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Posts posted by MrSaturday

  1. +1


    I'm surprised that ribbit has been doing this for days now and hasn't been banned or revoked/removed of membership. She has done nothing but act immature, insult everybody, and purposely riling up the forums to get some attention. The fact that she has this mindset of somehow making her the victim when she intentional wants to be everybody's enemy. It's like you randomly punch a short wimpy kid at school and then the principal/teacher suspends you for a week and you ask yourself "What did I do wrong!? God people just get so butthurt!"


    In short, you go around acting like an trolling ass you'll be treated like a trolling ass. It's common sense.

  2. I agree that everybody should be able to protest. Like what Gwoash said some bans are falsely given and people who are banned should give us a legit reason to even consider unbanning them. Personally if you can't/won't read the rules and complain about being slayed,kicked,gagged,muted,ban then that's their own fault and not ours those kinds of protest should be ignored. But if you were banned for a unfair reason then by all means explain your side of the story.


    This applies to all xG servers not just tf2.

  3. Personally I don't like to point figures or take sides unless for good reasons or it concerns me but Vector's sudden shift of hostility should be recognized as he is an Admin of TF2. Plus, telling someone to kill himself for being ignorant? You do realize there's a difference between ignorance and stupidity right? I don't know what has happened in your week or day and I don't care. Childish crap like that is usually expected from a man child or a 13 year old teenager bitch.

  4. Ganja, unless you have a serious reading comprehension issue. I clearly stated which event i was talking about.



    Need more convincing?


    You always give out 5 min bans whenever someone upsets you. A kick is fine with a warning, plus if every admin did this including me then xg would be severely unpopular and we would be the Something Awful of gaming clans (and im sure SA does have a gaming clan but that's besides the point)


  5. Ganja you been doing this shit even before you got your admin rank. You once banned me as well for joking around with you and calling you gayjin. You have shown to be an immature douche who somehow got admin rank when you don't deserve it. In fact, you seem to lie about warning people "many times" for example when I called you gayjin you only said you didn't want to be called that and then banned me for saying it so lee had to unban me for something as simple as joking. You don't see cristo bitching whenever shadowspy or hexx make racist mexican jokes so why cant you take a joke? If you're going to ban people left and right then maybe you shouldn't be an admin if you're going to abuse.

  6. Personally I think consoles wars and consoles vs pc is a very stupid debate and its rather pointless. I own a PS4 but sooner or later ill know ill buy an xbone because there's going to be a game that's going to make me say "HOLY SHIT ON LEE'S CHEST WHILE FUCKING ERIC UP THE ASS I WANT IT!" But currently the only good looking games I see for the PS4 are Infamous Second Son and MGS GZ (Yes I know MGS GZ is for xbone and last gen) and xbone has Titanfall and DR3 but the PS4 controller is just perfect.