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Everything posted by Peeble

  1. I'd also like to add that I believe this change will overall hurt the community aspect of the server and it's dedicated players, something which the server needs more of.
  2. I personally want a non-RPG/DM surf. I like just regular surfing with friends, not trying to kill other players.
  3. Yep, the only reason I started being active on the TS was to prevent myself from being ghosted.
  4. Maybe I just miss it but 99% of the time I've seen in-game ghosting (which is quite rare, maybe once a week) it's always been someone new to the server and it was immediately met with people in chat telling them to stop ghosting and telling mods about it. IMO policing ghosting has already been effective enough to not need this change.
  5. I don't agree that an ocasional issue where a CT would abuse dead chat is worth the pain and suffering (joke) that this has caused. If there was a poll for this decision, I guarantee you there would be an overwhelming majority that vote to bring it back.
  6. Live people can no longer see dead people talking. This is due to a non-existant ghosting problem. This change is only causing problems, from friends having problems communicating to mods not knowing there are issues happening. There's also a problem with mic spam, you can't ask people to stop micspamming on freedays if you're dead. Basically, this change solved nothing and has only caused more problems.
  7. Why? Because one afk CT can affect the entire outcome of the round/game. It basically eliminates any LCT and messes with the ratio. How? That's a hard one. I think simply making it a rule for mods to do that would help. Right now I'll constantly see (the same few) mods going AFK on CT and as I mentioned earlier, it really messes with the game. Edit: you're right though, this probably wouldn't work as a rule. So consider this a formal request/message to CS:GO staffy peoples.
  8. If a mod is on the CT side and they are going afk (getting something to eat, leaving for 15 minutes, etc) they should switch themselves to T side (or spectator preferably), because only admins are able to slay/switch them, not other mods. This would apply to admin, DM and DL too.
  9. Found the perfect song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE
  10. Thanks for the clarification chief, that should probably be added to the rules since it's not there right now.
  11. I get this a lot too. Usually just coming back in a few days fixes it.
  12. Thanks, what about in a case where the vent leads to two locations?
  13. So... Is it a rule or isn't it? I mean I've seen people being slayed for re-entering armory since making this thread but it's not written anywhere.
  14. If you're still taking songs, I suggest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RarfIT1lQoE If not, the current ellie goulding remix is terrible.
  15. I was under the impression that a CT cannot re-enter armory without seeing a T inside of it. I was told today that a CT can enter armory in pursuit of a T. Even if you don't see a T inside or in the process of entering it. To be specific, I ran into a vent. A user chased me into it. We were far enough from each other that he did not see me enter the armory vent. I was able to grab guns and move around in armory. He then enters the armory without seeing me inside it. Is entering armory as a CT without seeing a T inside of it, but being in pursuit of a T, allowed.