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Everything posted by Waimalu

  1. Can we honestly move this thread to the tf2 discussion?
  2. +1 Tells people the rules and enforces them...also confirmed batgirl... A:8 M:9
  3. I just came back from a friends house. They had 1 giant ass tv and 4 smaller ones. We played Evolve and it was the most beautiful thing...
  4. Well met friend! :llama:
  5. There's a thing called asking for a staff member. I hear it's very effective and if there are no staff members on the you must be on at 4 am because there are usually staff members willing to do their job. Just a suggestion...
  6. I agree with just locking weapons to only be stock melee.
  7. I'm glad these website ads are relevant to my daily life @Singlemuslims
  8. Oi, I have seen some randoms getting on slender fortress here and there soooo...hope? Also can we fix the problem where the map changes 10 minutes in
  9. Ay glad to have you back Jpie +1 A:9/10 M:10/10 #oldskewlcrew
  10. I did mean this...sorry for the misunderstanding (Only a break)
  11. My heart will go on...
  12. If you guys ever feel like doing something just ask meh. *hugs*
  13. I'm done :| I'll tell you why... I'm depressed (Whaaat you act so happy) well you gotta look at the bright side of life (what does this have to do with anything?). Well you see a couple years ago a great friend of mine @Egg showed me a jailbreak server, I was bored so I said why not. Joined it, worse decision of my life, it was aids. Played it more and learned to fukin love it. I met so many amazing people (@kbraszzz @SPORK @Nomulous @Ohstopyou @Marceline :cat:) ANYWAYS (I'll add others at the end if I remember don't think I forgot you :D) I made friends and it made me happy. Really happy. Time passes and I decide to join this beautiful clan. More time and then depression hit its hardest when my parents told me they were getting a divorce (at my age it hit me harder than it would if I was younger) I turned to xG and It welcomed me with open arms. I was happy again. But sadly nothing good lasts forever and their are new people in xG some good some douchey. Blah blah left for bit blah. Came back around last month after being depressed again missing the good old times. And ever since then the only thing that welcomed me was the salt truck. (Although some welcomed me back with love and I thank you from the bottom of my heart). Anyways this doesn't help my depression so I'm leaving...I love you guys ( Don't listen to this nerd, he'll probably be back). I'll stay on teamspeak here and there but until the salt dissolves I will not be apart of this madness. Just as I was trying so hard for mod but I don't think its worth anymore...
  14. My dog apparently got caught up in my headset cord and now my headset is broken R.I.P Waims 2015- "Who's Waims?"
  15. What I wanna know is why valve would think that ducks would be a good idea in the first place and then continue on that idea of ducks (From the scream fortress update 2014 to the EOTL Duckdate). The trailer was amazing but then we see the real deal and 25% or more of the video was ducks. I didn't see any ducks in the trailer...Why put them in there anyways. Lastly I constantly stick to tf2, hoping for some new content not a bunch of over priced cosmetics so valve can make a quick buck. By now I feel valve is just milking tf2 to see how much money they can make before Ol' Bessy runs dry. That's why I admire the creativity of map makers, the spice of source film makers that keeps most of tf2 alive and make us think that there is hope for this game (along with youtubers). Just saying, the tf2 community is more involved in making this game fresh and fun than the actual people (source required) that work on tf2 if there are any left. Ranting is fun. Thank you for your time. :llama:
  16. I want to get better at using SFM, anyone have any advice? @[51591:@Rejects] @[106807:@Bone] @SFMusers
    1. Bone


      Best thing to do, watch a lot of tutorials and practice a lot. Make posters and whatnot first, since it helps with learning posing and camera work. Once you feel comfortable in your ability to do that, you can tackle animating. That's about all I can say, if you have questions about specific things you can ask me
    2. Rejects


      Just practice with each of the assets one at a time ie lights, camera, anims, sounds .etc..
  17. I think this post should be under the ban protest. If you're new don't worry. I have no knowledge of what you did but I'm sure someone (staff/witnesses) will let you know your situation. Good luck!
  18. I don't think I vouched for you but that was because I didn't know enough about you to make a decision but I would like to congratulate you on the amount of vouchers you have and when the time comes, welcome you to xG! Let's get this guy rollin'! :D
  19. If we can at least update the old maps that would be a nice start. I don't know what bosses we can and can't add but I know some bosses I like, if we can get a hold of these fellas.
  20. Well why doesnt someone do research on what maps and bosses people like. Go on popular slender servers and check it out. But for sure add FNAF things (I've seen its effects on the population). I can do some research of no one else wants to. (Also keep the salt levels low pease)
  21. Waimalu for paid George Foreman Grill