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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. -1 Vector has a point I have played with Gorillabot and he did pissed quite a lot of people off. I wasn't pissed because I don't get pissed at anything other than force a nature scouts in MvM. If you want people play you don't want them to get pissed then rage. Now I don't think a perma ban is needed just enough for people to get past it

  2. Honestly I hate when wardens say reds of mic as soon as it hits 5. Ugh I think some blus abuse it way to often. I mean when it comes to an extent where reds are screaming and cussing then yeah it would be needed. But you can't just have a rule like don't tell the reds to get off mic unless they are to loud. That would cause some problems. So I say we try and make a compromise

  3. Just going to say right now...

    you only got a specilized killstreak so all it does is just make your weapon shine much more frequently.


    But, if you a have a PRO killstreak it has eye effects as well as a sheen effect.


  4. Server: Slender Fortess

    Bug/Suggestion: I guess both

    It just seems that the flashlight is a bit dull it's useful but buggy. Also I like the fact that it's really dark. But I can't see crap either way. So if you could check it out id would be thankful

  5. Wow. This crap gets hard to read after about mid second page. Y'all need to chill and settle your differences because stating accusations and insulting one another isn't helping the division get any better. Infact, it is making you look foolish.

    This was awhile ago it's all good now don't worry

  6. Are story begins with a forest way out in eastern Montana. A man called forest which is very ironic. Forest was had addiction to drinking coffee. If you ever walked by the man you can smell coca beans right off the bat. He sat in a little ditch with a wireless internet router and a desk along with a computer. He had family and friends but he ended up living the life in a forest just for the comparison. Forest the young man playing CS:S moderating a server. But suddenly a wild raccoon jumped out surprising him. As we all know Forest he had a cup of coffee in his left hand. The coffee spilt across his left jugular. He ran and screamed while the raccoon was tearing his legs. Forest eventually he died from blood loss and his rib cage became a raccoon nest. Forest then slowly started to sink in the ground throughout the years. But suddenly two Boy Scouts named Insane and Kendrick passed by his corpse. Sadly the boys were lost and they couldn't figure out CS:S. They downloaded TF2 and played hours and hours on and on. Suddenly Forests body started to shake and then quickly sank into the ground. He popped out of the ground into a tree. The boys frustrated at the game pushed the computer over and broke it. Forest was angry then he took out a pepper shaker. He grabbed Kendrick and lifted down his pants and peppered his anus. Insane running relentlessly trips over a lantern and scolding his face with third degree burns. The fire spread and and forest fire had began. Forest was scared he had run out of pepper to pepper is own anus. Kendrick, anus filled with pepper began to act like a fish out of water. Forest eventually caught on fire and the entire forest burnt down. Kendrick somehow survived and stored Forest's ashes in a jar. Forest now just a pile of ash was a great Father's Day present to his friends alcoholic dad. Happy ending! OKAY THIS CAME OUT OF THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART PLS READ

  7. I apologize for double posting but his name sounds vaguely familiar.... I want to say he was the guy who scammed me.. Yes this guy I'm not sure was with his friend just trolling the server at night. I'm not saying this is him but if I heard his voice I could identify it.

  8. Im sorry for my stupidity t(;-;t) you seem like you know what your doing +1

    Honestly I had time to think and talk to my consultants and imma have to -1 you considering I've never seen you and you magically became a mod as far as I know