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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. I use to love late night JB. But late night trade servers are fun too.
  2. Haruka


    Goblin is love. Goblin is life.
  3. Muzzle how do I get Senpai to notice me? ( @Vector @kbraszzz @Goblin )
  4. Don't mess with the KKK
  5. When signing up for xG, You don't receive any kind of power. You must earn that by being in the clan.
  6. I don't think intentions to mass is bannable. If meezle had better evidence of him attempting to mass, but failing miserably or sucssufully doing the deed (hue), then that's bannable (idk @kbraszzz send help) Also take my phone from me. It auto corrects when I spell hue wrong. What am I doing with my life.
  7. Pretty active, mature +1 A: 7/10 M: 7/10
  8. Fix your ID please. And @Meezel , people always tell me I have to drop my balls. Minutes I have none to drop oFTo
  9. Follow me for free cake.
  10. Close this please? @kbraszzz This guy was never active: so there's no reason for people to be worrying.
  11. +1 long time player, very active and cool A: 7/10 M: 7/10
  12. We need a Sanic map. Gotta go fast
  13. Oh ok. I'll just tag myslef. @HachikoTachibana +1
  14. Oh, Pretty great guy on my end. Pretty active. +1 A; 7/10 M: 7/10
  15. Flute and Saxo Wambo Combo
  16. Haruka


    你好! (everyone else was using cool languages I wanted to too.)
  17. I can't drown my demons, they knoe how to swim.
    1. Goblin


      Thats some athletic Demons.
    2. Fink


      My demons can't even walk..
  18. And whenwe do this hale day (which I think should happen tonight since it's Friday: so there'll be a lot of activity) we should post the TS IP every onec in a while. Or have it one I thoes bubbles that pop up everyone once in awhile. Just an idea
  19. At least half the staff is going to be like "but I'm needed at jb!". You don't need to be on jb all the time. Your STAFF. Not JB STAFF. Your suppose to rotate around and go when called on (if you can). Not be called, then wait 10 minutes to come fix the problem. Staying for at least an hour isn't good enough for the time you want to stay on jb.
  20. Last time I heard, staff had no powers on Slender. So let's fix that (if it's not already).