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Posts posted by Epix

  1. we can add all the maps we want, but nothing matters until it gets populated

    what I meant was that like with CSGO, you have to have the people, the setup, the infrastructure to maintain population, the maps don't matter nearly as much

  2. I play and have played league for a long time, let me say if you are in silver, playing jungle is like committing suicide. Don't do it. I've mained mid for a really long time, so here's what I have to say to play mid well.

    1. Don't be a pussy, learn each champion and how they play. Don't all in with brand if you didn't land a stun already, and don't play passive farming leblanc unless you're getting zoned. Learn how to perform in your lane in regards to champion play style and you can come out ahead.

    2. Probably the biggest problem I see is people feeding mid then going "I'll just farm!". No. He'll just dive you. If you're getting shrek'd early, farm and play passive under turret until around 6 - 9 then go roam and snowball the shit out of other lanes and just leave your lane. If they get mid tower, you can then farm more safely and they have to overextend further to farm if you can freeze the lane.

    3. Teamfights: Don't play like you're the tank, because they will focus you. If you are ahri, don't go balls deep on graves because he is "their carry". Everything is situational. If your adc is mega fed, then you should consider peeling more and trying to damage/cc the assassins and tanks more. Play the teamfights to help your team win, not for the kills or "focus".

    4. Most importantly, learn how pushing works. If you push your lane and sit around waiting for your chance to farm again, you're gonna get ganked 9 times out of 10. Here's a trick, push the lane, then go roam/take jungle camps! Don't sit around just hoping they will try to go in on you or thinking you can 1v2. You probably can't. Also, if they push to your tower, then roam, if you DON'T follow, PUSH the shit out of mid lane until someone comes to stop you. Buy wards too.

    5. Don't play shitty champions.

    6. Play the shit out of broken/good champs in the current meta: (Malzahar, Gragas, Leblanc, Yasuo, Kassadin (LOL), Brand, Ziggs).

  3. but for mine,


    >wardening late night populated CSGO (spacejail map)

    >having a hella fun, great night

    >in teamspeak and game with pixelated crackhead, all the old regulars

    >there are about 20 Ts and 8 CTs

    >around 10 Ts are killed at beginning for being retars

    >the 10 left are at bottom cell stairs

    >i tell them to face main cells at all times

    >tell them to shift walk follow me

    >they all turn and follow me

    >pixelated: "is he gonna do it?"

    >me: "do what?"

    >i mass freekill like 6 Ts and instantly get CT permed by pixelated

    >everyone is teamspeak is laughing their asses off too hard to tell me what i did wrong

    >i find out what i did wrong, laugh about it, and i am re ct banned for about 2 weeks longer


    lastly, for all those who were there, remember these words: "Never follow what Malware does."

  4. Many of you know we are back in business, but some of you regulars who used to play, still lurk the forums, so I make this post for you. The server is back on its feet, currently being worked on by our lord and savior @@Chrono and his lackey @@Bleed . So hang in tight, we should get ready to get us back to those good old days. pce.:hail: