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Posts posted by denwaotoko

  1. Although it kind of depends on what games you mainly want to play, since different games make use of different ratios of CPU to GPU performance. That being said, the FX-6300 can do basically everything but max out GTA IV.


    I mean, you have $400 as a budget so you're already better off than the kids on minecraft forums wanting to upgrade from their peashooter GT610's and such. If you're able to , the GTX 970 that you've already chosen is a great card. AMD Cards have finally come down in price after the whole cryptocurrency hype, so you could snag a 280x for cheap if you'd like (although don't buy used).


    With Cyber Monday around the corner, you're bound to find some good deals.

  2. Since xG uses cloudflare (I think), I don't believe just solely updating the main server would help.



    That being said, I'm kinda hoping a company as big as cloudflare (They also host stuff like 4chan and other big-traffic websites) will take these measures and update accordingly.

  3. Entry 3


    An archeologist who goes by the name Rien P.P Toucherlikesanus had found an relic from around 0 F.F. (The 0th year, stands for "Following [the] @Forest Fire). He had unearthed what was never to be shined upon daylight. Something that would restart the order of things.


    [insert link doing the chest opening noise thing here]


    Except instead of finding some awesome item, he had found an hourglass. Following in his usual self of "How bad could it be?", he had flipped the hourglass to let the sand flow downwards once more.


    And so, time was once more reset, and it was 2014 again.

    It was all about to happen just once more. rip in peace everyone.

  4. Entry 2


    But no. It didn't end there. The adventure wasn't anywhere from over.


    Decades passed, Earth as we know it had changed over the years.

    We human beings were able to set apart our differences. PC gamers and Console gamers united, Australians no longer mocked for their everythings which were out to kill people, and North Korea was finally renamed Best Korea proceeding the domination by an actual Team America World Police, led by Matt Stone and Trey Parker themselves.


    However, none of this came without a sacrifice. Following @Forest having his tantrum across the world, over 90% of the worlds population ceased to exist.

    Yet much like a campfire, after the last ember was out, fresh tinder was laid down and a new fire went ablaze.


    As with the fire, many important historical pieces were lost. One of the most important art pieces being this.

    No records of @Forest having a rampage were left either. It was as if he brought upon cleansing across the globe, to restart everything as we knew it.

    Some say it was WORTH. After all, people were now finally at peace and nobody has ever heard a squeaker on a TF2 server in forever.


    Unfortunately, things were about to change with the discovery of one man.

  5. Entry 1


    On a rather hot day in mid-July, the counter-strikers memming about and little children asking for a condom from their mums, it was really just another day on The Forum. DeathGod smoking a fat joint, Chrono creating meaningless threads, and @Forest being his usual self by ignoring his friends and not moderating any servers. @Forest living in a small jungle cabin with himself and his pet orangutan named "Billy", they lived a very frugal yet fulfilling life together as they seemingly aged on endlessly (@Forest was now at least like 108 years old).


    However, peace could only last for so long in this nation. After all, Winter is coming.


    Many people did not know that on the 109th Winter Solstice, @Forest would become enraged.

    His usual kind appearance was instantaneously replaced with hatred.

    He began with burning all the rhododendrons as it reminded him of whenever the forum broke and people complained. He was very cross with the small kinds of act that he gave out during his mid-life (circa 78 years old).


    Before long, the hatred spewing from his spirit had managed to catch fire physically, and soon everything was set ablaze. There was no more xG. Nothing of xG remained, and it was thought that it would stay that way.