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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Anger management servers??   
  2. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Bye.   
    Damn rights you aren't leaving
  3. Informative
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Bye.   
    Jpie plz
  4. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Tomahawk in Bye.   
    Jpie plz
  5. Informative
    Bach got a reaction from PlankePetter in Plankepetter   
    Yeah man, gotta remove those tags if you aren't a member. +1/-1 due to that.
  6. Funny
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Mr.ninjahunter - team fortress 2   
    Robots are stupid.
    OP is unbanned. Enjoy CT again boss.
  7. Smelly
    Bach got a reaction from Fink in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  8. Informative
    Bach reacted to Fink in I edited the xg acceptance message   
    This is a joke, what I'm saying isn't my thoughts or views at all.
    Hope you like it

    You have sold your soul to xG!
    To begin your imprisonment, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans, and remember there is no escape from this hell! Oh yeah and if you don't follow these rules we will pull out your teeth.
    Want to boss people around on servers?
    There are a few ways to earn a promotion
    1. suck the higher-ups' dicks!
    2. sacrifice your dog to xg
    3. kill yourself!
    For a list of our hellish realms, I mean servers, click here.
    If you leave or multiclan we will kill your family!
  9. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  10. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  11. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from ColdEndeavour in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  12. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Muzzle in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  13. Informative
    Bach reacted to Fink in Fatred01   
    Most of the vouches are invalid due to being from tf2 members, lul
  14. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  15. Smelly
    Bach got a reaction from Ribbit in Our dead servers, and what to do with them.   
    WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SERVERS OR MAPS. IT IS JUST ADDING TO THE PROBLEM. We we realize "hmm, maybe we should improve the servers and maps we have NOW rather than pile on more shitty, broken maps"
    We also need to address the biggest influence on the servers. The members and staff.
    We need the change the way we act if we expect traffic to continue. No one wants to be in a server where they get verbally harassed every time they go on.
    If you constantly get called shit and are spawn camped for 2 hours straight, you tend to not want to come back to the server.
    First impressions are big everywhere, this does not exclude servers on video games.
    Remember, people that fall in love with one server tend to not go on others so I've seen. Look at all the member sumbissions.
    "I'm very active on ____ server"
    Only ONE server
    That's my input
  16. Winner
    Bach reacted to Moosty in Trade gaming history - regarding clocktown   
    Ya, I know this was sudden guys. But TGH was at it's most populated before the map changes, when it was just 24 hr clocktown. We had goldenrod and clocktown, both single map servers, populated all day and all night. And considering how bad the population has been recently, we needed a drastic change. It's already shown promise. But only time will tell what happens. The server was the most fun . When it was 24/7 clocktown as well. People were friendly and everyone was having a good time. Hopefully we can go back to that somewhat.
  17. Informative
    Bach reacted to ColdEndeavour in Trade gaming history - regarding clocktown   
    I'm not sure what will result of TGH [a.k.a. Nintendo64Tress (or whatever it used to be called)], but look at the Pokemon Trade Centre server. Same map 24/7/365 -- 32/32 a majority of the time.
    It could work, or it could fail. Only time will tell.
  18. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from KendrickLlama in Batter - team fortress 2   
    -1 No sympathy for massers that leave. The perm stays. @kbraszzz we all know how this one is gonna end.
    Also, don't ever listen to @KendrickLlama due to him being pants on head retarded
  19. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in Batter - team fortress 2   
    -1 No sympathy for massers that leave. The perm stays. @kbraszzz we all know how this one is gonna end.
    Also, don't ever listen to @KendrickLlama due to him being pants on head retarded
  20. Funny
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Fatred01   
    @Nomulous got demoted so GG

    Also so much -1 to lowering the age limit. 14 is already pretty low imo. Especially considering most of the games we have divisions for are 17+ buuuut whatever
  21. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Batter - team fortress 2   
    -1 No sympathy for massers that leave. The perm stays. @kbraszzz we all know how this one is gonna end.
    Also, don't ever listen to @KendrickLlama due to him being pants on head retarded
  22. F!$k Off
    Bach reacted to Dethman in Fatred01   
    We should lower the age limit for applications to 13 years old, at least till this community becomes more populated. If a 13 year old makes an app, we should not -1 him on age but if he is immature and rude. Just an idea cl's @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Chrono @diabeetus @Bleed @ThePenguin and then our dark lord @Rhododendron
  23. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Hackyhachi   
    FYI Steam ID for you is STEAM_0:0:91535515
    Personally I haven't seen you around, but a good way to meet others is just to hop on multiple servers and join our teamspeak channel. voice.xenogamers.com
    -1/+1 is my vote
  24. Smelly
    Bach got a reaction from RichKnight in Swift   
    Also same reason -1
  25. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in X the hedgehog   
    Also @Chrono god forbid we have some fun on forums. I forgot xG has that strict "no fun allowed policy".
    That being said stop being so god damn salty all the time. Reposting something someone saw isn't. Also I didn't know this was from 4chan but who gives a fuck
    (inb4 banning spree round 3)