: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
    Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
    Random admin: Faggot faggot nub
    Random person: jew
    Some guy on voice: some stupid warden made us face north and go all the way there the other day.
    admin: that was me
    Me: I would expect you to do that cause you're an asshole...
    admin: Matsi stop disrespecting me.
    random guy: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
    some retard: FREEKILL!!!!11111!11111eleventyone
    Me: how is that disrespecting? what you make them do as warden falls under the definition of "ASSHOLE"
    admin shoots at some CTs that are knifing him and doesnt kill either of them and then gets knifed.
    Me: fail! you are so bad admin.
    *I get kicked from the server without a reason listed*


    So ya.... that's how the admins work.... they only care about the rules if you are "disrespecting" them or if you kill them....


    I dont mean ALL of them.... some of them are good and other are acceptable but like half of them are complete retards....


    and there's the admin that is telling someone to learn rules while at the same time telling people they have 5 seconds to drop unholstered guns..... GOOD FUCKING JOB!!!! and that is why you dont give admin to every idiot that asks for it or pays you five bucks!


    Anyways.... I deal with stupid fucks enough at work, working as security.... I don't need this shit when I come home and try to have some fun!



  7. I verbally said by shooting the vending machines you are not watching the T's the first time i slayed him, and he did it again.


    I didn't hear anyone say that.... :(


    I also didnt know you had to be actively looking at the Ts.... I was near them the whole time and paying attention, paying dont actively look at the Ts all the time, including admins.... I was building a cade so they don't knife me or blow me up with bombs :(

  8. ....why I was being slayed, I left to go play WoW for a while and when I came back I was ctbanned for a day with the reason "button spamming" I have no idea what buttons I was spamming because the only time i remember pressing a button was the elevator and closing or opening doors.... but I definantly wasnt spamming or abusing them in any way...


    Please remove the CT ban and/or tell me what button I was spamming and why I was given no response by the admin to tell me I was doing something wrong and instead just slayed and CTbanned...

  9. Also, in regarded to my "freekill everone" thing... it is funny and people laugh at it.... I make sure not to do it as warden, and mostly try not to do it as a CT at all.... I do not think someone would be stupid enough to listen to it and kill everyone.


    Also.... Edible.... GJ you dick getting all those Ts killed LOLOLOL <3

  10. Mods and admins should be enforcing the no spamming rule by gagging them and kicking them if they continue, and i see here that quang did not. and I will be talking to him soon.


    They did get gagged twice.... but either the lag was so great or gagging doesnt stop server cmds like ff because even after being gagged it was still spamming the message back that friendly fire was disabled.... my console didnt record the admins gagging people nor the server's responses to FF cmds.... idk if there's another way you can check that.


    I do think that the mods should have kicked and/or banned the people that continued to do it after being gagged twice, and the offenders may need more punishment, or at least the ones like thread who started the whole thing by saying "lets spam FF"

    *DEAD*(Terrorist) theads8t : let spam ff

  11. Seriously, these people need to be punished for spamming and likely causing the server to lag

    >*DEAD*(Terrorist) theads8t :  let spam ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  gg
    *DEAD* xG♂Matsi♂Xenophilia :  dont
    *DEAD* Tank :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|M QuangTang #WDAB :  lol
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* Woodly :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :g ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  10k money cool
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* Tank :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  omg no
    *DEAD* Dragonfirex22(SSS) :  wow
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Tank :  lol
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
    *DEAD* xG♂Matsi♂Xenophilia :  ban them
    *DEAD* Dragonfirex22(SSS) :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    Lugenator connected.
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|M QuangTang #WDAB :  ef ef
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel? :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    *DEAD* Dragonfirex22(SSS) :  i think ff is enabled
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  ff
    �[sM] �ExG|M Epic attacked chazzjohn.
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* theads8t :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* Dengeki :  ff
    *DEAD* MidgardianMetalHead :  ff
    *DEAD* xG|Stephano :  ff
    *DEAD* Chow Ming :  FF
    ] status
    hostname: [xG] Jailbreak
    version : 5163 secure  
    udp/ip  :  (public ip:
    os      :  Linux
    type    :  community dedicated
    map     : ba_jail_dubai
    players : 28 humans, 0 bots (52/64 max) (not hibernating)
    # userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate
    # 1484 1 "ExG|M Epic" STEAM_1:0:3471280  4:05:16 102 0 active 128000
    # 1575 2 "xG|Stephano" STEAM_1:0:35047008 19:44 275 0 active 128000
    # 1502 3 "| Ap3x | EL_DIABLO_BLANCO" STEAM_1:1:3714666  3:31:58 84 0 active 128000
    # 1460 4 "Edible" STEAM_1:0:5809459  5:14:22 95 0 active 128000
    # 1580 5 "Lugenator" STEAM_1:0:53684812 00:39 122 0 active 128000
    # 1457 6 "xG|M Ebic" STEAM_1:1:19573568  5:16:54 145 0 active 128000
    # 1515 7 "Woodly" STEAM_1:0:52431990  2:51:43 165 0 active 128000
    # 1528 8 "Dengeki" STEAM_1:1:46697086  2:21:27 107 0 active 128000
    # 1555 9 "Token" STEAM_1:0:39815462 58:14 301 0 active 128000
    # 1560 10 "Nicolas Klaus" STEAM_1:0:56215226 51:47 116 0 active 128000
    # 1557 11 "<=DG=>Synyster" STEAM_1:1:39525364 54:45 112 0 active 128000
    # 1539 12 "Chow Ming" STEAM_1:1:41820525  1:50:20 104 0 active 128000
    # 1577 13 "xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel?" STEAM_1:0:55298493 17:04 112 0 active 128000
    # 1540 14 "xG|M QuangTang #WDAB" STEAM_1:1:41058310  1:48:07 89 0 active 128000
    # 1511 15 "MidgardianMetalHead" STEAM_1:0:56114674  3:02:56 110 0 active 128000
    # 1572 16 "xG| Nom De Guerre" STEAM_1:0:55063261 25:24 267 0 active 128000
    # 1396 17 "xG|||PA AgHNInJA®™" STEAM_1:0:63623 6:52:57 156 0 active 128000
    # 1523 19 "omcglennon" STEAM_1:0:55785485  2:34:59 177 0 active 128000
    # 1518 20 "chazzjohn" STEAM_1:0:47311748  2:50:01 152 0 active 128000
    # 1550 21 "juanil" STEAM_1:1:56159124  1:09:57 210 0 active 128000
    # 1542 22 "theads8t" STEAM_1:0:11838013  1:37:33 112 0 active 128000
    # 1561 23 "lilswiper" STEAM_1:0:46326156 50:51 99 0 active 128000
    # 1570 24 "RedDot?" STEAM_1:0:6062703 27:24 144 0 active 128000
    # 1554 25 "Dragonfirex22(SSS)" STEAM_1:0:35001955  1:06:00 169 0 active 128000
    # 1571 27 "xG♂Matsi♂Xenophilia" STEAM_1:0:18865285 27:14 95 0 active 128000
    # 1565 28 "Tank" STEAM_1:0:9253929 37:16 91 0 active 128000
    # 1578 29 "crackerz with cheese" STEAM_1:1:28788748 16:28 87 0 active 128000
    # 1280 31 "Lil' Jerry Seinfeld" STEAM_1:1:7253325 10:00:34 71 0 active 128000

