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Posts posted by Goblin

  1. ( @kbraszzz Pls mov this to the right place.)


    I don't know why im doing this. :troll:



    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:

    Not really


    18 (yeh ladys)



    If you don't know me im "a Goblin named Gub the niggidy nig da niggy nig nig-nog" (say the full thing).

    bak in the day i rode to hasslehoff and became mod

    time passd and i left cuz i wus bored of xG

    i came bak cuz idk.


    my re-membership resume is:

    i love the littel tykes except choritos he is fgt

    i love the kbrazz the hooki the rejects the fenk the leikoz the 204 the moot and all the other fgt

    i'm good at the 360 no-shit and culd lead the leuge div in the rite direction

    i cum bakfor tf2 cause u guys got old and smelly and i miss the fun that i never actully had.

    +1 me cause i can bring the weeg yoloswag sexy back.

  2. I've looked at the evidence, what it looks like is Josh was being the victim of abuse voteban and freeday spam where they'd refuse to let him be warden,

    Hah from what I remember and experienced that night was that Josh never even had the cells opened up before he gave orders as warden. and was getting votekicked (with some voteban by some randos) for killing the wrong people when trying to shoot a rebel.

  3. -1 This is appalling. I do not discriminate youthful individuals simply because they are young, for the most part I encourage them. Josh on the other hand Is like that one kid that stands behind mom blowing raspberries in your face as you get lectured. He, by no means is discriminated simply for being "too young". Josh's antics range from opening cell doors to threatening to send ban requests to this site for not approving of one of his latest screw ups on blue team. Hell I'd Bitch the hell out of say FORGE if he was blowing it as a warden but apparently If i do it to a kid I get banned.