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Friend of xG
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  1. I'm the developer of the Build Wars plugin; for whatever reason, Rhododendron linked me to this thread. I suspect it's because the plugin was paid for and he doesn't want to see the money wasted by having to shut down the server. Currently, this community hosts the only USA based server out of a dozen or so v3 clients, and only ~5 of those servers have any degree of ranking to show population. That alone should be bringing in some population, but it seems there's a bit of a barrier. As Rhododendron is my only contact with this community, I'm not familiar with its practices or how the servers are maintained, but as I regularly have people adding me on steam asking when I'll be throwing a server back online with the mod, there appears to be an issue. When I hosted the plugin under my last community, Ominous Gaming, the server was regularly bringing in 12 ~ 16 players for most of the day with it only de-populating in the wee hours of the morning for averages of 3 to 6 hours. Since the mod has engine limitations that put it at a maximum player cap of 20, that traffic was fairly well for a private mod. That player base should have been displaced when I shut the server down in August, and as Xeno Gamers hosts the only other server, they should have migrated over here (and they may have, but have left for whatever reason). Now as for the reason I've spent the time to reply. I really have no interest in starting a community up again, nor do I have the funds to justify hosting a server to get these players to stop pestering me. If the community has thoughts as to why the mod is not preforming well, or perhaps suggestions on how to improve the game play experience, I'd like to hear them. I've recently begun development of the mod again after a several month hiatus, and while I've taken strides to reduce the difficulty of hosting it, the game play elements remain mostly unchanged.