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  1. Winner
    mtown81 reacted to Jordozombie in Coding and you!   
    What type of code do you know? Code to bring sexy chicks to my D
    Where did you learn to code? Born with it
    What would you recommend for someone wanting to code? Don't even try. It's my owen skill
  2. Informative
    mtown81 got a reaction from Nick_K in A very important announcement   
    get at me ranked 41.
    And saying your ranked 1st is just saying "I have no life and I'm a feget, gg"
  3. Creative
    mtown81 got a reaction from Nick_K in [xG:C] Han Yolo #GaymenGaming - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    +1 be prepared for the DDOS
  4. Optimistic
    mtown81 reacted to Chrono in jones - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    @Dontbleedpls @@Cookiesars @@tree @@zackryz @@Nick_K @@xXVoltMasterXx @@toob @@MagicalPurple @@Ebic @@Enforcer @Corvoo @@Epix @@ThePenguin @@nebulastar1
  5. F!$k Off
    mtown81 reacted to ThePenguin in jones - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    dammit chrono stahp with the tagging
    A 7/10
    M 8/10
  6. F!$k Off
    mtown81 reacted to MagicalPurple in The Gun Game Server (4/25/13)   
    Ah okay blame @@mtown81?
  7. F!$k Off
    mtown81 got a reaction from LeToucan in Zeus   
    Your the D, stop axing us.
  8. Like
    mtown81 reacted to arussian in Bunny Hop   
    bind ur scroll mouse to jump like chrono said. then jump and when u about to hit the ground jump again. once u got that jump, move ur mouse right and press D, then once u about to hit the ground jump, look left and press A
    and ye there are some servers: http://www.gametracker.com/search/csgo
  9. Like
    mtown81 reacted to TheKingBaby in TheKingBaby - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Not really proof, just a screenshot of console showing I killed people. I can tell you they were not freekills.
  10. Like
    mtown81 reacted to LeToucan in Bhop 2013   
  11. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Chrono in Bhop 2013   
    Harder climb
    Harder Surf
    Smoother Original Surf
    Second Version of Bhop with increased difficulty
    Expanded Cell Block with more things to hide around for rebels
    Moved Jump Rope to a more noticeable area so it is used once in a while
    Replace Jump Rope (Current Location) with more cells
    More VIP... VIP Cell, smaller window for CTs to shoot in than the big ass one, better cover other than the toilets to effectively use pistol early
  12. Like
    mtown81 reacted to toob in Bhop 2013   
    Thanks for the inspiration. I will definitly get working on that. I like to space it out a bit because people complain about so many versions so fast. I know Chrono's answer to that (basically tell them to go fuck themselves LOL). But, I appreciate the feedback on what should be in there. May as well make it more fun! Anyone else have anything they might want implemented?
  13. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Chrono in Bhop 2013   
    I am starting a movement for the map ba_toobalot it is called Bhop 2013. basically we all wear the #Bhop2013 in our steam names on the end to show our support for it, and what that does is everytime toob sees you on his friends list he is reminded that he should work on his map for version 6 to please his audience that thoroughly enjoys his map, but ahs some suggestions to make it better. this does not mean we only want bhop, but that we want an update in general to add some more to it, most predominantly would be bhop, and not just one, but 2. an easier bhop and a much harder bhop preferably through a teleport so there is a nice wide space to do it in. second would be a new climb, nothing wrong with cookies, but a second one that is much harder because lets face it... we can all do the one right now in less than 10 seconds. as well as a few more added secrets to it. ;) and this time we have to force him by threat of castration to not tell anyone about them and make people figure it out by either experimenting, decompiling, or watching him. because it is more fun hunting for secrets than just knowing. trust. flatline learned the secrets of avalanche that i was witholding because they are op.... and now m-town of all people knows some other than nade belt.
  14. Agree
    mtown81 got a reaction from Ebic in Best guns?   
    Galil, P90 and auto-sniper.
  15. Like
    mtown81 reacted to tree in CS:S Permissions   
    nah the new ones get it too mythic had it, others etc....
    or option 3 = give csgo staff css powers, same game neways but less 12 y/os
  16. Like
    mtown81 reacted to ThePenguin in CS:S Permissions   
    The interpretation of the rules for CS S and CS GO is different (that's why there are separate rules) CS S division staff shouldn't have powers anymore.
  17. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Nick_K in Won't be on xG server for a while.   
    I am very sorry Mr. Froggy. Apparently, people have forgotten the fun we could have when we chill around and shower in each other's blood. I wait for your return.
    Your bester freund,
    Nicholas K.
  18. Like
    mtown81 reacted to LeToucan in jb_2000_v2   
    Some glass doesnt break.
    in the vent you take 3 damage from the fall
    Only 1 diving board makes you jump really high (not sure if intentional)
    cells are very bland. (Like the cells being completely empty makes it seem incomplete)
    climb is easy enough for me to do it in one run. (And yes, i am TERRIBLE at climb)
    with the breakable glass, you can go into different rooms (I really like this)
    If you were to send people to the death pit, they can jump into the windows and live. (Again, not sure if intentional. I kind of like it)
    part of the stairs to roulette is missing a texture
    I couldnt find any map specific weapons.
    A whole side of the building is missing textures

  19. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Forest in Yours truly Pr0v!eW` got banned from CT....   
    For future reference, this thread belongs in Ban Protest, or at the most Member Protest/Report Abuse.
    Now, pertaining to the thread, let's just take a look at your chat history, shall we? Oh my, that's quite a bit of harassment I'm seeing here, and is that some racism? Before submitting a Ban Protest of any sort, you should really include this sort of stuff, as it isn't helping your case at all. If anything, you're lucky it was only a CT Ban and not a Server Ban for continued discussion with a Staff Member as well as continued harassment.
  20. Like
    mtown81 reacted to zackryz in Won't be on xG server for a while.   
    You were banned for ordering a mass freekill. Joke or not you're not supposed to do that. I advised you to post a Ban Protest thread. If you want to mope around instead that is entirely your choice.
  21. Like
    mtown81 reacted to zackryz in Yours truly Pr0v!eW` got banned from CT....   
    Gave you a reason after every time I slayed you. You argued with me each and every time and became disrespectful. I warned you about that, Gagged you once, you resorted to name changing to continue being disrespectful after you were gagged so you were kicked once. Later on you intentionally left the armory on a hide and seek day and gave your weapons to the terrorists and were finally banned for 1440, which is minutes not hours and equates to 24hours for breaking multiple rules.
  22. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Chrono in Yours truly Pr0v!eW` got banned from CT....   
    You weren't afk, you were playing. you were running around, and it was hide and seek day. you ran out and planted. 1 day is too light.
  23. Like
    mtown81 got a reaction from Flatline in new LCT music   
    How about we have a song rotation or have Flatline whip up a beat with Rick Astley and PSY together
  24. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Flatline in Time zone differences or is the Jailbreak server dead?   
    Perhaps it's because work & school is filling our lives
    Perhaps we RTV way too often (it discourages players to stay online sometimes)
    Perhaps it's because of this:

    Hahhahaha WHO KNOWS.

  25. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Duckii in Scrim server?   
    A server used for competitive bombsite team game. It's majority of the time just friendly game between a group of friends.