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Everything posted by Waimalu

  1. Aight imma be accused of shit posting so fuck all y'all @Dethman
  2. The xenogamers meet Irl @Bach @kbraszzz @Hachi @Dethman @Cr1TiKaL @Rogue_Skittle @Flareon @Gr8_Butt_M8 @Whoelse? Oh @Marceline and @Ohstopyou
  3. Alright I guess it's time to reveal my true identity, here is some never before seen footage of me... My time will come (Too tired)
  4. Does anyone know if the Saxton hale mod will take care of the control point enabling at 5 people and what not? I have arena mode working fine but if anyone knows...
  5. Like the maps we had that were made for cs:s... Also I can't find a lot of jailbreak maps.
  6. But everyone loves legojail! But seriously I wouldn't mind some new shtuff. +1 (Out with the old, in with the new)
  7. Do we know that we can get a server I mean it is Blizzard after all... they'll have their servers. But once again only time will tell. Also I'm pretty hyped for Overwatch. :D
  8. I've taken a little break from working on it I've been exhausted by school work '-.-
  9. Maybe we can just fuking address this problem and you don't have to leave...there are people that aren't salt ;-;. If you aren't apart of the hate it shouldn't make you want to leave. If anything I would like to fix it :( . But in the end it's your choice. Farewell friend <3
  10. Welp...I got a job now...
    1. Tomahawk


      HAHAHA you noob... oh wait im getting one in September...* le sad*
  11. Waimalu

    Salt Emote

    *sticks tongue out * Give me the salt...
  12. Welp the project has been canceled but a new one has arose. I spent way too much FUKIN time on this too. I've done my research and focused on the gameplay first then decor. I'm very close to finishing and I'll give you a description when I finish. All I can say is wait and see. Here are some teaser pictures
  13. Just made my first working KOTH map for TF2s ( It's kinda small and crappy but it works!). Never knew I would enjoy using hammer...
  14. Heya You better not British this...
  15. #HowdoyouDoit? GOTY Edition
  16. -1 for tired +1 for making me tilt my fukin head
  17. I heard Waimalu is a pretty chill dude even though he isn't mod/admin...or is he? He isn't ;-; BUT HE IS NOW :dank: #Waims4xGLeader1954
  18. Waimalu


    I saw the lack of xG tag when you got on tf2 and I sprinted to see if it was true ;-; I'll miss you Bone...
  19. Comrades!...woof!
  20. But you also gotta take what you can get...
  21. Can we make a tabletop simulator Division? I can be the DL.
  22. Why is my mic quality trash on death run, but fine everywhere else... ;-;
    1. Tsuchikure


      because death run is trash
  23. Confirmed truck driver...+1 Also I approve of the new avatars +1