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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. +1 we need new maps but i found another map which looks the same as Ba_jhop
    Insane lets develop a map together with so many ideas and great stuff. Make it in space and think of new game ideas like game crush, game fall, ybbo, deathrub, and etc. In all seriousness we could work together as a community and build a map together. But space does sound pretty cool. Plus if it's made by us we will like it more than the other custom maps. We could have a developer and have a suggestion box and just turn into a communist community

  2. Definitely watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the world, Shawn of the dead, Prometheus, Shrek(No brainer), Chronicle, and Hannibal. It's the only ones I can think of at the moment because those are my favorites. Shrek is love, Shrek is life

  3. Also, what does giving a Scenario mean for the next person?

    It's like an event that would be a life or death situation like a plane crash or a entire revolution. Have fun with it though

  4. I'm probably going to suck at this, I don't know many characters for those classes

    It's okay you can pick anyone in the world or anything imaginable. If you get my meaning so have fun with it

  5. So let me get this straight:


    First person posts a team of Characters depending on what is given, IE:





    Live Bait



    Then the next person posts a scenario for the first person? I'm not quite getting it. Also, what does giving a Scenario mean for the next person?

    Yes thank you forest. I apologize everyone my fluency is terrible

  6. Hwat

    Basically you give out your team for survival. So pick any class and person from any fandom or game or etc. when your done you name a scenario that the next person does that scenrio

  7. Okay please don't yell at me if this is the wrong thread to post it in. I didn't really know :P

    So basically you have to think of a great team that could get you through any scenario. Okay so the person who posts there team then chooses a scenario for the next person. Fluency is bad sorry guys.

    Classes you choose for survival




    Live Bait



    Brute- Brick (Borderlands)

    Scout-Unsain Bolt

    Hunter-Bear Grylls (Man v.s Wild)

    Live Bait- Teemo (League of Legends)

    Badass- Carlton (Fresh Price of Bel Air)

    SCENARIO: Zombie Apocalypse

    Alright go. Also sorry if this is not the right place to post this. I just wanted so forum games :P

  8. But since i always play spy and always use the DR i faked my death.....


    I had a dream that i was a spy and i had the power to backstab every huntsman sniper ( @Barmithian ), after i killed all the huntsman i stabbed some one in the leg by accident ( @Bell ) because i slipped when i was trying to backstab. Then i found a demo ( @Meezel ) that was chopping up a dead "fake" body and 720 headshot him with my sexy Amby. Then I took a engys teleporter that brought me to a minecraft 24/7 ( @oVinylScratcho ) Jb_ba_minecart map. Then i woke up in a different world... it was strange when i tried to search for Tf2outpost nothing came up. i logged in to TF2 and relized that there were no more hats with particle effects, just weapons. ( @Rfivealive555 )

    I'm calling shenanigans. You didn't fall asleep from when after I tagged you and then woke up now. SHENANIGANS

  9. I can't remember a gaming dream, but one time I dreamed I was in Disney World but some evil guy had taken over the parks. I had to find these keys to stop him. One of the keys I found had a button on it that said "trap". I pushed it and then a big monitor came out with the evil guy on it and he started laughing. Then I woke up.

    You're a f*cked up child... Just kidding love ya bar bar <3

  10. They changed the original start up map was hop. Which is so much better than minecraft. It's just really boring the only thing I like a about that map is fall game and obby. They over do deathrun over and over and over and over to freaking much. It's started breaking now so it's a relief. We don't do any others games besides Pokemon, deathrun, sweeper, hid n sic. When is the last time anyone gave an order to go bowling

  11. I actually recently had a dream where I was in ocarina of time. I was about to fight Ganon but then a rope(snake from Zelda) was strangling me. Then a bunch of cursed deku people circled around me and turned me into a stool. Out of everything. I don't know it was random. Saturday I actually had a trippy tf2 dream. I was my demoman loadout and I was a bounty hunter sent to kill @Insane . I was successful and chopped him limb from limb. Then a sniper shot me with the huntsmen....

  12. Free game + minecraft map = the children on the mic

    If you don't want kids to join stop playing the same damn map. Minecraft is so boring why not give the other maps a chance. Besides treat the child like you treat the people older or the same age as you.

  13. That has got to be what I hate most as well.

    I feel you. Even xG members go "oh god no" or "get off the mic faggot". Just because your older doesn't make you high and mighty. Kids can't help it. It's like gamer racism

  14. The thing I most agree with is how people spam "omg squeaker you spammed its freeday" when a kid becomes a warden. I respect them because they actually have the balls to use their mic and try warden.

    It pisses me off when minor becomes warden and the blus refuse todo there

    job. It is unacceptable for this kind of discrimination for the younger players