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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. That's not proof. Proof is screenshots and demos of abuse, not 15 random people that will say someone is "Over his head".

    It's not proof it's just proving I'm not making stuff up. When I get the proof believe me I'll share it.

  2. Yeah I agree with this 100% these are all valid reasons. This seems fair but a bit Impossible. If your leaning this towards xG members it will be easy to but other players on jailbreak will be pretty hard. But effort is appreciated I would like to see this in the server more often.

  3. There is a feature on most of our jailbreak maps known as Arena, you can let reds fight among their teammates by turning on friendly fire. Turning it on without warden or staff saying so is bannable.

    Except there's the fact it doesn't even work so there's no point

  4. From the MOTD in regards to your complaints about the third ban I mentioned:

    • Do not hit the arena button to turn on friendly fire without permission, you will be banned.

    So you're saying that I should throw the rules down the toilet when someone hits a button they should have never been near the first place?

    More rules; Sondresten (or whatever his name is) was not speaking English and had an immature voice. User (F.A.G.G.O.T) would not leave me alone and was constantly pestering me to the point where I muted him. Your friend was banned because I said anyone who keeps this up will be removed from the server. I asked numerous times to stop and you and your friend refused. Why do you insist that you had every right to troll? It's in the general MOTD, no trolling, I typed the first thing that I could think of that was similar to what you guys were doing.


    The Staff warned you to stop. THE STAFF! I COUNT AS A STAFF MEMBER!

    If you muted him why would you banned him? Yeah they said it once which was speed and you can't tell me not to say a word. Are you my fucking parent or my savior no you are a fucking human being like all of us you aren't higher up than me for anything else then online.

  5. My butt

    I applaud you for your attempts but you obvious have it out for me just because I didn't let you act like the immature child you are with your butt buddies.

    buddies look at you and speed going berserk on insane for demoting him temp. Banning someone for making you angry I saw the other abuse report on you for banning a admin because he made you mad and wasn't respecting you. I even talk to insane he even said you try to act like a your some kind of god. Go ahead call me immature for having a good time I'm fucking 15 can you blame me to have a good time for once in a while. Also warned me 0 times as soon as I said it he went no I'm done then kicked. How about you respect the community and loosen up.

  6. Annoying you yeah if it comes to that you mute the person don't kick them I literally asked you once and your like no that's it and kicked. The reasons why he banned those people are unreasonable annoying bad voice turning on friendly fire. IT DOESNT EVEN WORK

  7. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Staff Name:


    Staff's Steam ID:


    Well were do I start. Well first of all he bans people for reasons concerning him only of you look at the thread the link here
    it explains everything and he claims I was "trolling" but there's nothing I was doing wrong. I also have a couple of pictures concerning his unreasonable bans

    Further Information:

    He says he warned me but he didn't say anything he just went no then kicked me. If you don't see it but others do so if you could just investigate or change his ways and not being so ban happy. These are unreasonable to me and some others just do what's best.





  8. And it keeps going. Good god kid, do you have control? Honestly, I have no idea how you got into xG if you are immature and have no self-control regardless if you are doing intentionally or if you have some bullsh!t excuse to say why you can't act like a normal human being. You state that you want no problems, yet here you are continuing the same sh!t. The two of you claim that there was abuse, I asked him and others to stop about 5 times and time and time again he did not stop. Again, ignoring and attempting to troll mods, and trying to get others to join your immature f*ckfest was enough for me to kick you. Forest is right in the fact that we had right to remove you from the server, and if I recall correctly you were muted/gagged at one point.


    Messing around is a very broad term, and in this case (knowing that you're immature) you meant to mess around with intent to cause anger. About the other people spamming chat, I don't recall this.


    @SpeedOfFreedom should know that no ghosting is allowed and that he broke the rules when he did. Regardless of what you said he had no right to silence you.


    Regardless, if you or anyone ever has any complaints about Staff Abuse, post it in the right section of forums.

    @kbraszzz #close since this is going off topic.

    Wait wait wait what the hell. Immature? Are you kidding. Acting like a ten year old kicking me for "annoying" you just give it up. Ignore me for Christ sake this thread isn't done with a snap of a finger it's not off topic. It isn't just about the conflict between me and you it's more than that. I was just messing around take a damn joke you don't like me oh well. Well guess what I don't like you either I'm not disrespect a mod because you are a human being. You aren't higher than me other then online. If this is disrespect which it shouldn't be when you are talking down to me.

  9. how much are you offering in metals?

    Okay I'm a little confuzzled because I don't know how trading works when you say metals as in refined, scrap, and reclaimed or the tf2 trading currency. If that's what your after then let me do some math

  10. I accept OP's apology and confession admitting that he was trolling. Nonetheless, trolling is not allowed and actions taken were necessary.


    He admit to acting like he did and cause the staff to get angry (aka Trolling). Do read the MOTD :coffee:

    Well I wasn't really trolling but if you want to think of it like that I guess you can. I don't want any problems and I just want to have a good time with my friends. Also are you sack wasn't really an offense of thing. The Only reason I repeated it because you guys sounded like you didn't know. So, are you sack?

  11. Just because he says it every time he speaks isn't a reason for kick or mute or anything really. If it annoys you then you can ask him to stop but if he doesn't ignore it. Its not a hard thing to do. A mod asking him to stop using a single word that doesn't break any rules is no worse than if a non-member asked him to stop and he didn't. Staff members are not that special, l2ignore. (Unless you're SyrJirk, then you are the specialist #favoritism)

    Thank you! Finally once in my life someone gets what I'm trying to say. I HAVE CONCORDE MY ADHD AND PROCESSING PROBLEMS. No but really it is a sort of abuse and thanks for backing me up

  12. i feel u 2 meezel


    anyways im surprised that barm and nora are on here D: but speed.... not big surprise

    I didn't know Bar or Nora that well I probably talked to Nora once his name is familiar. Anyway I didn't really know Speed that much other than us fighting for the past 2 weeks and no matter what I just thought he was an asshole. Other than that I don't really have a big problem with speed other then recent events. Let me get to my point, that same thing "FAG DOWN" was the exact same thing they were spamming along with the entire server yesterday as soon as I joined

  13. Shadow Shark is on pretty much whenever I'm on maybe even more he's really great even though bed a member he can't shoot higher. He changes his name at times but he is sticking with the original. If anything Shadow deserves to be a member more than ever. Origins not to call you out or anything I believe me and shadow have been part of the server longer than you to my knowledge

  14. Alright I know I was acting like a Dick but I'm a natural douchebag. I was sorta trying to piss you off for me and my friends amusement. I wasn't trying to be a dick in the beginning it's just that it got you angry and I took the chance. I still don't think it was right to kick me and banned Matt for a while. Whatever though let's just start over I apologize for being a dick

  15. Spamming will result in a warning/gag/kick/ban, regardless of whatever it is you're saying. If you are told to stop by Staff, you should cease and desist immediately.


    - Dat guy, Forest :coffee:


    I was just saying it I wasn't trying to piss anyone off. Also i was asking speed like once or twice. And he said don't ask me that again or I will kick you so I asked origins he kicks me. I didn't ask speed again I asked origins that a bull I wasn't even doing that much. I wasn't even spamming in chat I was messing around. Also if I was spamming in chat why was it okay for everyone in all caps going "FAG DOWN". It was a bit annoy but I kept my mouth shut. If I was in there position I would ignore them. Also awhile ago speed gagged me because I said "fuck you speed" kind of sarcastically because he kept giving my hid n sick spot away. I left because another mod told me just to leave and it would be gone so I was playing a he gagged me again and It wasn't my fault and the second time I left was because my tf2 crashed