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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. I honestly don't care. I wasn't making this for him being demoted or banned. I just wanted to bring this to your attention
  2. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: {xG:M Hue}Hina-san Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96196716 Rules Broken: Body Blocking :/ Evidence: That's not very lady like...
  3. Just fall in love with this band. It's the most underrated band ever. You're dead to me if you don't love it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaKVy-FlaUA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1-xRk6llh4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Ji2sxk0Uc
  4. You'd make friends. You'd make enemies. You'd overall have a great time. Maybe having these plugins that prevent people from freekilling is actually taking the fun out of jailbreak and making it more prison with less tears in your bum. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for new maps but that takes time a decitcation and loads of pressure on the map maker. If you want one of the developers in xG to work at something like that, at least let it be out of there free will and people don't constantly pester them. But I'm all for old Jailbreak coming back. Ammo dropping: Okay I could see this would be extremely difficult for the blu team at times. But challenge is fun. To prevent from reds picking up ammo from other reds is running up real quick and get it. Like old times. I never saw why this was a huge problem. It would prevent gun glitching too. Demo-charge: Yes demo charging is overpowered but it's easy to avoid. Honestly we have maps where people can stand on higher ground. Sure they could get away fast but what the hell do you think jailbreak is. Easily avoidable not that big of a problem. No Last CT: Ehh I'm not a huge fan of last ct. It's frankly dumb and pointless. Gives blu the edge. Especially when you have a blu who has no idea what the hell is going on and doesn't know what to do. Like give the nerd a break. Last CT is just kinda stupid. Rules pertaining to "improv" days: This is like oh hey I'm gonna make something up on the spot kind of days. I find these days to be something different from hey reds go kill yourselves in these minigames while I watch and stroke my cat. That kind of stuff. I can see a limit on these days of course made up days and referring reds to something else (tarping which I'll get to later) Overall confusion of rules: Let's be honest no one reads the rules. You even tell them to read the rules they will still blow you off. It's honestly pointless and newcomers just become confused. So I was thinking we stick to a little vanilla jailbreak but with a little order involved. Demo on blu: Okay I know exactly why demo would not be allowed on blu. I don't have a problem with that restriction but I feel that if its monitored it could possibly work but not 100% agreeing on that. Overall Freekilling: Oh boy freekilling. Yes freekilling is a problem. But let me say this. It's not a major fucking problem. All these plugins revolving around freekilling. Yes freekilling is a down side it makes people mad but it's easily resolved with a kick or ban. If people honestly look down on the xG community because "we can't handle freekilling" than I wouldn't want those brats in the community as a whole. Who the hell cares it's a video game clan. Games are too have fun not order
  5. To be serious I feel that Jailbreak should return to its former glory as the sum up of my Summer in 2013. That Jailbreak was the one worth playing. That was the jailbreak I miss. We look at Jailbreak as this gamemode that should be controlled to some perfect gamemode. When in all honesty it takes the fun out of it. I'm not implying free killing and breaking the rules is fun but the other things. Whenever I talk to my online group of friends and if jailbreak was brought up. The first thing the say is "it's not even fun anymore it's just fucked" honestly it is. Maybe adding a shit load of plugins to "enhance" the fun factor of gameplay. Honestly I'd like to play the Jailbreak that I fell in love with in 2013. Fuck I'd love it. I know the plugins are to curve the fairness of gameplay for each team but honestly does it even seem fun. Would you rather have the Jailbreak servers that where constantly populated from 12 o clock to Midnight or have the server we have now that nobody plays on anymore. Maybe we need the cancer
  6. That sounds complicated and difficult. I find the foreign minors to be a great advantage to the xG community
  7. I remember when xG wasn't bad.
  8. Talking about Goblin but okay.
  9. didn't this nerd already get mod. Is this a new rank of mod? Double Mod?
  10. but srsly Dethman good luck.
  11. this is the best post on the forums
  12. buds aren't worth as much anymore. now kiss and make up
  13. I respect that and I can't really show you how I've changed other than not mass shitposting like I usually did. I know you don't see me as a responsible person but I've changed and I'm not starting fights for my amusement. Plus I've had some great times on xG. With the fetish thing yeah I'll admit it was mean and I regret it. But honestly I'm 100% straight forward now. No joking around about serious matters. So I can be the guy I use to be instead of an asshole. Plus bello it pains me to see you say this stuff but I can't blame anyone but myself I mean understandable. But yeah if you guys are willing to put decent vouches whatever. Take your time or don't do it at all whatever
  14. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Muzzlereno Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29181801 Banned: Yes Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active: 1-2 years Age: 16 Further Information: Umm so ya I don't know what to really say other than. Hello. Umm well yeah I know I'm not the most well liked person xG. But if it really helps I've changed tremendously in behavior and maturity. So yeah +1 or -1 whatever you guys choose to do.
  15. It's Xenogamers way of getting the dweebs from the anime channel to play TF2 @ThePenguin @Barmithian @Yu_Narukami @DrLee
  16. http://tldr.someecards.com/wiki/social-media-manager/ This is for you
  17. Muzzle

    Senior Pranks

    School Shooting Ok I'm sorry that was a bit rude