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Everything posted by Fink

  1. ITS OK GUYS I OVERREACTED I CHANGED MY PASSWORD AND I'M FINE. nothing was stolen. but the guy is getting his ass banned. Fink: sort of 1 highjacking scrub: he did trick me but i still win c; so 0
  2. Thank god guys, highjackers couldn't get into my account. I still have my items.
  3. this is what happened. i was being stupid out of excitedness. this guy adds me and says he has an offer on my unusual, then sends me a link to a very believable steam site. i click it, try to log in, then it asks for my ssfn. i think i already got phished. i didnt give my ssfn though
  4. i clicked a phishing link. i immediately realized it was a phishing link after i tried to log in and panicked. i immediately changed my steam password and sent a support ticket. please don't let me steam account get highjacked. what should i do. its the ssfn phishing steam link (look it up). Someone, anyone, please help. I will be thankful. I have put a lot of work into my games like TF2, and don't want it to go down the drain
  5. Fink


    Dark Knight by far
  6. +1I've seen this happen. he also renames random people, but i don't know if that is abuse.
  7. LUCKILY FINKYPOO IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY +1 A:9/10 M:8/10 ;) stay in school, don't do drugs
  8. Got this idea from reddit Okay I made this thread so we can discuss dislikes for TF2. To me, it is funny to listen to people's problems with the game. It could be about a time you were playing, something you dislike about the community, trading, economy, gameplay, etc. My own examples: playing on a jump server, never been good at rocket jumping so i decided i should practice. i got to course 3 out of 5, so i thought i was doing good for a newbie. then this guy spectates me and says, "wow you suck lol." i told him that this was my first time ever practicing rocket jumping, and surprisingly, i was beating most people on the server. he then said, "i can beat you lol." and i told him i didnt really care. he then beats me and i ask him how long he has practiced rocket jumping. he says around 60 hours. i'm like well no fucking shit i'm bad, i have been practicing for an hour in total you douche. you have devoted almost 3 days of practicing. some of the self-proclaimed "TF2 pros" can be douchebags because they think they are mlg at everything. it pisses me off. this pisses me off the most. so everyday i go on outpost, DESPERATELY trying to sell my 7 bud unusual. i see a trade and awe in glory, as the guy has 30+ buds and wants unusual offers. i click the trade and, "QUICKSELLS ONLY. QUICKSELL IS 50% OF THE ACTUAL PRICE. IF U DON'T DO QUICKSELL OFFERS I REPORT YOU SO GTFO" i'm like you greedy shit you have 30+ buds.. this ruins the economy in TF2. its okay if the guy only has like 1 bud, BUT IF HE HAS LIKE 30 BUDS HE SHOULDN'T BE QUICKBUYING. now comment below
  9. Fink

    Unusual Cockfighter

    Okay hello my name is Fink as you can see. They need unusual motherf.cking cockfighters. I would waste my money for that sh.t. Valve, PLS ADD. What unusual hat would you guys want them to add? POST BELOW #valvepls
  10. Fink

    1. Crona


      The Biggest!
  11. fink's guide on how 2 b good at trading furst u sell all ur stuff for pyrovision goggles THATS HOW U TRADE
  12. i think this F/F when mod/admin is on ammo drops, yes. YES ETERNAL REWARD. sentries are too unfair so noe ;c
  13. Forest, how do i find the xg tiny chat page? ive never used tinychat.
    1. Forest


  14. lord forest, at 5:00 whats the twitch username you want us to watch if we are in the giveaway?
    1. Forest


      Will most likely be on TinyChat.
    2. Fink


      who won?
  15. Funny, active, friendly, knows rules, kewl kid, and not immature +1
  16. Fink

    Biggest Fandom Poll

    yeah i forgot a lot
  17. Fink

    Biggest Fandom Poll

    I'm trying to see what the biggest fandom in xG is P.S. Broras are Dora fans. #broramasterrace It is the most sophisticated fandom on the internet. This pole will be held for 7 days.
  18. Hi, I remember on JB when friendly fire was enabled. It was fun with it, and I know people abused the hell out of it. I just want to know if friendly fire will ever come back to JB. It doesn't matter to me if it is or not, just curious :eek:
  20. Day 44-Still not sure if Goblin is human or not. I might never know.
  21. my pokemon bank free trial is over #icry