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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

  2. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
  3. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    I'm not even active enough on TGH to say I'm a regular. So it's not just people who are regulars there who have an opinion to say.
  4. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    Why not ignore the word staff then. In very post that mentions him as staff, just leave it out and read the rest. What I'm seeing, is that he's a good guy. Only an ass when he needs to be
  5. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    Ok ok okokok. What if you go on TGH, and ask how people feel about Vector. Because, as an example, if you go on Pkmn trade, and ask people about Orgins, they'll say they hate his guts.
  6. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    Let's listen to this man. Because he played with Vector all the time. (No sarcasm intended)
  7. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    #newfagtakeover And also like Moosty said, it would be a REALLY bad idea if we demote him. The TF2 div will go to shit.
  8. Haruka

    [xg:a] Vector

    -1 For any kind of punishment. Sometimes, in the worse people, you can find some of the best people you'll ever know. Ya ya, he might have a REALLY bad attitude at times. But he only does that when you deserve it. Like Moosty said, have you played with him long enough too see what he does for others? I know I haven't played with him a lot, but I know he tries his fucking hardest to make the server fair for everyone. Majority of the time, his shit attitude comes out when he's trying to make the server fair for EVERYONE and theres that one jackass who wants to ruin it. And who are you to say his bans are unfair if you weren't there to see it. If he was abusing his powers, someone would have made a abuse thread along time ago.
  9. Omfg @Vector @John_Madden @BonfireCentipede @Kittylicious
  10. You know damn straight not everyone reads the MOTD. Damn, I didn't even read it until they updated it too last ct. We can't go banning everyone for one offense: unless that mass fk was actaully a mass. Not just him killing afkers.
  11. I thought your allowed to kill Afkers
  12. Haruka

    Fuzz - Garrys Mod

    I like how ya'll are being #hypocrite s. All you guys ever do is fuckin mic spam in the anime room. We other we're doing something or not. "I'll take this potato chip...AND EAT IT :insert dramatic music:" -cows
  13. But maybe it was his birthday.
  14. Haruka

    Summer Plans!~

    How is everyone?~ I thought it would be nice if we could have a friendship circle of feelings and tell everyone our summer plans :3 and I swear to fucking Raptor Jesus if Voly says something stupid I'll end someone. :D -Hachi
  15. Oooouuuuuu. Lemmie think about this. But be prepared when I pick the most manly guy and sing with my girly voice
  16. Oh mah lawrdy. +1 Amazing, active, and all together a good guy :wave: A:8/10 M:9/10
  17. Can you guys like, vouch? If not just don't comment at all IMO.. #Hypocrite
  19. IT HAS HAPPEND ONCE AGAIN. My fair maden lappy has been whisked away from thy. I'll be active on forums, just not in game obvasally xD