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Reputation Activity

  1. Ding!
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Gr8_butt_m8   
    i think it's because people think @Hachi is a scrub, can confirm they're right
  2. Informative
    Moosty got a reaction from Flareon in Gr8_butt_m8   
    1 more +1 before member let's make it happen
  3. Informative
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Gr8_butt_m8   
    @Bach @kbraszzz that's 10
  4. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Swift in Gr8_butt_m8   
    1 more +1 before member let's make it happen
  5. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Tekk in Gr8_butt_m8   
    1 more +1 before member let's make it happen
  6. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Gr8_butt_m8   
    1 more +1 before member let's make it happen
  7. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Haruka in Gr8_butt_m8   
    +1 this kid get's me all hot and bothered
  8. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Hype in Gr8_butt_m8   
    +1 this kid get's me all hot and bothered
  9. Informative
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Kaotic   
    he's 14 in koala years
  10. Disagree
    Moosty reacted to ThePenguin in Muzzles mona pizza   
    Diabeetus is a enlightened atheist fedora flipper, that is @FoRgE , not muzzle, muzzle being rebanned.
    EDIT: since people wanted proof, here's some real-life footage of Diabeetus:

  11. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Tomahawk in Muzzles mona pizza   
    it's for realsies i swear
    plz unban is legit
  12. Optimistic
    Moosty reacted to Haruka in Muzzles mona pizza   
    Thoes fucking eyebrows are for realsies
  13. Agree
    Moosty reacted to ChickenPanda in Remove 520 and hyper heavy   
    My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, "If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately." Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- "Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
  14. Agree
    Moosty reacted to ChickenPanda in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I'll sub med I guess, but if Bach changes his mind, take him as priority if you would. c:
    or @Dethman I demand trial by combat.
    idk how medic challenge would work but uh gg
  15. Friendly
    Moosty got a reaction from Tomahawk in Tmi thread   
    #tmi y'all are hoes for not tagging me
  16. Bad Spelling
    Moosty got a reaction from Tomahawk in Chrstmas time travels   
    Wont be on much if at all the rest of december. Traveling around Oregon for christmas festivities and staying on the coast with no internet afterwards. So ya, I guess I'll see you guys in a little over a week.
    @kbraszzz dont be mad
    @Bach get really god at DayZ while I'm gone
  17. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I'll play heavy if it ever happens. You can trust me m80.
  18. Funny
    Moosty got a reaction from Foxy in Jedinick8   
    Said the pot to the kettle
  19. Sad
    Moosty got a reaction from Thunder in Jedinick8   
    Said the pot to the kettle
  20. Friendly
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Tmi thread   
    #tmi y'all are hoes for not tagging me
  21. Friendly
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Tmi thread   
    #tmi y'all are hoes for not tagging me
  22. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Dethman in Tmi thread   
    I sucked kbraszzes dick for him to cry on mic
  23. Sad
    Moosty reacted to Haruka in Tmi thread   
    #TMI I'm still a virgin :C
  24. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Arranging the wedding   
    Put me in the wedding party you fucks
  25. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Bye   
    Just come BM us on teamspeak sometimes okay?