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Status Updates posted by Waimalu

  1. Welcome to autism inc!
  2. How people play tf2 for so long without taking a break I'll never understand
    1. Giraffes


      Sleeping is for mortals
    2. Scootaloo


      Moderation I suppose. I've been at it for four years now, but in light doses.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/muDj4tn.jpg @[2889:@kbraszzz]
    1. Stan_Laurel


      Best chat I have ever seen.
  4. Heroes of the Storm division inc?
  5. Happy birthday m8
    1. Lord_Grenth


      love the profile gif :3
  6. Heroes of the Salt
  7. Hey, I have no control over that stuff but go and make a thread in the tf2 discussion category and I'm sure someone will help you. Good Luck :D
  8. #FreeBobbyWow
  9. I'm home sick and all I've been watching is HOTS videos...Send help...
    1. Waimalu


      Heroes of the Storm for those who don't know...
  10. I still think that the 2013 summer wave members/staff were the best for tf2
    1. Fink


      yeah, remember the low grav deathfall glitch?
    2. Fink


      and remember that guy faith that would always do the duke nukem voices?
    3. Waimalu


      That was beautiful, also when my hiding spot was inside the wall in obby Cuz I would glitch the moving platforms
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. #bringinjbback
  12. "WHO IS THE REAL NOVA!" -ChickenPanda trying to heal the real Bach
  13. Satan comes early...
    1. Waimalu


      Prepare thy anoos
  14. Good night @all
  15. I see it...It's almost here...
    1. Dethman


      no it is not
    2. Waimalu


      Preparing myself for Wednesday
  16. Boo
    1. Dethman


      I am scared, this made me pee my diaper, please ban @[3217:@Bleed]
  17. It's almost done ;-;
  18. Grats on getting in :D
    1. Red


      Thanks :P
  19. I think my skill to hours played ratio is invertedly proportional...
  20. 14 hours of sleep acheived
  21. I've been up all night mapping, progress...12%
  22. It doesn't feel the same...
  23. Motivation...I could use some.
  24. I really do appreciate those trying to lighten up the mood :D <3