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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. The rules were originally supposed to be modeled after the CS:S rules, and baiting has never been allowed, but it was always rebelling if you stab a baiter. no matter what, attacking a guard is considered rebelling.

    I understand what you mean but no matter what the Warden said you would get hit if you tempted a red

  2. I have been absent for awhile and notice jailbreak is leaning more to the Guards advantage. What I mean by this is there has been a couple of rules changed that were perfectly fine but just ended up being unfair for the reds. The thing with baiting now were the Warden has to say Baiters may be killed just kind of defeats the purpose of "Jailbreak". Back then if you got up in a reds face and they hit you, they wouldn't be killed. Another thing with the Wardens abusing the Reds off mic. I say this only because the red are never able to talk because the wardens just want to have a quiet game. Another thing with the Guards is they are killing people way to fast. For example the Warden says "crouch walk to the yellow line" if you are lacking behind just barely 2 feet away you get killed. Another thing with the mods muting and or kicking/banning people just for there own personal needs isn't right at all. I mean if a kid with a high pitched voice came on and a mod just muted him for his voice would be wrong. The kid can't help it he's just trying to have fun. The other day I got kicked for saying the word "sack". I used it constantly because I just do that at times. I wasn't on the mic going SACK SACK SACK SACK SACK SACK SACK. I wasn't spamming nor trolling I was just trying to have a good laugh with my friends. I just wanted to share this because I really do miss the old Jailbreak and I would like to play Jailbreak the old way. Thank you for reading. - Muzzle

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    Team Fortress 2

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    Hi I have been on xG servers for along time. I wanted to apply today. Sorry for my mistakes witht eh wrong section. My bad HUEHEUHEUEHUEHUE. But please forgive me