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Posts posted by MrJeeblez

  1. So for Christmas, my brother bought a motherboard, and told me that we are (finally) going to be building a gaming PC. The motherboard we bought is a FM2A88X Extreme 4+. I was wondering what parts you guys think would go well with it? We want to stay around $900 to $1000, including monitors, keyboard, etc.


    Link to MB specs: ASRock > FM2A88X Extreme4+




  2. Thankfully, it wasn't a heart attack. Unfortunately, it was something serious. It seems that her heart wasn't pumping correctly, which led to fluid getting backed up into her lungs. There could be blockage in her heart somewhere. She already has multiple (17 to be exact) stents in her heart, so this isn't very good news. They admitted her last night, and she could be out by sometime tomorrow, or the next day. Thank you all for the support.

  3. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    I left to join another group of (what seemed like) friends, but it didn't turn out too well. I'm active on CS:S, and am going to be fairly active on the MC servers. I think it's time for me to come back to the Light. Hope ya'll agree.



    Fo rizzle,



    (p.s. alex and shadowspy are still pretty bad)

  4. How much crack smoking is required before we join?



    EDIT: Also... Did you use the tekkit world file for this server? My tekkit home is where I spawned, all the blocks from tekkit are missing (i.e marble, iron furnace, etc), and there are potatoes everywhere on the ground. -.-

  5. Nerf hot potato. It's ridiculously OP. Unless you are bad (ex: Alex), all you need to do is be higher than the CT, drop it to him, and it's a 99% guaranteed win. Make it so they are frozen, reduced speed, or something. It's cray cray.