  12. chaos.dem



    I tried my best to search through my little bit of demoing to make a list of the people that deserve to be punished:


    "paperbags" STEAM_1:1:55442837

    "toob" STEAM_1:0:884625

    "el pollo loco" STEAM_1:1:32075340

    "Black Dynamite" STEAM_1:1:52371728

    "Habivi" STEAM_1:1:54735396

    "Sherlock Holmes" STEAM_1:1:22638931

    "T-Money" STEAM_1:1:56580029

    "John Lennon's Killer" STEAM_1:0:27510835

  13. He is awesome and funny, he makes playing on the server a bit more fun. I wasn't around when he was banned and never knew he was banned, but every time I see him playing I have never seen him purposely freekill. He is a great warden. I think he should be unbaned.



    People say he disrespects and mic spams, my comments on this are:


    Neither of those have much of anything to do with whether you should be able to play CT or not....

    His disrespect consists mostly of "ASSHOLE DOWN!" which is hilarious

    The noise he makes on the mic doesn't continue very long and makes my day better because it is funny.... and dozens of people, including admins, have copied him and make that noise themselves.

  14. type in teamchat this exactly please


    "@You mods/admins are stupid fucks. my name is Matsi in game and that is what it will be. and as such there is no issue with my name being xG|Matsi any issues please take it up with a higher up who is much better at everything than you, like Chrono on the forums"


    and then link them to this post.


    :D I will do that, thanks <3


    First, don't listen to @@Chrono, he's a faggot TROLOLOLOLOL, 2nd I told you in game as well as TChief to put a space in your name or anything that doesn't involve xG|M, even in steam chat you asked me and I told you as well to put a space in it or something along those lines like Matsi xG or [xG] Matsi. In admin chat we talked about and thought it was the best method for other players not to get confused in thinking you're a mod. In late hours when there is no mods/ admins were and you were on with the tag xG|Matsi, I know for a fact some players would get confused and mistake you for a Mod.


    you would have to be pretty dumb to mistake it for a mod's tag.... and if they ARE that stupid, it's prolly best they think I am a mod because they will likely be just as stupid at following the rules >.>


    There's a guy in the server right now with the name "xG|ObamaBasedGod #rebel " is he an owner named bamaBasedGod? ZOMG IM SO CONFUSED NAO:P

  15. just put a space :P

    xG| Matsi

    Problem solved :P


    well right now it's xG Matsi because I was about to get kicked for it... lol but seriously.... you would have to be pretty dumb to mistake it for a mod's tag.... and if they ARE that stupid, it's prolly best they think i am a mod because they will likely be just as stupid at following the rules >.>

  16. So.... I was told that I could not wear the clan tag like everyone else that I have seen xG|*name* because my name starts with an M.... and people will mistake me for a mod.... apparently thinking my name is atsi?


    This seems very stupid to me and i would like to get more opinions on it because I liked having it as xG|Matsi

  17. Ctbanned 1 day by @@SwizZ


    If you really freekilled 2 people in a short amount of time, you should just wait untill the ct ban runs out.


    The issue is, that I still do not think they were freekills.... and if they were they were accidental, which I feel did not require a day CTban.... while I see people CT banned for far less time for purposely killing people for no reason at all... I am fine waiting for the ban to expire but I think in the future something like this needs to be handled a little better instead of a rageban